High School Hell.

Thursday 11th October. Day 2

Thursday 11th October.
Day 2
At home - 7.30 am
“GET UP! Get dressed!” Mum yelled at me from the lounge. I moaned and rolled over. The word ‘School’ ran through my head. I almost jumped up. I just sort of fell out of bed and crawled over to my wardrobe and pulled off my neatly hung-up uniform and carried it into the bathroom which is across the hallway from my room to get changed. Five minutes later I walked out of the bathroom, looking completely different from yesterday in my uniform. I had my hair tied into a side ponytail with my pink hair slides and my favourite headband. I felt I was sure I was going to get in with the SC’s this time.
I walked carefully down the hall, trying not to let mum hear me going click clack, then she definitely wouldn’t let me wear them to school if she did hear. Well, I wouldn’t be able to go to school because she would have killed me. I decided the best option was to take them off and put them on when I get outside. See, we live in an apartment on Cleo Street.
So anyway, I go into the kitchen and mum has very kindly, yet embarrassingly laid out a bowl, the milk and a spoon. I went into the kitchen, dodging a wet patch in the door way because of the dishwasher. i managed to find (eventually) the Rice Krispes and pour them into my bowl. I added the milk and put everything back, collected my spoon and bowl and trudged into the lounge and sat on the floor in front of the TV. i just raised my spoon to my mouth when i remembered sophistocosity so i sat on the edge of the chair and changed the channel to the top of the pops, resisting to switch to my fave band, My Chemical Romance, i danced round the room eating my Rice Krispies to Kelly Clarkson, Breakaway.
"TURN THAT RUBBISH OFF!!" my step dad shouted from inside the bathroom. 'He shouldnt be listening to my music. Plus, its not rubbish.' I thought to myself.
"NO! KELLY CLARKSON IS NOT RUBBISH!!!!" I shouted back and didnt hear another word from him. Thank god. I can't stick him, He's strange. The song finished, so i finished off my breakfast and i took it back to the kitchen.

On the walk to school, i made some friends! A brunette girl came running over to me from the otherside of the road.
" You're the new girl ae?" She seemed nice.
"Yes, I'm Cassie." I stopped and stood looking at her. I smiled and she smiled back.
"I'm Sue. This is Fiona, Megan" She pointed at the other girls that were with her. Megan was brunette too and had lots of freckles and was also pretty.
"You can call me Meg, if you like." She smiled and started walking on ahead.
"Nobody really calls me Fiona, i'm known as Fifi or Fluffy." A blonde, tall, skinny girl stepped forward, she looked at me and then ran to catch up with Meg.
"Fi isn't a huge talker. She's a fab listener." She then walked on. "You'll be late for school if you dont come with us!" she shouted back.
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter is quite confusing....
and quite long. i apologise. i'm not very good with paragraghs.