Sequel: Drowning.


We Lost.

She stands in the center of the field looking lost, her long tumble weed blonde hair is pulled back by a headband and pony tail. Her posture is gangly and awkward because of her lack of weight, her eyes are sunken in and her cheekbones jut out. She’s practically swimming in her jersey, which makes her skin look translucent against it’s solid red color. She’s number twenty, and she looks like she could drop dead of starvation at any moment. She’s all bones.

Our team marks up, and of coarse I’m covering her, but I don’t see how she is even able to run to get the ball. I know that put in her shoes I wouldn’t even have the guts to go to school. I admire her. I hope her parents are out there on the sidelines or bleachers admiring her courage to get out on this field, too.

The team she’s on is a JV team, but I’m assuming she’s a junior, because of her height. We’re a freshman team, and we’ve won all of our games except our last one. I have a feeling we’re going to lose this game too.

Number ten is charging up the field, she has black goggles on as a substitution for glasses, she’s huge and has remarkable control of the soccer ball. My skills, or lack thereof, stand no chance against her. She’s already made it past the two girls marking her, and the blonde skeleton next to me is getting prepared as the action brings itself towards our side of the field. I drop back to protect the goal but it’s no use. Goggle girl is a beast. Score number one for the guest.

About three more goals for the other team later, it’s half time. The JV and Varsity coach came to watch us and are giving us some pointers. Apparently the other team has six varsity girls playing for them. The girl with the goggles being one of them, and I feel kind of irritated that they would play against us with so many varsity players instead of getting some freshman, but it’s completely possible that they don’t even have a freshman team, and I guess those older girls are needed. Especially since they have number twenty.

I can’t think of any illness that can make you that skinny, but I don’t just want to assume that she’s anorexic, though that’s the only reasonable explanation. I wonder if once upon a time she was an amazing soccer player. It’s a sad thing to think about.

Imagine all your insecurities and imperfections being made obvious just by your weight and size.