Sequel: Second Heartbeat

Radiant Eclipse

It's About Time: Part 2 + A Very Avenged Christmas

"Now? It's like five o'clock in the morning."

Ash questioned Johnny.

"I know, but I can't sleep, and I just need to get something off of my chest, before I go crazy."

Stepping back, Ash let Johnny in and closed the door behind him.

"So what's up?"

Ash asked, as she climbed back under her covers.

"I've just realized what I've been refusing to admit to myself, and what everyone has been telling me for the last two months. That I don't want you as just a friend anymore. I want it to go back the way it was before everything happened."

"You do realize, that if we happen again, you can't be hanging around Lacey anymore, right?"

"I know. I swear I will talk to her when we get back to California. So, does that mean …?"

"Before I give a definitive answer, let me ask you something. Do we want to go like Brian and Anne and do the whole open thing, or no? I'm just curious."

"I wouldn't want to. I don't want to have to share you."

"Fair enough. But in the interest of not having this implode again, I think that we should not move as fast as we did before."

"That I can live with. So, I guess the guys are going to get to tell me that they told me so?"

"Over, and over, and over again. They won't let you live it down."

Ash giggled, as she stood up and opened her arms up for a hug. Johnny readily returned the gesture, and wasn't so quick to let her go.

"Fuck, I missed this so much."

He mumbled, when he finally let her go.

"Want to just crash down here?"

Johnny climbed under the covers with Ash, and pulled the blankets over them, and her body to his, before finally closing his eyes and falling asleep. It was about nine thirty in the morning, when everyone gathered in Jess' kitchen, sans Ash and Johnny.

"Love that Ash is the one who told us to be here in the morning for breakfast, and she isn't even yp yet."

Corinne mumbled, as she leaned into Matt's bare chest.

"Someone should go wake her and the gnome up."

Jess did as Zack suggested, but frowned when she found her couch empty.

"Babe, is there something wrong?"

Zack asked, when he saw her face. As if she didn't hear him, Jess headed straight downstairs and opened Ash's door. Walking over to her bedroom, Jess had to bite her tongue from squealing at the sight of Ash and Johnny snuggled into each other. Quietly, she closed the door and ran back upstairs.

"You mind telling me what's going on lady? And why you look like you're about to squeal like there's no tomorrow?"

"So, I went to wake up the gnome, but he wasn't there; couch was empty. So, something told me that I should go look downstairs. So I did; and Ash and Johnny are all snuggled up with each other."


Jimmy yelled, down the stairs; towards Ash's room. Everyone laughed, especially when Johnny appeared soon after, with Ash following closely at his heels. The girls giggled as the guys gave Johnny shit, and while they started to prepare breakfast. After a breakfast of french toast, fruit, juice and tea/coffee, everyone went about packing up all the girls' belongings. Matt and Brian, headed out to the garage and shed to pack those up, while the girls packed up their rooms and Jimmy, Zack and Johnny, worked on getting the kitchens, living room, and W packed. After breaks to rest and to eat, it was nearly nine thirty pm, when they finally finished packing; having left only the essentials out.

"I can't believe we're really leaving."

Mateja pouted, as they sat in Jess' living room for the last time. They had left the furniture out, because they had planned to sell the house as partially furnished.

"This is probably a dumb question, but are we going to get our own place in Huntington, or just keep living like we're living?"

Ash asked.

"I don't know about you guys, but I kind of like the situation we have going now. Why fix what ain't broke?"

Brian replied.

"Honestly, I think that's a good question. What we got going right is great, but if it's an issue that needs to be addressed in the future, we'll discuss it when it comes to that. Should we go out? One last time?"

Without having to say a word, everyone jumped up as they had approved Anne's suggestion.

"Hey Z?"

Ash called out to him, before she headed downstairs to get changed.

"Yes, lil lady?"

"Do you mind if I stay in your guest room for now? I can pay rent or something."

"One, you're not paying anything. Okay, maybe except groceries or whatever, but that's a discussion for another time. And in case you didn't understand my rambling, of course I don't. But may I ask why you're not going to live with the gnome?"

"Even though we're back together, we've decided that it would be a smart thing to take it a little slower. We don't want to jump right into it again, and self destruct."

"Smart thinking. But yes, you're more than welcome to keep living with me. I think Majesty and Icky will greatly approve."

Everyone got ready in record time, and were all back in Jess' kitchen by ten after ten.

