There Is No Formula for Love


Gerard’s POV

Two weeks later, Frank invited me back to New York City again. This time he wanted to show me around his borough. My parents were on vacation in Virginia Beach and Mikey was covering me for the night. I told him to tell Mum and Dad I didn’t feel well and needed to go to bed early.

So Frank and I walked around Lower East Side. He kept pointing things out around us. He and I were a lot closer now. I started staying after school almost every night just to talk to him. We were learning a lot about each other.

“I can’t imagine living here after being in Kingston for so long.” I laughed, shaking my head at the bubbling streets.

“I can say the same thing. I don’t know how you deal with all the silence up there.” Frank replied.

“It’s peaceful and a lot less dangerous. Plus, I know most of the people in the city. Here you would never come across the same person twice.”

Frank opened his mouth to respond, but stopped. He got a look on his face indicating deep thought. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. I was intrigued to know what he was thinking.

“You’re absolutely right, Gerard.” He began. “No one here would know who we are.”

“Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?”

“If we wanted to be together in a seemingly legal sense, we totally could in the city! No one would know any different. You’ve only been here twice and I think you could easily pass for twenty. No one would be able to prove otherwise because they don’t know you.”

“That’s insane, Frank!”

“Oh… sorry, I was getting ahead of myself…”

“No, insane in a good way! What a brilliant idea!”

“You really think so?”

“Definitely. I can’t believe that never crossed my mind.”

“Well, then. I guess that only leaves one thing to ask.”

“And what would that be?”

“Would you like to be my boyfriend?”

♠ ♠ ♠
OMG! Holy crap, guys! I am so sorry for neglecting this story for so long!! Things got kinda crazy. I was working with my band a lot and going to work and generally being lazy. I've been having trouble getting ideas. Hopefully, that will end! I finished all my summer homework in less than a month so that I could focus on writing!

Comment if you're still alive! Love you guys!
