There Is No Formula for Love

Studying Biology

Frank’s POV

We had our first test today in physics. It’s been only three weeks. We’ve covered all the basics all ready. Most of my students did fairly well, but I was pleasantly surprised to see Gerard Way completely demolished the test and earned a perfect score. I knew he would. I think he doubts himself too much.

While I was passing back the tests I saw him put his head on his desk, evidently wanting nothing to do with his graded paper. I saved his for last and laid it on his desk quietly, placing my hand on his shoulder.

“Didn’t I tell you not to give up?” I said in a low voice, bending down by his ear. “You did an outstanding job, Gerard. I’m very proud of you.”

Shocked, Gerard sat up abruptly and his face lit up when he saw the giant one hundred I wrote on top of his test. I laughed quietly, and clapped my hand on his back, making my way back to my desk.

“Dude, how’d you get a one hundred?!” Matt demanded.

“I just… worked really hard, I guess.” Gerard stammered, still in awe.

I smiled to myself. I must be doing something right as a teacher by helping this boy. I think this might be where the role model thing Mrs. Ryan talked about comes into play. One step at a time.

At lunch Ms. Boek came and sat next to me. She offered me part of her turkey sandwich, which I thought was slightly weird.

“No, thank you. I’m vegetarian.” I declined politely.

“Oh, sorry.” She responded, looking put down. “You’re from Manhattan, right?”

“Yeah, I grew up on Long Island and went to school in Manhattan and now I live in Lower East Side.

“So you’re a city boy?”

“To the bone. Although I do find it oddly relaxing up here. I haven’t spent much time up state before now.”

“I love this place, but I’d love to get down to the city. I’ve only been once.”

“Once?! How do you survive? New York City is my pulse. I’ll have to show you around sometime then.”

“That would be nice. You’d do that?”

“Yeah, why not? I was thinking of asking for a field trip down there in the spring. We’ll have learned all the stuff about acceleration and force and work and stuff. New York traffic is a great model for physics.”

“I bet! And I’m sure it would be a nice place to study biology too, what with all the people…”

I felt Ms. Boek’s foot touch mine. I swallowed hard and nearly choked on my pita chip. She pat my back to stop my coughing and I took a drink of water.

“Excuse me.” I wheezed. “That went down the wrong pipe.”

“Are you all right?”


“Um, I better go. I have a lab to set up.”

“See you.”

Ms. Boek left quickly and Mrs. Ryan took her spot. I widened my eyes and shook my head, nursing my water bottle again.

“Not to be rude, but she frightens me.” I admitted quietly.

“She frightens a lot of people. I think she likes you.” Mrs. Ryan replied bluntly.

“Oh… geez.”


“She’s… definitely not my type. I hope that’s not the case. I don’t want to have to turn her down. I’ll feel bad.”

“Not your type, eh?”

“Yeah… I don’t go for women… who are older than me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I wonder if anyone reads this...
