Maybe It's Real

Chapter Nine

It was raining. The sky was orange because the sun was setting. I walked to the mailbox, my bare feet hitting the puddles. I heard you call "Stella!" by the front porch of your house. I turned, and saw your brown hair stuck to your forehead from the rain. You looked so goddamn beautiful. You motioned for me to come inside your house. I laughed and ran inside it. You gave me dry clothes and we watched a silly movie. We threw popcorn at each other and joked around. It was so much fun. I think about this day a lot and wonder what happened to you. I want to know why you turned into the monster I have to call a boyfriend.


"Stella!" Melody cries as I walk into the chilled house that morning. All of the windows were open.

She jumps into my arms and giggles.

"Hi, Mel. Where's mommy?" I ask. Carrying her into the wonderful smelling kitchen.

"She's in the potty!" Melody exclaims, squirming in my arms. I nod, setting her down. Mom then walks into the kitchen, sweeping her light blonde hair into a ponytail.

"Hello, darling." Mom says sweetly, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello, mom." I answer, leaning against the counter. She gives me a scrutinizing glance, looking at my clothes.

"Stella, dear. Why are you wearing the same clothes as yesterday?" She asks, pulling salt and pepper from a cabinet.

"I didn't bring a bag to Abbey's." I lie smoothly. She nods, shrugging her thin shoulders.

"Alright. Why don't you shower? Lunch will be done in a few." She says. I nod, walking out of the kitchen and up the creaky stairs.

I pass my fathers old office where he spent his days writing. I look at the ground and keep walking.

I push open the door of my room. The walls are now green, my furniture still the same white color. I walk to my dresser and pull out a random outfit. Then I pick up a towel that is lying on the ground. I walk into the bathroom, showering quickly. Then I change and leave my hair down to air dry.

As I walk back down the stairs, a wind blows through a window and I shiver.

It's so cold.
♠ ♠ ♠
+tiny bit of a flashback of when James was a good guy.
+more family stuff. not much though
+comments on change or suggestions? i take either.
+shout outs!
-ribbon's and kisses-
+thanks everyone. A ton.