Cleo & Winston - 'Forbidden Love'

Part Four

Cleo ran up the staircase and into her bed chamber, she locked her door behind her. She slumped onto her bed. She was upset with herself, she shouldn’t have said those things to Winston, she was wrong, but what else should she have said, with all those guards listening. She hoped Winston would find the key she left in the lock...

The bells in the Bell Tower rang loudly. It was time for Winston’s execution. Cleo descended the spiral staircase and followed her mother to the court yard. Winston wasn’t there yet. The Knight Edmund whispered something in the Queens ear, her pale face turned red, then purple, and finally blue, she gasped for breath.
“H...H...How?” She stuttered, and looked at Cleo, opened and closed her mouth several times then looked away. Cleo’s heart skipped a beat – had Winston managed to escape? She looked at her Mother, who seemed lost for words.
“Knights! Search the castle thoroughly! Winston has escaped!” She Shrieked to the entire court yard, then she rounded on Cleo. “Cleo! Do you have any idea how Winston escaped?” She asked suspiciously.
“Maybe he used magic..?” Replied Cleo, innocently.
“Don’t be stupid, Cleo! Those chains binding his feet were made of silver, and a Wizards magic is temporarily lost when they have contact with silver!” Cleo knew that, and she vaguely remembered his feet being tied with silver chains. She was about to suggest something else, when she a hooded figure moving swiftly through the crowds of people coming to watch Winston’s execution. Cleo made sure that her Mother wasn’t looking, then began to follow the hooded figure.

The hooded figure finally stopped in field not too far from the woods. The hooded figure turned to look at Cleo, and he removed his hood...
“Winston!” Cried Cleo, “You escaped!” She ran over to him and flung her arms around his neck.
“Oh, Cleo!” Winston held her tightly in his arms.
“You found the key! Well done! Oh, Winston!” Cleo laughed with delight.
“You mean you left it there purposely?”
“Of course, I wasn’t going to let you be killed!”
“Cleo! Cleo!” Winston pushed her away, and stepped back. “Why did you save me? You’ve put your own life at risk, the Queen will realise you’re missing and come and find you. We have to go far away from here.”
“Winston, I’m not going with you. I only followed you so I could see if it was you and say goodbye.” A pained look crossed Winston’s face. “I’m getting married to Lord Skye...” Mumbled Cleo.
“No! You can’t!” Said Winston, he looked so pained. “You can’t!”
“I have to.” Said Cleo blandly, looking away from him so he didn’t see her cry. Winston took her hand and removed the ring, Cleo opened her mouth to protest, but Cleo had already thrown the ring across the field.
“No,” He said. “You are coming with me. You don’t want to marry him do you? No, you don’t. Come with me, we’ll go far away from here; we’ll travel across mountains until we find a safe place for us to be together. Come with me Cleo!”
“Okay...” Whispered Cleo. Winston pulled her towards him and they began to kiss passionately.

Cleo pulled out of the kiss and looked at Winston.
“I love you.” Said Winston romantically, playing with a strand of Cleo’s hair.
“I love you too.” Breathed Cleo, and she took his hand. At last, Cleo and Winston walked off into the sunset...
