Maybe It's Real

Chapter Thirteen

I stir the mac n' cheese in the pot with a shaking hand. I hear James upstairs doing who knows what. My knees knock and my head pounds painfully. James wasn't easy tonight. It was horrible. Two hours of hell that I couldn't escape.

Then, of course, James tramples his way down the stairs. His footsteps against the wood of them echo off the empty walls. I hear him make his was into the kitchen where I stand, shaking. James walks over to me and presses himself against me. He breathes heavily in my face. The smell of liquior creeps into my nose. He's terribly drunk. He starts to kiss my neck, biting it roughly. I grimance and keep stirring the food. James growls and smacks my hand off the spoon, sending it flying. The pot of mac n' cheese spins on the burner and falls to the ground. The mac n' cheese spills onto my bare feet. I shreik in pain, trying to move away from it.

James keeps his feet flat on the floor, holding me in my place. He bites my neck furiously. I feel cold blood dripping from a bite. My eyes prickle from the pain of my feet and the bite marks. James grip tightens on me and he spins me around, kissing me even more. He bites my color bone, tearing off my shirt. My heart pounds in my chest with anger. I can't feel that I've had enough. I struggle unomfortably feeling like I want to crawl out of my skin. Well, I always want to, but this time I feel like I need too.

I can't though, of course. James is twice my size, and I'm only just skin and bones. I'll never, ever escape James like this.

Abbie is right, I need to stop this.

But the odds of that happening are zero to none.

Then, the door bell rings. James freezes. He lets go of me and I fall to the ground. I didn't know he was holding me up. I fall to the ground, the mac n' cheese soaking my jeans. James opens the front door and I hear my mom's voice.

She sounds angry.
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+Merry Christmas
+this is my gift.
+I'll update when I can soon.