High School Hell.

Day 1 still. First Lesson

Lesson 1. Social Studies - 9.00 am

“NO EQUIPMENT?” He shouted at me. I just stood there and blinked at him. He had hardly any hair and the hair that he did have was grey. The tiny bits of hair that was there was growing just above the ears which made him look like a clown (if it were a different colour from grey). He had a hideous mole on his left cheek which had a black hair growing out of it, I felt like I wanted to be sick.
“Mr Hanna, that’s the new girl! She didn’t know what to bring!” A boy shouted from inside the classroom. Mr Hanna pushed his glasses up his nose and peered at me from behind them.
“New aye? How long have you been here?” He was surprisingly calm now.
“This is my first day, Sir.” I mumbled. I was terrified!
“Speak up girl!” He over-pronounced his ‘Ps’ and spat at me. I wiped it off and repeated.
“Today is my first day, Sir.” I spoke a little louder, worried I would get spat at again. Thankfully he heard this time, he looked about ninety-odd. I wouldn’t be surprised if he couldn’t hear well.
“Ahh, Well, Sit next to Sophie.” He pointed to the table in the corner. Where a small girl with blonde hair in cute little plaits sat. Then all of a sudden a girl’s voice said “She can sit here.” I looked around saw a girl with frizzy blonde hair.
“There you go, you can sit next to Kathy.” I smiled but partly disappointed she was the only one wanting to sit next to me. I dragged my bag over to the table and sat.
“Hi. My name is Kathy. Your Cassie aren’t you?” She asked grinning me.
“Mhm.” I smiled, I need a friend.
She talked non-stop to me all lesson while I was trying to study, I knew we had exams coming up and I needed them. I just looked at her a couple of times and whispered back to her whenever she asked me a question, but otherwise I was fully (or almost fully) concentrated on the lesson.
Half an hour later.
The bell went and everybody shuffled out of the door. I saw that Kathy was next to me in the queue out of the door, so I asked her “what’s next lesson?”
“I have French, so you have Drama.” She said nicely and wandered off down the hall. In the opposite direction to the way I was standing. I dug out my map of the school from my pocket and followed the path to the drama room and just waited there.

4.30, Home time.
How did the day go so fast? It was an okay-day. I’ve had better first days at schools. Considering I have had 9 other first days at a new school, I thought I should be happy with it now, but I was still shocked by everything. I have never looked at one boy and realised I like him before I even met him.

At home. In my bedroom.
8.30, lying on my bed.
I’ve been thinking. Thinking about Cameron and how I will get him. I love him.

Five minutes later.
The SC’s! If I be an SC then he’ll love me! That’s the answer! Tomorrow, bright and early, I’ll put on some makeup and try to get in with the group. In fact. I’ll dig out the makeup now.

Ten Minutes later.
God Damn It! Where did I put it? I have a medium sized pink make-up bag and I can’t find it. Oh, I remember! I tiptoed across my room on the little parts of carpet showing where its not covered in clothes, paper and general junk. I opened my drawer next to my mirror and took everything out, laid it on my bed and there was the bag! Aha! I found it!
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okay, this one's just akward....