There Is No Formula for Love

Start from Scratch

Frank’s POV

I sat in the teacher’s lounge on my second day, eating my peanut butter sandwich with the other science teachers. Everyone in this hall is really nice and welcoming. Except for Ms. Boek. I am not sure what her deal is, but it’s kind of creepy. She keeps staring at me like she wants to eat me.

However, I made friends with the other physics teacher Mr. Stack, and the chemistry teacher Mrs. Ryan.

“How’ve you been liking East Kingston, Frank?” Mrs. Ryan inquired over her pasta salad.

“It’s really nice. I like it here.” I beamed.

“Any insubordinate students yet?”

“Oh yeah, I’m all ready getting some major attitude from some of the seniors.”

“That’s normal. They all think they’re hot stuff. Just wait until next year when they have to start from scratch again.”

“Ha, yeah, poor kids. I never got senior fever. Even in college. I was always kind of out there, but I still got all my work done. My parents bribed me in high school. They said for every AP exam I got a perfect score on they’d pay for a tattoo. I took eight exams, received eight perfect scores, and got eight free tattoos. My freshman year of high school they said if I got straight A’s in all my honors classes the whole year I could get a double lip piercing. I did that as well. I was a weird kid.”

“But you’re intelligent and polite. That’s all that matters. I can see you being a very good role model for these kids. Even if you look kind of edgy you’ve evidently had to work for everything you’ve ever gotten.”

“That’s for sure, but thank you.”

“Where is that double lip piercing? Do you still have it?”

“Yes, it’s right here.” I pointed to the left side of my lower lip where two tiny holes were barely visible. “Dr. McDowell said he didn’t mind of I wore rings, but I decided I’d save them for dress-down days. Tattoos are plenty.”

On the subway home to Lower East Side I sat on my laptop typing up lesson plans for the rest of the week. It was hard to keep my eyes open. These train rides were about to become my best friend because I know as soon as I finally get home I’m just going to want to eat dinner and go to bed. It’ll be the only time I can grade and work.

When I finally stumbled into my apartment it was well after five o’clock. I stuck a veggie burger in the microwave and collapsed onto the couch, hoping that my kitchen appliances would (ironically) defy the laws of physics and logic to magically bring me my dinner without making me have to get up again. Sadly, that didn’t happen so I peeled myself off the cushions and sucked up the burger like it was nothing. I didn’t realize how hungry I was.

I went into my bedroom and kicked the door shut. I pulled off the button-up, belt, slacks, and kicked off my shoes. I pulled some pajama bottoms up and fell onto my stomach on my bed. I looked at some framed photos of old college friends on my nightstand and smiled weakly, feeling my eyes drift closed rapidly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter.
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