"Okay, I swear this time we didn't plan this!"

Corinne giggled, as all the girls came up in the shoes and leggings they wore at the Jingle Ball, a white, v-neck t-shirt, and their Santa Claus hats with Minnie ears. The only difference was, Ash also had a music notes bow in her hair, and Anne pulled her Santa hat over a Team Italy beanie. Grabbing their jackets, wallets and purses, the couples headed out of the house for one last night on the town. They decided to make the short, ten minute walk over to the El Mocambo tavern, as they always had Christmas karaoke night, and the bartender, whom the band knew very well, had just called saying that everyone there would like to see them one last time before they moved. What they didn't know, was that the staff at the El Mo, and the various places where the girls worked, had planned a surprise going away party for the girls. So when they walked into the bar, and everyone yelled "SURPRISE!", the girls were at risk for ruining their makeup before the night even got started.

"So, you two are back together now, eh?"

Wayne. Ash and Jess' now ex-boss at Alley Kat, asked Ash, as Johnny had just gotten up to get her another drink.

"Yeah. But we're trying not to jump right into things like before."

Ash replied, before she thanked Johnny for the whiskey and ginger ale that he had gotten for her. By two o'clock, it was nearing last call, and the girls had graduated to drinking straight from bottles. Ash had her tequila, Jess and Mateja had Jack Daniels, Corinne had rum, and Anne had vodka.


Jess giggled, as Wayne had just left the stage, having sung his own version of Jingle Bells.

"What is it?!"

"We should sing 'Christmas In Hollywood'! And get Jimmy to be Santa Claus!"

Giggling, the girls told the bar staff which song they wanted to do, then went and grabbed Jimmy from the couch. As they waited for the music to be queued up, it was decided that Ash would be J-Dog, Jess would be Da Kurlzz, Mateja would be Charlie Scene, Anne would be J3T, and Corinne would sing the hook After the first verse, everyone in the bar had tears in their eyes, and a fresh six pack of abs from laughing so hard. Especially, as Jimmy stumbled around the stage, as Funny Man, who played the role of Santa Claus in the song. Once the song ended, the girls joined hands, and bowed to the crowd. After last call, they packed up the going away gifts, dropped them back at the house, then went off to Sneaky Dee's for a late snack and last call. Just before leaving Sneaky's, the staff presented the band with small gifts of appreciation in the form of little scale models of the Sneaky Dee's building and mini bottles of their favourite liquors. They also had one last celebratory shot of tequila, with the staff and the guys in Avenged.

"Here's to this amazing place, it's amazing staff and the many memories we forged here. Also, to the band and the new life and memories we'll build in California. And to these fuckers because if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be going anywhere."

Ash called out, lastly referring to the guys in Avenged. Everyone raised their glasses, yelled CHEERS and downed their shots. The girls insisted on hugging all the staff at Sneaky's before they let the guys drag them out of there.

"I talked to Larry earlier, and the moving truck is going to be here at ten to pack everything up. But things aren't going to ship until after Christmas. Is that cool with everyone?"

Matt announced. Everyone mumbled their agreements, as they shivered from the cold. They all grabbed their loved one's hands, and walked as fast as their drunken selves could carry them back home. Taking just enough time to wash up, change, pack clothes away and lay out outfits for the next day, everyone quickly climbed into bed and passed out. The next morning, when it came to loading the suitcases in the vans, the job fell to the guys, as the girls spent most of the time pouting and crying.

"So all the furniture is staying right?"

One of the movers Larry hired, asked Brian as they started to load the van.

"Yes. Except for what is marked, which is mostly small things. Except for the one dresser in the basement."

As the guys had finished loading the vans, when a lady who looked like an older vision of Ash, walked up to them.

"Can we help you?"

Zack asked, as he was the first person to see her.

"Yeah, I'm looking for Ashley. Is she around?"

"Hey gnome! Call your girl, this lady is looking for her! You can wait in the door if you'd like."

Zack smiled at her, as the lady did just so.


Ash asked Johnny, as she had heard him calling her.

"Some lady is here looking for you."

"Did you get a name?"

"No. But she does look exactly like you, just older."

Ash pursed her lips, then stood and grabbed her jacket.

"When do we leave?"

"In forty five."

"I'll be back in ten. Fifteen max."

She pecked Johnny's cheek, and headed upstairs. Ash walked past the lady, and she followed closely.

"Who is that?"

Zack asked Johnny.

