High School Hell.

Wednesday 10th October. Day 1

High School. Everybody seems to think that it is a corridor of mess, people and Hell. But it is so much more that. This is my diary of my travel through to hell and back in High School.

Wednesday 10th October.
Day 1 of High School. Form Time- 8.40 am

I walked into the room of new class, yet again. People were throwing paper aeroplanes across the room and there were 6 girls in a group sitting on tables laughing and swinging their legs. I plucked up my courage and silently walked over to the girls. I smiled. They looked at me as if I was mad.
“Who are you?“ the girl with blonde hair asked eyeing me from head to toe.
“Cassie, I’m new.“ I replied anxiously.
“Lets see… Can she hang around with us?“ She asked the brunette girl that was sitting next to her. The brunette girl shook her head. I have a sneaky suspicion that she doesn’t like me already.
“it’s the questions then. Have you ever had a manicure before?” She asked
“No…” ‘what a silly question‘ I thought to myself.
“Have you ever had your hair styled by a famous stylist?” She asked.
“Does Maddy. S count?” I asked nicely.
“Who? No, how many boyfriends have you had?” She kept reeling off all these questions, I thought she was never going to stop.
“3 I think…Jonathan, James, Luke and… Zack.” I counted on my fingers, thinking way back into my memory.
“That’s 4 idiot. Have you ever kissed a boy before?” She asked smiling in a sickening way.
“Yes! It was awesome” I smiled.
She laughed at me. I was quite offended actually.
“Well, one thing right. I think we might have to wait for you to change if you want to be our friends.” She waved me off.
“Why?” I was anxious to make friends.
“Because you are C Crowd. I am the A Crowd. Now, be gone” She clicked her fingers.
"What are crowds?” I asked
“Crowd A: Us, the Six Chicks. Crowd B: Cheerleaders. Almost as loved as us but no boyfriends. Crowd C: You and other people. Normal, no-bodies. AKA: the NN’s. Crowd D: The Geeks. Nobody likes them beside love them. Lastly, Crowd E: The Freaks. Stupid, dumb, weird, crazy and lonely. No friends. AKA: NF’s. We A Crowd don’t speak to people in Crowds from B to E.” She said all this matter of factly, Like, This is a flower, this is a bee. It was Strange. I couldn’t think of what to say so I just raised my eyebrows, in what I thought was a cool way…
“You’re Cassie and I’m Lucia, now buh bye!” Again with all this waving and fanning! Another girl stepped forward and handed me a piece of paper.
“Thanks, what is it?” I asked the brunette girl.
“A map of the school and the crowds hang out places.” She said and then retreated back into the crowd around Lucia.
“I hope everybody had a nice weekend.” A young blonde lady came through the doorway carrying a huge folder of papers under her arm. I was guessing that was the teacher. I was right.
“Cassandra, please come here.” She patted the air next to her. I was shaking all over, knowing a class of 31 people were watching me go to the front of the classroom, I tried not to trip or walk into anything. That would be so embarrassing!
“Why don’t you tell the class a little about yourself?” She smiled and nodded, her voice was soft and calming. I felt a little better.
“Umm… hi. My name is Cassandra Hoodless but people usually call me Cassie or Cass. I just moved here from South America but I’m originally from England.” I looked around the class and noticed that there were way more girls than boys.
“Now, Cassie, you need a seat don’t you? Why don’t you sit next to Sarah?” I noticed that Sarah was one of the 6 people crowded around Lucia and guessed she was a SC.
“But I cant sit next to A Crowd. Lucia said so.” I replied, wondering whether what I had just said was okay and if I was going to get in trouble.
“oh, Lucia, you haven’t been telling the new girl all about this 'Crowd' nonsense. Lucia, what have I told you about this? Well, Cassie, if you don't want to sit there...” She turned back to me. “You can sit next Cameron Kilty.” She pointed to the middle table with Cameron sitting at it all himself. I smiled. He was so hot! When i say hot, i mean HOT!
“thank you, Miss…” Then I realised I didn’t know her name.
“Miss Loveman” She smiled.
“Thank you Miss Loveman.” I was in heaven, I sit next to Cameron every day for the whole of the year left!
I dropped my bag at my feet as I sat next to him. Then I heard a little whisper from Lucia behind me.
“You like Cameron?” She asked. I turned to look at her.
“Well, back off, he’s mine and he’s in A Crowd.” She quietly laughed (sounded more like cackling to me) to herself and her followers. Cameron went to lean back in his chair but he fell off backwards. I giggled but felt bad so i quieted down, the rest of the class were rolling around in fits of laughter. I was not. As far As I could see, I had no friends.
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this one isnt as good. i can safely say i've written better first chapters.