There Is No Formula for Love

First Name Basis

Gerard’s POV

I began walking home after seeing Mr. Iero. He basically told me he has a crush on me. As ridiculous as it sounds it kind of makes me… happy. No one has ever really liked me before.

I wondered if Mr. Iero and I would be able to do anything about this little crush. I mean, I’m not necessarily looking for a boyfriend. Wait, yes I am. Who am I kidding? I suppose we’ll find out in the morning.


Walking into first period, I immediately noticed the look of sheer relief on Mr. Iero’s face. I went over to his desk right away.

“I was really worried you’d leave my class.” He told me quietly.

“You didn’t freak me out. I told you that. I’m not going to switch out, or tell people, or press charges, or anything like that. But I would like to talk to you about it after school it that’s all right.”

“Of course, Gerard.”


After school I performed my usual routine and looked at Mr. Iero intently. I tried my hardest to keep totally cool while at the same time trying to find the best words to use. The girlish squealing in the back of my head and the intense butterflies in my stomach were no help at all.

“I was just wondering if we were going to… do anything about this.” I told him softly. “Like, we can just ignore it, I guess…”

“No.” He stopped me, suddenly putting his hand on mine. “I-I kind of want to do something about it. As pathetic as this sounds, I’ve been really lonely lately and I’ve been having some drama with my family. I suppose what I’m really looking for is a friend. I just need a real, honest to goodness friend to talk to. Would you maybe… like to be that friend?”

“I would love to, Mr. Iero.”

“Please, in private, call me Frank.”
♠ ♠ ♠
The next few chapters will be pretty short, but a lot will be happening. I am so excited for this story! I love you guys!!!
