There Is No Formula for Love

The Science of Flirting

Frank’s POV

“All right, guys, let’s start this new chapter. This is where things get tricky. Don’t think you can forget everything we just did in the last chapter. We use those formulas and equations all year.” I told my class.

A few kids groaned and we all opened our books up to the next chapter. I gave them all their assignment and settled into grading some worksheets from my physics two kids. Out of the corner of my eye I kept glancing at Gerard. He had a little bit of a troubled expression all ready. I’m not sure why. All I gave them to do was reading the chapter.

Ten minutes later Gerard dragged his book up to my desk and started asking me all kinds of questions about the content.

“Gerard, are you ok?” I inquired after about the fifteenth question.

“Yeah, why?”

“You know we’re going to cover all of this tomorrow, right?”

“Yes, I know. I just… the wording was a little confusing. I wanted to make sure I was reading it properly.”

“Ok, well, go chill out until class ends. We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

Gerard nodded and went back to his seat. I watched him with a puzzled expression while he packed his bag and sat, staring at the periodic table beside him. Gerard sure is a peculiar student.

During lunch I ventured into the student cafeteria with my lunch. I might as well be down with the kids, right? In a corner I spotted Gerard sitting with a girl and a younger boy whom he looked just like. I pulled up the chair next to Gerard.

“Is this seat taken?” I asked.

“No, not at all.” Gerard smiled. “What brings you here, Mr. Iero?”

“Just wanted to do a little exploring. I’m rarely out of the science building. Who are these guys?”

“This is my best friend, Claire, and my little brother, Mikey.”

“Nice to meet you both. I’m Mr. Iero.”

“Oh, you’re the cute new physics teacher!” The girl, Claire, exclaimed.

I laughed and shrugged. “I guess you could say that.”

Claire’s face turned red. I noticed Gerard was nursing a large textbook, writing furiously.

“The work never ends for you, does it, Gerard?” I mused.

“I’m taking a lot of honors classes. I had a pretty major distraction last night.” He mumbled, glancing at his little brother. “And didn’t have time to finish this assignment for Ms. Boek.”

I almost cringed at the mentioning of her name. The real reason I came into the cafeteria was to avoid her. I know I’m being childish, but at the moment I couldn’t care less. I’d rather go out of my way to avoid a conflict than just sit around and take something I don’t want. In this particular case it could end up being something pretty major.

“She’s quite a character.” I sighed.

“Do you like her? She seems to have a crush on you.” Gerard snickered.

“Ha! Oh no, definitely not. I mean, she isn’t… Well… Um…”

“I understand, sir.”

Gerard smirked and closed his biology book. Claire and Mikey excused themselves. After a few seconds I decided it would be best if I left as well. But before I could move something touched my foot.

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize your feet were there.” Gerard blushed, laughing nervously.

“You’re fine. I’m gonna head back now. See you tomorrow, Gerard.” I told him honestly, standing up.


I gave a small wave and started walking back up to my classroom. I was a little confused. When Ms. Boek touched my foot on purpose I freaked out. How come this supposedly accidental contact with Gerard left me… wishing it was on purpose? This is insanity. It’s going to take a lot more than science to figure this out.
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It's been a while, eh?

Hey, if you get the time it would be great if you checked out my best friend's mibba CocaColaDinoRawr. She's working on her first story and it's awesome if you're into horror and stuff. :)
