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Angels, Demons And A Llittle Thing Called Love

001: Repetition

Jacey’s face fell into a pit of disgusted as he stared at the boarding school we were “supposed” to be attending. “I hate it” He growled.

“What!? I personally like it” I said grinning. It was a nice school. A very nice school. Oh! Who am I kidding it’s a GREAT school! It was one of those monumentally big schools that looked like castles. Yeah! Castle school. I wonder if there’s a prince somewhere. Not that I was like one of those idiotic-prince-loving girls. But a school like this would make you think something that.

“I hate this place. A school. That means people. No. Teenagers. Stupid idiotic teenagers! Why couldn’t we be fighting giant talking iguanas instead” Jacey muttered. He is so getting on my nerves.
He’s like a freaking cockroach.

Why can’t he be a little bit happier? I sighed “Jacey would it kill you to be a little more enthusiastic. This mission is not gonna take long anyway. We just gotta find that demon, capture him, bring him back to headquarters and where outta here. SO STOP YOUR MALE PMSING! Wait a minute, did you just say giant talking iguanas!?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

He looked at me apathetically “Yes. And no I’m not pmsing. I just hate this mission. Doc knows how I hate people especially humans. Stupid disgusting humans. And of course he sent us here, to capture that simple minded demon Lanier. When I get my hands on him I gonna rip him apart” He seethed glaring at the school in blazing anger.

Hmmm? Gosh he’s always like this. Why? Why can’t he be happy we have a simple mission as easy as infiltrating a school and capturing a demon set on controlling human minds for his personal games? He’s always in a bad mood. GOSH! Wait, come to think of it, I’ve never seen Jacey crack a smile, or even in a good mood for that matter.

Hmmm? He is a cockroach. I wear. OH! I bet you stalkerish readers are wondering what’s this demon, mission mumbo jumbo? Well to answer your silly little question I’ll just explain it simply; My names Big Eyes but people call me Melody Mondays and me and my friend Jacey aren’t human. And we work for a very, VERY, VERY, VERY secrete organization of inhumans that work to protect the safety of the human race from evil monstrous demons.

To explain it more, I am an angel and Jacey here is a demon. And no he isn’t one of those red flaming cockroaches with horns we all know and hate. And I’m don’t have wings. Okay I have wings, but I can sprawl them out at my will. Right now they are safely tucked deep inside my shoulder blades. And don’t ask how!

To really understand this let us go back 3 hours ago.

**********[3 hours ago]**********

Jacey sucked in a breath as I knocked on the chief’s door. “Please come in” I heard the chief say. I opened the door and me and Jacey entered and sat down on those blue leathered couches Jacey hates so much. The Chief or as we like to call him Doc stood infront of us behind his ebony wooden desk.

“You wanted to see us, Doc?” Jacey asked in a bored tone, just like always.

“Yes! We received news that, that despicable underworld demon Lanier has escaped from imprisonment is plotting something. He was recently was spotted near Milford Hamming Boarding school in Washington. Our sources didn’t tell us what he was planning, but we did notice that few of the children attending the school were reported acting very oddly and bizarre”

Hmm? Weird? “What do you mean acting bizarre?” I asked curious.

“Well” He looks down on a sheet of paper on his desk “Our sources say some of the children were having suicidal episodes, some were reported fainting in random times and some were found in odd places with blood stained clothes and hands and have no rememberence of anything. This obviously calls for our help” he says at us.

Jacey groans “Wait a second. Why do we get this mission? Were far better than this, couldn’t a lower level angent handle this” He aske annoyed.

Yea, that is weird.

For a moment Doc didn’t say anything. “Just shut your mouth and go after him. No questions asked. Here” He said harshly while pulling out a blue piece of paper and swaying it towards us. I was kinda shock. Doc never talked to us that way. I have a vey uneasy feeling about this mission.

I got up and took the paper from him and sat back down. “Your mission, info and other information is written on it. You should be getting your schedules and uniforms in the mail today” He said even harsher “Make sure you get plenty of rest. School starts at eight-fifteen, so make sure you get there on time. Now OUT of my office!!” He yelled. I was taken back but, didn’t say anything.

Me and Jacey exchanged glances and scurried out the office in a heartbeat.

“So what do you think that was about?” I asked Jacey once we were in my room. “I don’t know. But I get the feeling his hiding something” He said.

I nodded in agreement “Yup! Something’s not right. But oh well, we’ll find out what it is when we get there”.

I took in a deep breath and looked at the school gate. “Ready?” I asked Jacey. He sighed “Whatever”. I smiled and we both made are way pass the gate and into the school.
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Thank you for commentig Tomgirlmika! :) really appreciate it!

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