There Is No Formula for Love

Like a Child

Frank’s POV

My heart absolutely melted when Gerard came to visit me after school. The concern he showed me without even knowing what was wrong was even more impressive than the thirty-six pages of notes he took over the weekend. I hate to say it, but I’m afraid the feeling is mutual between Gerard and I. There’s no other explanation for our behavior.


Tuesday morning when Gerard came into class I called him over to my desk. I was thinking about it all night. He needs to know.

My heart was pounding and my palms were coated in sweat as I told him, “I have something to tell you after school today if you can come in.”

“Yeah, totally.” He answered certainly. “Are you ok?”

“Um, kinda. We’ll see.”


I’m sure I was glaring at the clock all day. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to the final bell to come quickly to get this over with or slowly to avoid it. For once I was utterly and completely unsure of myself.

Finally, the bell rang. My seventh period study hall kids filed out and only moments later were replaced by Gerard. He shut the door and pulled a stool up to my desk just like always. I felt my heart pounding like a bass drum and prayed Gerard couldn’t hear it.

“Hey, Mr. Iero.” Gerard smiled.

So innocent. Do I want to do this? No, but I have to.

“Hi, um… I have something I really need to tell you, but I am worried about your reaction. So I’m only warning. If you feel like you need to get the hell out of here then be my guest. I’m only telling you this for your safety.”

“You’re scaring me, Mr. Iero.”

“Do you want me to stop?”

“Just say it.”

“Gerard… I don’t know why, but… I’m attracted to you. Strongly. I hate to admit that and I feel disgusting for it, but it’s the truth.”

Gerard fell silent. Oh, what have I done?! I’ve ruined everything I know it. I covered my face with my hands, expecting Gerard to leave and switch out of my class. However, he went nowhere. Gerard stayed in his spot a good five minutes before even making a sound.

“Wow, Mr. Iero.” He said quietly.

“I’m so sorry.”

“No, no, don’t be sorry.”

“What?” I uncovered my face. Gerard had the tiniest glimmer of a smirk on his face. He shifted in his seat comfortably.

“You’re… you’re a young guy, Mr. Iero.” He smiled.

“What are you trying to say?”

“Just that… it doesn’t freak me out or whatever. Actually, I’m relieved because I have had a crush on you forever.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I thought Gerard was just messing with me. He was taking this so nonchalantly… Like a child.

“Gerard, you… you understand the severity of this, right?” I stammered, leaning forward on my elbows.

“Of course, but I don’t really mind it.”

I opened my mouth to reply, but realized I had no words to speak. I thought long and hard, searching for a response.

“You know, I was just starting to figure you out, Gerard, but there you go throwing me for another loop. I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say a word.” Gerard told me, hopping down from his stool. “Sleep on it. I’ll see you in the morning.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Gerard is getting more confident. :)

EDIT: 10 Stars, guys!! Thank you sooo much for making this story successful so early!! I love you all!! <3

