Only Him.


Why is it that teen parenting is frowned upon in our society in the modern time? I don’t get it, really. In the eighteenth to nineteenth centuries, teenagers had kids as early as, well from what I learned in History, twelve. So why is it such a big deal today? What’s mind-boggling to me is the simple fact that parents become completely oblivious to the fact that yes, indeed, teens are having sex. I regretted it at the time, but now I’m a proud parent at the age of seventeen. My son, Liam, is my pride and joy. My girlfriend, Maya, is the love of my life and I’m going to marry that sixteen year old. Liam is one, and he’s doing great for a one year old.

Undoubtedly, Liam is a daddy’s boy. I take him everywhere, we do everything together and I’m teaching him to skate currently. He loves it, and I believe that he’s going to be the next great skateboarding legend. Some people ask me if it’s tough, raising a kid at the age of sixteen-seventeen. I just shake my head and smile, then explain to them that it’s different for everyone. Of course, it has unfortunate times but, really, it’s nice. I take care of Liam, unlike my parents did for me and my little sister Lily. I realized that it is in mine and Maya’s hands to not make Liam a fuck up like what happened with my parents. So far, it’s working.

Liam is slowly making me into a better person, and Maya couldn’t agree more. Before, I was drinking and doing drugs. Now, I only smoke cigarettes every now and again and no where near Liam. I want him to make decisions on his own, and not have myself fuel the fire between decisions that he’s going to make. I’m getting ahead of myself, he’s only a year old for God’s sakes. Let’s wait for his take over, shall we?