There Is No Formula for Love


Gerard’s POV

I feel awful. I am such a liar. Mr. Iero made us read the next chapter in our book and I pretended not to understand any of it. I just… wanted to hear him talk to me for some reason. I was silently hoping for one of those sideways smiles. I understood everything in the textbook. What I’ve yet to comprehend is why I feel so infatuated by my teacher. Sure, he’s good-looking. Great-looking actually. Sure, he’s really nice and down to earth. I also may have had the slightest dream about him once. Nothing major though. Just one kiss.

Oh, gosh. See this? This is beyond boy crazy. I’m fantasizing about my teacher for Pete’s sake! This needs to stop, but I don’t want it to. I mean, something could actually happen. Mr. Iero is a young guy and I turn eighteen in a year and a half.

Why do I care whether it happens or not?! Because I, Gerard Way, have a crush on my physics teacher. Ok, acceptance is the first step I suppose. Now I can work on fixing it. If I’ll let myself.


It was the first Friday of the football season. Everyone was decked out in green and blue. Well, except for some of the eccentrics. I at least wore a blue pair of Chuck’s today.

A bunch of the teachers were dressed down to show their school spirit with shirts and beads and little tattoos. When I walked into first period I looked up at Mr. Iero and nearly stopped dead in my tracks. I sat down quickly and carefully examined my teacher leaning against the front of his desk.

He was wearing a black pair of Chuck’s, some pretty flattering dark jeans, a brand new East Kingston football shirt, some green beads, and a… lip ring?! This was the first time I’d ever seen him wearing the two shiny, sliver rings in his bottom lip.

“Whoa, Mr. Iero. Is that new?” Matt wondered from the back of the room, pointing to his mouth.

“Nope, I’ve had this piercing a for years. I couldn’t find my blue rings though.”

“You’re the only teacher I’ve seen with sweet piercings and tattoos.”

“We were all young once.”

Mr. Iero smiled and looked around the room. I pretended to be studying my planner, but I couldn’t help looking at him. Mr. Iero was borderline sexy today. If only that shirt were fitted…

I shook my head and listened to Mr. Iero give directions. He wasn’t giving homework today because of the game. I was so grateful for that. I knew I was going to have biology homework tonight and probably government as well.

At the end of the period we had about fifteen minutes to socialize. I packed up my bag and looked at the clock. Mr. Iero wandered over and sat on top of my desk, which made me really uncomfortable.

“Are you going to the game tonight, Gerard?” He inquired quietly.

“No, I’m not really into sports.” I told him honestly, trying to figure out how to sit without looking as awkward as I felt. “Are you?”

“Nope, I have to get home. There’s no way I’m getting on a subway late on a Friday night.”

“Yeah, that makes sense.”

“You should ask your parents if you can come down to Manhattan with me one Friday. I’d love to show you around some of the science museums. I think you’d enjoy it.”

“That would be awesome. I’ve never been in the city before.”

“Really? Wow, then you definitely need to get down there sometime.”

“I asked if we could go over the summer, but my mother was worried it would contaminate me. She’s very particular about my brother and I.”

“Aw, well, assure her it’s an educational field trip.”

“I will. Thanks, Mr. Iero.”

“It’s no problem. It’s really different down there compared to here. You can really learn a lot.”

“I bet. It sounds like fun.”

The bell rang and I was relieved from the unusual conversation. I bid Mr. Iero goodbye and made my way to my English room. I sat down beside Claire and leaned over to her.

“I have something major to tell you at lunch.” I whispered.

“You can’t tell me now?” She replied eagerly, looking up form her binder.

“No, there are too many people around.”

“What about Mikey?”

“He can hear it if he wants.”

“Ok. I’ll wait.”


At lunch I got ready to spill my little secret to my best friend and possibly my little brother. Claire and I sat down at our table in the back corner of the cafeteria. Mikey wasn’t there yet so I decided to start without him.

“What did you need to tell me?” Claire prompted, unlatching her Hello Kitty lunch tin.

“Um, I like someone.” I blushed, biting my lip.


“Shh, keep it down. Uh… Mr. Iero.”

“Aww, that’s cute. He’s pretty hot.”

“No, Claire. I have a legitimate crush on him.”


“Yeah, like, a pretty big one too. I have for a little while.”

“So… What do you mean by a pretty big crush exactly, Gee?”

“What could I not mean? I think he’s gorgeous and sweet and… I may have fantasized about him once or twice… or five or six times.”

“Gerard! That’s scandalous!” Claire exclaimed as Mikey joined us.

“What is?” He wanted to know.

“Gerard has a crush on—!”

I clapped my hand over Claire’s mouth to keep her from blurting everything out. I decided I didn’t want Mikey to know just yet. I still need to regain my trust in him from the gang incident.

Suddenly Mr. Iero appeared, walking toward us again. Claire giggled as he began to sit down beside me.

“Speak of the devil.” She muttered giddily.

I glared at her briefly and smiled at my physics teacher. He laughed nervously and looked around.

“Hey, guys.” He greeted us. “How’s it going?”

“Great.” Claire snickered.

I stepped on her foot under the table. Mikey rolled his eyes and poked at his macaroni and cheese.

“Do you play any sports, Mikey?” Mr. Iero inquired thoughtfully.

“Not anymore.” Mikey shrugged. “I played soccer when I was little then did a couple seasons of cross country, but I just got too lazy to keep up with it.”

“That’s a shame. I bet you’d be pretty awesome. You look like a runner.”

“Thanks… I think.”

There was an awkward silence where all four of us ate our food. I tossed my brown paper bag in the trashcan beside us and glanced out of the corner of my eye at Mr. Iero’s lip ring. I raised my hand to my mouth and bit down on one of my fingers. Damn, that lip ring is hot.

“Are you still hungry, Gerard?” Mr. Iero laughed.

“Hmm?” I mumbled behind my hand. “No, just trying to hold back a yawn.”

“Ah, you shouldn’t do that. Better out than in, man.”

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Sorry it's been a while. My friend and I are working on a zombie story called Bloody Knuckles and Shotgun Shells if you're interested. :)
