Maybe It's Real

Chapter Four

"Stella?" A soft voice asks me. I turn my head slowly, taking a deep breath. My six year old sister, Melody, is standing there, tears in here pale blue eyes.

"Yeah, Mel?" I ask, walking over to her, kneeling down.

She points to a brown lump that is laying across the hall from us. Our cat, Simon.

"He won't wake up." She whispers. Grabbing my shaking hand. No, that can't be right. My dad gave me Simon when I was Melody's age. Ten years ago. The two of us walk over to Simon and I place a hand on his soft fur.

His body is cold.

"Is he with Daddy?" Melody asks, her voice filled with tears.

I nod, my eyes filling with salty water.

"Yeah, Simon is with Daddy." I say, a tear falling slowly down my cheek. I sit down next to my cat, pressing my back against the wall. More tears fall down my face as Melody climbs onto my lap. I wrap my arms around her.

And we cry together.
♠ ♠ ♠
+you met some of her family.
+this update is shorter, but they will get longer.
+drop a comment? let me know if I should change stuff.
+thanks for subscribing, anyone who did.
+you're amazing