There Is No Formula for Love


Gerard’s POV

It was a Monday night about three weeks after Frank and I became official… or however you want to call it. I was laying on my bed texting him when I heard the doorbell ring. My parents were both at work, about to head home. I heard Mikey answer the door.

“Gerard!” He yelled up the stairs.

I set my phone on my pillow and walked down the stairs. Mikey walked by me saying there was a guy at the door for me. Completely confused as to who it was, I went to the door. Standing in front of me was a tall, blonde haired, brown-eyed boy. Erik.

“What are you doing here?” I inquired, completely forgetting my manners.

“I vanted to see you.” He said simply in a thick accent. He’s always had trouble with his W’s.
I let him in and we sat in the living room. Mikey cocked an eyebrow questioningly. I shook my head and he went up to his bedroom.

“How did you get here?” I asked Erik, still dumbfounded by his presence.

“Airplane.” He replied coolly.

“I mean… um… How are you?”

“All right. I came to apologize.”

“For what?"

“For leaving so soon. I never got to tell you vat I feel for you.”

I swallowed, feeling a cold sweat break out on my neck and arms. I dreamt this would happen last year, but now it was completely unwelcome. I really didn’t want to send him back to Germany with a broken heart. I braced myself for whatever he had to tell me. Maybe he wanted to say he hates me. That may be a lot easier for me to take.

“I really liked you vile I vas here. I regret not telling you. You’ve not left my mind since I left. I felt I had to tell you this. I vas hoping ve could go out a few times vile I was in America.”

“Oh, wow… um, Erik… I hate to break this to you, but I’m with someone now. We can hang out while you’re visiting! That’s perfectly fine, but I’m sorry. I definitely liked you last year, but a lot has gone on since then.”

“Ok, I figured this would happen. Someone like you is bound to be taken. Sorry for bothering you.”

Erik stood up to leave. I jumped and followed him.

“No, no! You didn’t bother me! I’m glad you’re around. I’d love to hang out with you while you’re here! Please? Let’s go do something. When do you leave?”


“Ok, how about we go bowling or something tomorrow night?”


“Great, I’ll see you then!”

“See you.”

I let Erik out and shut the door. I leaned against it and shook my head. Of all the people to be at my door it had to be Erik. Erik, the foreign heartthrob I ached over just last year. Should I tell Frank? I mean, I’m not going to make any moves on Erik. I don’t like him anymore. But Frank still deserves to know, right?
♠ ♠ ♠

So MCR was AMAZING on the Honda Civic Tour!! I had really shitty seats though =P But if they haven't come to your area yet you should goooo haha

Comments please, lovelies <33
School is going to be busy as hell so I'll try to update whenever I can
