There Is No Formula for Love

The Mondays

Gerard’s POV

“Good morning, Gerard.” Mr. Iero smiled as I sat down in my seat. I was the first one in the classroom as always. He was sitting behind his desk looking fine as always, shuffling papers around and tapping the keys on his calculator.

“Good morning. Have a good weekend?” I wondered, twirling my thumbs.

“It was busy. I shouldn’t have given out so much homework last week.” He snickered.

“Yeah, what was up with that?” I mocked, winking at him playfully.

“Ha, I’ll go easy on you guys this week. Grading two days straight isn’t my thing just yet. Maybe when I’m old and lonely it will be.”

“Lonely? Aww…”

“I’ll just have a cat or an old dog with arthritis or something.”

“That’s so depressing. You don’t have a girlfriend or anything?”

“Nope. Not right now anyway. I’d like to have someone though to be completely honest.”

“Yeah… me too.”

Two seniors walking into the room cut our mildly awkward conversation short. Yes, it was only mildly awkward. I’m not as nervous around Mr. Iero now as I was. I took the weekend to soak things in and accept the fact that I was undeniably attracted to him.

I never suffered from “The Mondays” so my day went by rather smoothly. Mr. Iero was nowhere to be seen at lunch, which honestly bummed me out a little. I think Claire could tell I was sad. I’ve continued to toy with the idea of telling my brother about my crush, but I really don’t think he would want to hear about it. We’re close and all, but he isn’t a little gossipmonger like Claire and I.

When I finished my homework and ate dinner, I went back to my room and passed out. I started dreaming rather vividly of physics class.

Mr. Iero and I were alone in his room. The door was shut and locked and all the windows were blacked out. He sunk down to the floor in the corner of the room behind his desk. I shut the lights off and looked at him. He asked me to take a seat… on his lap. I did.
His hands crept around my waist and he buried his face in my hair. I turned around and kissed him deeply, biting on his lip ring, which he’d taken the liberty of sharing with me. I felt my cheeks turn bright red as my mind wandered to other kinds of intimacy we could share. Mr. Iero pulled back and whispered my name.

My eyes snapped open. I tiny drop of sweat had accumulated under my black bangs. I rolled over on my bed and felt something wet down south. I looked down and gasped.

“No!” I groaned. I let loose a string of curse words, dug through my dresser for clean clothes and ran to the bathroom, praying no one would see me. I made it in safely and cleaned up. Although no one saw me I was still incredibly embarrassed. That was the first time this has ever happened to me. And something told me it wouldn’t be the last.
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