There Is No Formula for Love

Open Invitation

Frank’s POV

Gerard rushed into my class Tuesday morning. He sat down across from me, out of breath, his perfect hands spread across my desktop.

“You will not believe who came to my house last night!!” He exclaimed. I gave him an intrigued look. Who on earth is he talking about?

“Erik,” he said, his voice suddenly hushed. “The German guy.”

“Really?” I replied incredulously. “How? Why?”

“He came to tell me he had feeling for me. It was so awkward. I felt awful turning him down.”

“Aw, that sucks.”

“I know, but I said we could hang out before he goes back home.”


“Yeah, I really hope you don’t mind. We’re just going bowling tonight. You can come too if you want! Maybe I’ll get Claire and Mikey to come. It’ll be fun!”

“I would, Gee, but I’ll have to grade when I get home. I’ve been going to bed really late. I can’t be doing that anymore. Plus it's not appropriate for a teacher to hang out with students so close the the school.”

“Oh, ok then. Offer is open though if you change your mind. We’ll probably go around seven.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t be!”

Gerard shook his head, gave me a tiny smile, and sat down in his seat. I couldn’t help feeling the tiniest bit jealous. I know I’m a grown man and my childish emotions should be behind me, but Gerard and I are a new deal. I didn’t anticipate having to share him with another guy so soon. Especially some supposedly “dreamy” European guy. It’s going to take a lot of strength to keep from shirking my duties as a teacher to be with Gerard tonight.


Seven o’ clock rolled around and all I could think about was Gerard. I stared blankly at the test I just gave in Physics 2. Suddenly, my phone buzzed. I dug it out of the pocket of my khakis and flipped it open.

“New Multimedia Message from Gerard Way.” I muttered in a lame computer voice. I hit Ok. A photo popped up. Gerard, Mikey, and Claire were sitting at a table at the bowling alley smiling and waving. A fourth person sat across from Gerard. He was blonde and slender and looked very intense as he stared off to the side. I assumed that was Erik. Not going to lie, I can see the “dreamy” Gerard told me about. I scrolled down and saw the caption “I really wish you were here!”

I smiled to myself, content in knowing he was in a group and that he missed me. I then suddenly wondered if Claire and Mikey knew about Gerard and I. I mean, they just posed for a picture with him. I rapidly typed back, “I wish I was there too! Do Mikey and Claire know?”
My heartbeat sped up as I hit Send and waited for his reply. Several excruciating moments later my phone went off. “No!! I told them I was sending the photo to my mother!”

I gave a huge sigh of relief. It’s not that I distrust his brother and best friend. I just don’t want the information getting into the wrong hands.

I continued grading and writing in peace for the rest of the evening.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eek! I am so sorry, guys!! There are so many things that have been keeping me from posting!!
1. I have soooooooo much homework
and 2. I am currently attempting NaNoWriMo
I have one or two more chapter pre-written. I may post them throughout the rest of November, but for the most part I'll be idle while I finish up my novel.
Sorry again! I will be back!!
Much love always!