"No clue. Ash didn't tell me."

"Ash didn't tell you what?"

Jess and Anne asked, as they had come out to bring two small bags that the guys had forgotten.

"Who the lady was that came to see her?"

"Did she look like an older version of Ash? And actually call her Ashley?"

"How'd you know that? Who is she anyway?"

"She's Ash's mom."

"Why have we never heard Ash talk about her before?"

Jess and Anne glanced at each other, before Anne answered.

"Uh, that's something you should probably ask her."

Ash returned thirty minutes later, with a small package, and a few small gift bags, and immediately placed them into the van. After one last walk through, they thanked the movers and decided to leave for the airport a little early.

"Does everyone have everything they need? And can do without until after Christmas?"

Ash asked, as they file out of the house. Everyone nodded yes, but still seemed reluctant to leave.

"Can we take one last picture?"

Jess asked. All the girls stood in a line, as Matt took the picture, and turned to look at and say goodbye to their house one last time.

"You coming back with me or you going to stay with Zack?"

Johnny asked Ash, as they waited in line to check in at the airport.

"I think I should stay with Zack for now. You know,, until we figure things out for sure."

"Sounds good. Sure we can't have a sleepover every now and again?"

Johnny wiggled his eyebrows at her, and Ash giggled before walking up to the counter. After another long day of travel in the span of a week, everyone was back in California, and the girls started the process of getting their permanent resident status and green cards. The next two days were spent finishing up Christmas shopping and getting ready for the dinner/ugly christmas party at Zacl's.


Jess shrieked with laughter, as she found Ash working on customizing her ugly Christmas sweater, and Anne's vest.

"Well, that is the point! Want me to jazz yours up too?"

"I'm alright. Do you want some wine and then some help?"

"Yes please!"

Jess went to pour Ash and herself each a glass of red wine, then came back to help get covered in tinsel and glitter glue.

"So did you get Jboy anything for Christmas?"

Jess asked, as she glued the S in Christmas onto Anne's vest.

"I did."


"Only if you help me wrap it after?"

Satisfied with her sweater, Ash unplugged her glue gun and went into her closet.

"First, there's this."

She pulled out a garment bag, to reveal a custom made leather jacket, that had a red, plaid lining.

"I love it. He'll flip the fuck out! Well, he better. Or we'll all beat some sense into him. So, what else? Is there anything else?"

"There is."

Ash went back into her closet, to emerge with two separate parcels. One contained a brand new bass pedal, and a new board and case for that pedal and the rest of Johnny's set up.

"What did you get Z?"

"A couple things really. Part of which, is for his eyes only. If you know what I mean."

"And the part we can see?"

"A trip to Disneyland Paris for our eventual honeymoon, and the leather, throne chair that he's had his eye on."

After they finished wrapping Johnny's presents, and through a fit of giggles, Jess helped Ash into her Christmas sweaters, and went to put the presents under the tree.

"That has got to be one of the ugliest sweaters I have ever seen. I love it."

Zack told Ash, when he saw her sweater, which has tinsel glued to it, and tiny, ball shaped ornaments, hanging off of the bottom.

"Babe, can you check on the turkey?"

Jess asked Zack, while her and Ash set the table.

"Do you think we got enough food?"

Ash asked, as her and Jess joined Zack in the kitchen. While the turkey cooked in one oven, there was two pots of mashed potatoes on the stove, along with Jess' homemade cranberry sauce, Ash's stuffing, three cooling pies, and a batch of Christmas pudding.

"Don't forget that there's more coming. Mateja and Jimmy are brining ham, green bean casserole, sweet tamales and cake. Matt and Cor are bringing fish, glazed veggies, butter tarts and shortbread. Anne and Brian are bringing stuffing, sausage, biscuits & gravy, pasta of some sort, and some pies I think. What's Johnny bringing?"

"His mom's pirogues. And the beer."

As everyone started arriving, they had to set up a separate table for the food, as they ended up with more than expected. Once Johnny arrived, not only did he bring the pirogies and beer, but his mom had also insisted on sending sugar cookies, sweet Polish cherry cake, Babka and cabbage rolls. The wine and beer was free flowing, as everyone enjoyed the holidays and each other's company.

"How are we even going to finish all of this?!"

Jimmy asked, as he surveyed the table, when they sat down to eat.

"We'll have to eat leftovers until we leave for tour again."

Brian retorted.

"I have a neighbour that volunteers at the food kitchens. I can ask if they take donations of leftovers."

