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Beautiful Mysteries

Of Beautiful Mysteries

The buzzing audience still talked about me, and I was stopped by at least three people about the stage incident. But that didn’t stop me. Soft hands grabbed my arm in the middle of the rush, and Sheryl nearly yelled at me, “What was THAT?” My mind numbed itself, the words leap frogged into my throat and lodged there. Instead of saying words, I turned and sprinted down looking for this guy. What was that feeling… Love. That’s what it was, pure passionate love I had for him.
I never believed in love at first sight, but I guess I had to now. How could one person be so physically perfect? My heart jumped when I saw him again, my memories did him no justice… He didn’t see me, instead he put back on his mask and I longed to see his face directly after. He ran into the hall, me following.

As soon as the doors shut, the running music and talking shut with it. I’m talking dead silence. Mystery man kept walking; he was a fast walker while I was slow making me almost have to run to keep up. After walking down the hall, he stopped cold, making me take one long stride forward and nearly bumping into him before I stopped too. He just stood there, motionless, wordless, but he was so breathless… We stood there for a minute. Not one sound accepts our breathing. I closed my eyes, feeling beads of sweat run down my temple.

He whipped around, and his face wasn’t so perfect anymore. His eyebrows were drooped down, giving a serious look. His eyes were bolted on me, he locked me shut. I almost gasped, I didn’t expect that…

“Why did you follow me?” He asked. I couldn’t find words, his voice was even perfect. It was smooth, deep, mature…

“I…” I croaked, losing my ability to speak. His lips formed into a thin line, he observed me, he was trying to make me crack with his eyes and boy he was good at it. “I just, saw you and stage on and-"

“That was embarrassing, why did you look at me like that?” He asked, outraged. I closed my eyes, I couldn’t think with that perfect face in front of me. “Sorry…” I whispered. “I just wanted to know you.” I opened my eyes to see him rolling his.

“Yeah well thanks for pointing me out to the entire student body. I’m trying to look invisible ok?” I stared at him, an inquiring look on my face. He took a noticeable deep breath and held it for a while. “I’m Jace…” He said with his exhale. “Jace gray.” I nodded shyly and cleared my throat, “Jenna banks.”

He nodded, his serious look never leaving. “Alright then… that’s that.” He said unexpectantly, and then continued to walk down the hall. “Wait, what? You’re leaving?” I felt dizzy, completely shaken. He looked at me awkwardly, “Alright, sorry. Hi I’m Jace Gray, age is 20, gender is male believe it or not, got some freaky color of brown eyes and black hair.” Did he really just sum up a picture about him? “There, now you know me, now this conversation is over.” He walked faster than before which I couldn’t believe possible.

“Wait, J-Jace!” I screamed. I have no idea what I was doing, being the weirdest goof ball ever to present myself to a guy was something I was doing but I couldn’t just let him leave after such a short conversation! I had to get to know him, I just had too…

I ran after him and it was obvious he was trying his very best to ignore me. He turned sharp around a hallway and sped for the doors. But I didn’t expect was hitting a brick turning. I fell back, my head hitting hard against the tile flooring. I looked behind this brick which turned out to be a person, seeing Jace run for the doors. I sighed, as the guy I ran into helped me up. “Thanks.” I muttered. “Uh, you’re welcome. Are you ok?” He asked. I looked up and was surprised to see someone none familiar. A tall guy with a very light tan that looked good on him yet, with very dark brown hair that was hard to tell that it was brown and not black with a pair of black eyes staring at me. I shook my head as the fog began to clear from my mind. “Yeah, sorry I didn’t see you; I was following someone who… doesn’t know I exist.” I sighed pathetically. He gave me a toothy smile, which looked way good on him. “No it’s fine… and I know how that feels…” I looked at him and our eyes locked. “Are you new here because I haven’t seen you here before just now…” His smile faded, “I’ve been here before you sweet cheeks.” He chuckled, while I blushed. “Oh… well you should’ve said hi.” I mumbled, feeling bad for not noticing him earlier.

“Nah, it’s cool. So you’re friends with that Jace guy now?” I blinked a few times, “You know him already?” He shrugged, “I guess. He’s kinda freaky though, totally to himself, it’s weird in my opinion.” My face burned red, “No he is not! He’s just… new and confused.” I blushed automatically at my reason to why he won’t speak to me. Yup he’s new and confused; he isn’t talking to me because I’m weird and publically embarrassed him.

“Oh… well everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. I was actually getting ready to walk home.” I looked up at him again, “You walk too? How in the world did I not notice you till now!” He frowned, “I guess I’m invisible to everyone. If you’re going too, I would love to walk a pretty girl home.” I couldn’t help but smile, that was… gentlemen of him. I nodded, “I was getting ready to go myself too, not like I can enjoy the party now with everyone nagging me about the stage thing…”

A sweet chuckle left his lips and then he took my hand, “Alright let’s get walking.” The exit wasn’t far away, and I couldn’t help but look left to right to see if Jace was still sticking around, knowing that he most likely wasn’t after that crappy introduction.

“So, where do you live?” He asked. “I’ll lead, so what’s your name?”
“I’m Jenna.”
He nodded, “Love that name.” I smiled, “You’re really nice Austin. Thanks for doing this.” He nodded again, the last light of the day still struggling to stay around. “The sunset is… my favorite time of the day.” He whispered, leaving me stunned. I was yet to know a single guy who would admit that, it made him look mature for sure. The sunset was at the perfect time where a thin streak of gold matched the colors of the forests of dandy lions growing villages on the corner of the sidewalk.

I was surprised to feel butterflies tickling my stomach as we walked hand in hand, “So Austin, did you enjoy the dance?” I mumbled, at a loss for words. “Yeah uh, it was fine. I saw that last end on stage…” I blushed all over again, “You uh… you saw that?” He nodded as we crossed a field of grass and a couple of stray dandy lions. “Well I’m almost glad it happened, I don’t think you would have met me in the hallway if it hadn’t.” I frowned, remembering I hadn’t even noticed the poor guy for the past four years of high school. “Well I’m glad we met too.” I smiled, only for a frown to come when I saw the roof of my house come into view. “Alright, I guess we’re pretty much here.” He said, following my eyes. “Oh… well yeah but… we should do this again.” I said weakly, following with a cheesy smile.

“Well take care Jen.” He said sweetly, waving as he left. I sighed, looking at my house. I had forgotten him all these years and I’m repaid with a sweet walk from him? That was nice of him, I sure did appreciate that, but as time drifted and my mind shut the sweet walk out, my mind soon rejoined the problem of Jace Gray….

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Sorry if its a little junky, I just wanted to introduce the second main character besides Jenna ofcourse ;) Hope you love it anyway!