There Is No Formula for Love

I Get Off

Gerard’s POV

Well, my first day of my junior year was relatively painless. I still have the same friends and the same enemies. I have all the classes I wanted. I’m most looking forward to physics with Mr. Iero though. He seems really nice, not to mention nice-looking. I’ve never found a teacher attractive before, but that’s probably because the only other male teacher I’ve ever had was my freshman social studies teacher and he was, like, three hundred years old.

Mr. Iero… I don’t know what it is. He has dark hair, dark eyes, nice skin, and I think a few tattoos from what I noticed peaking out of his dress shirt. Normally that combination isn’t a turn on for me. I’ve always gone for guys with light eyes and no tattoos, but… he’s different. It’s got to be the smile. It has to be.

I’m not telling anyone about this though. It’s staying in my head. I’ve heard of lots of people getting little crushes on teachers. I mean, why not? They’re role models. Any natural human could be infatuated by someone they admire. I had a massive crush on Billie Joe Armstrong in middle school because I loved his voice. No other reason except that.

The rest of my day after physics, however, is going to be… interesting and possibly dreadful. I have Honors English with Mrs. Piper, then Italian 3 with Riviello, Honors Comparative Government with Mrs. Smith, Trig with Ms. Feinstein, Honors Biology with Ms. Boek, and finally Varsity Choir with Mrs. Clemens.

I picked out some really hard classes this year. My guidance councilor begged me to add a study hall, but I said no. I don’t do any extra curricular things so I can handle these classes no problem. I’m not looking forward to Ms. Boek in Biology. Her room is across from Mr. Iero’s and I think she has a thing for him all ready. All throughout class I caught her looking through the door at him. Plus, she’s kind of crazy. She makes all sorts of weird noises and throws things.

Anyway, I was sitting in my room with a box of Cheez-its and my physics book, scribbling down formulas in my binder. My little brother Mikey stepped into my room and laughed.

“Nerd! Are you always gawking at a book?” He cackled, sitting down across from me. He slammed the cover of the book shut, making me growl angrily.

“Mikey, seriously? I was almost done. Don’t you have any homework to do?” I breathed.

“Not on the first day! I have better things to do. Like practicing my bass, for example.”

“Then go do that and leave me to my work please.”

“Fine, whatever. Can I have my Green Day CD back now or are you still getting off to the picture of Billie Joe on the inside?”

“Get out, Mikey!” I yelled, chucking my eraser at him. He laughed obnoxiously and jumped out, shutting my door behind him. I rolled my eyes and reopened my physics book, throwing a sideways glance at the Green Day album tucked against the wall beside my mattress. I took it out and threw it across the floor. I hate the days when Mikey is annoying. They happen so rarely, but they’re awful when they do. He must have met some thugs at school today. He’s a freshman. He’s impressionable. I hope he doesn’t mix with the wrong people.
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