Matt suggested, as he pour everyone another glass of wine. Zack began to carve the turkey, while Jimmy carved the ham. The next half an hour was spent talking, laughing, reminiscing about Christmases past, and stuffing their faces, until they could no longer do so. It wasn't long before they were all strewn about Zack's living room in a food coma, while The Nightmare Before Christmas played on the tv.

"Should we do presents now?"

Jess asked, as she ran her fingers through Zack's hair. Since he was the closest to the tree, Jimmy got up to start distributing the gifts. He started with the small gifts that everyone got each other, leaving the couple gifts for last. As predicted, Zack gave everyone something from VU, but it was something that was customized to their personal tastes and styles. Matt got everyone a new pair of Under Armor shoes in their favourite colour. Brian and Jimmy combined their presents, as Jimmy gave everyone their favourite kind of alcohol, and Brian wrapped money around the bottles. It was Johnny who didn't do as predicted, and surprised everyone by getting them each a Nixon watch in their favourite colours.

"Please tell me you girls are just fucking with us, and these are all a joke?!!"

Brian cried, as they opened their joke gifts of gummy candies, shaped like vaginas and penises, and for Johnny, several, small garden gnomes. Through their giggles, the girls told them yes and told Jimmy where the real presents were. And being Jimmy, he started with the gifts he and Mateja got for each other. Jimmy unwrapped a set of custom kick drums, that Mateja had designed and gotten made. While he thanked her, Zack went to get Jimmy's present for Mateja, which he had hidden in the basement. Everyone had to cover their ears, due to Mateja's excited screams, as Jimmy had given her a German shepherd puppy and a customized San Francisco Giants jersey.

Anne and Brian went next. Continuing with the custom made theme, Anne gifted Brian with a custom made guitar, which she worked with Schecter to create. Once again, everyone had to protect their ears as Brian had given Anne the keys to Mercedes CLC 350 that she had her eyes on, for nearly three years. Anne still had tears in her eyes as Matt and Corinne went next. Since Matt was building a home studio, they had gifted each other with top of the line microphones, for the studio and for the stage. Matt still gifted her with an open ended plane ticket, to a destination of her choice. And Corinne gave to him, a pair of custom, leather cowboy boots and a matching belt and buckle.

All that were left after that, were Zack and Jess' presents for each other, Ash and Johnny's presents for each other, and the girls presents for everyone. Zack was beside himself, when Jess presented him with a trip to Disneyland Paris for their eventual honeymoon. It was Jess' turn to be reduced to tears, as Zack gave her a matching necklace and ring set, which featured dragons breath opal and black diamonds. The recently reunited Ash and Johnny went last. As she did a good portion of the songwriting for Radiant Eclipse, Johnny gave her a set of fancy notebooks and pens. He also said that he'd pay for the tests that Ash would have to take, in order to become a licensed bartender and tattoo artist in the state of California. After she thanked him, Johnny unwrapped the custom leather jacket she got him, and the new bass pedal, along with the pedal board and case.

Lastly, the girls gave it their gifts to everyone. Ash gave everyone a certificate for a free tattoo and touch up session. Jess gave everyone handmade pillows and blankets for their bunks. Mateja gave everyone vintage records of their favourite artists, that she had been picking up at the store she used to work at, and during their travels over the last few months. Anne gave all the girls a pair of Jimmy Choo's and the guys a pair of John Varvatos. After opening her pair, Corinne was not surprised that the shoe and make up loving Anne had decided to project her love onto everyone else. Finally, Corinne gave everyone the gift of a spa day up at Big Bear Lake.

"What are you naming the little guy?"

Ash asked Mateja, as she scratched behind his ears. Mateja briefly weighed her options, before saying that she wanted to name him Jett. That's when Jimmy chimed in saying that he should be named Max.

"Wanna fight about it?!"

Jimmy drunkenly challenged his girlfriend. While she eyed him suspiciously, Brian and Matt moved the coffee table aside, while Zack started taking bets. Incensed that everyone but Brian had bet against him, Jimmy immediately started to tickle Mateja. It looked very much like he was going to win, until Mateja managed to kick his legs out from under him. From there, she got to her feet and managed to pull Jimmy's shirt over his head, then raised her arms in victory. Having worked up the appetite, they finally started to attack the dessert table, pour themselves each another glass of wine, then drunkenly sang Christmas carols around Zack's fire pit until the sun came up.