There Is No Formula for Love

My First Kiss Went a Little Like This

Frank’s POV

Boyfriend. Gerard. Gerard is my boyfriend.

I played around with the words for quite sometime. He said yes. I couldn’t believe that, but I’m so glad he did.

I took him back to my apartment. Not for anything mischievous. I offered to fix dinner for both of us before sending him home. While my mostly homemade pizza was cooking, we sat on my couch talking. His eyes wandered around, scanning the pictures and paintings on the walls.

I studied his face, content in the silence between us. When he caught my eyes he turned red. I wasn’t embarrassed that he caught me looking at him. Instead I leaned forward, letting my heart take over my mind. I kissed him gently and pulled away. It felt like he knew it was coming. He blinked at me, trying to process what had happened. I almost started to feel bad until he scooted toward me on the couch and put his hand behind my neck, initiating a deeper kiss.

Only the oven timer was able to jerk us out of our unusual situation. I sat back reluctantly and went to get the pizza out of the oven. I leaned against the kitchen counter, looking at Gerard. We were both speechless.

“What was that?” I wondered quietly.

“I don’t know, but I liked it.” Gerard blushed.

“Me too.”

We smiled nervously at each other and I began cutting the pizza into four massive pieces. I put one on both of the blue ceramic plates I put out and set the plates on the table. Gerard sat down across from me and hungrily stared at the piece of pizza. It seemed he wanted the food more than me, but hey, he’s a sixteen year old boy what can I expect?

“New York style pizza.” I winked, displaying how large the thin crust slices were.

“Iss fantaftic!” Gerard shouted, his mouth full of pizza.

I laughed and shook my head, handing him a napkin. It was very tempting to lean across the table and wipe his mouth for him, but I didn’t want to push it so soon.

It only took a few minutes for the pizza to be turned to mere crumbs. It was nearly time for me to return Gerard home to Kingston so we got our shoes, enjoyed one more tiny kiss, and left for the subway.

“Frank, you know I don’t have to go home! My parents are away. Mikey is covering for me!”

Gerard begged as we sat on the subway. He grabbed my arm and stared up at me, his big brown eyes looking sadder than I have ever seen them.

“Are you kidding?” I chuckled, patting his back. “Mikey will have a stroke if you tell him you’re staying with me.”

Gerard sat back and crossed his arms, pouting.

“Not this time, ok, Gerard?” I said softly, bending to look him in the eyes. “Maybe one day.”
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Sorry, it's been so long AGAIN, guys! I've been doing service hours for National Honor Society. I'm about to start my senior year of high school next week. Been searching for colleges and all that jazz. Oh, and my birthday was 2 weeks ago.

Exciting news! I'm writing new chapters tonight!

Even more exciting news! I'm going to see My Chem tomorrow night on the Honda Civic Tour!!! =D I'll fill you guys in in my next A/N

Love you all!