Dreams Not Reality

Patient Planning

Macy's POV

30 minutes. He was 30 minutes late! How fucking irresponsible can he be?! We're Seniors for fuck's sake!

Whatever. I might as well lay down while I'm waiting for him.

I crawled onto my bed, curled my legs up to my chest, and stared at the wall. I let the day finally catch up with me, and I was exhausted.It's really fucking crazy to think that in about 9 months, I'm going to be moving away.

Moving away from my friends, my family, my life..Moving away from James.

James. Him with his perfect quarterback muscles. His beautiful light brown hair and tan skin. His straight teeth, ultimately leading to a heart warming smile. The way he holds me. They way he hugs me. The way he writes me cute little love notes.

Every single anatomy of him.

I couldn't lose that.

Slowly, I let my eyes close and drifted into a deep abyss.


"Macy, wake up!"

The voice was muffled, I could just barely make out the words.


I turned onto my back, pushing myself up by my elbows.

"Is it time for school already?"

"Macy, open the fucking window."

My eyes shifted towards the window, where a pissed off face met my surprised one.

"Drew?" I stood up and made my way to the window.

"Thanks for falling asleep." Drew barked as he climbed through my window.

I was torn between saying sorry, praising his ninja skills for scaling the tree to get to my window, or being pissed off myself.

"Well, you shouldn't have been late." I chose the latter, obviously.

"I got held up with.."

"I don't need to hear your excuses. Let's just get started." I walked out of my room and downstairs. Drew followed without arguing.

"So what are your ideas for the 'perfect summer'?" Drew asked as he sunk down onto the couch.

I walked into the kitchen that had a little island that overlooked the living room where Drew was sitting.

"This might sound really cheesy, but to me, the perfect summer consists of multiple things. Bonfires, parties, best friends, and love.."

Drew nodded. "I'm all for it..except the last one."

I poured two glasses of water as I groaned, "Why?"

Drew sat back, "There's no such thing as love."

My jaw dropped. "Of course there is."

"No, there's not. With the people in this world today, love is like a foreign language. Not even, it's pig Latin, the language of the dead."

I rolled my eyes. "I guess I'm not surprised that someone like you doesn't believe in love."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. "That you have never been in love. Like, seriously, do you even have friends?"

Drew glared at me. "Yes I do."

I smile as I sit down. "I love how you totally ignored the first part of that."

"And what? You have?"

"Have what?"

"Be in love." He dragged out the word love, sounding like a dork.

I smiled, "Actually, I have been. I am right now."

"Oh right," Drew scoffed. "That idiot you call a boyfriend."

"He is not an idiot!"

"Yeah, and I'm Budda."

I glared at him, mentally killing him in ten different ways.

Drew looked at me, his eyes widening slowly. "Oh, god. You actually believe he's in love with you, don't you?"

I looked down at my lap. "Of course I do. Why shouldn't I?"

"Because he doesn't."

I glared, "Like you would know. You don't even talk to him."

"Trust me, I have guys like James wired."

I raised an eyebrow.

Drew sighed, "Look, guys like James are all the same. He's the guy that has it all. The looks, the muscles, the rich daddy, the sport skills." Drew looked at me, "And the cheer leading girlfriend."

"So? That doesn't mean anything, the fact that he has all those things."

"Oh, but it does. See, guys like James, they only know how to love one thing. Themselves. It's as simple as that." Drew took a sip of his water. "They just use everything and everyone else for their own benefit. You're nothing to him but a shinning little trophy."

"You're wrong." I looked away as tears pricked my eyes.

"You can say that now, but deep down I think you know I'm right."

I clenched my teeth. "You just think you're so much better, don't you?"

"Never." I could feel the sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"James isn't like that."

"Sure, sure."

I glared at Drew. "Let's just get on with this. I don't want to have to work on it any longer then necessary."

"Fine by me." Drew set down his water. "So I was thinking that we can recreate this so called 'perfect summer' of yours, take picture numerous pictures, and present them in a slide show or something to the class."

I looked at Drew, "That's actually a pretty good idea."

"You say it like it's a surprise." Drew scoffed. "I'm not stupid."

"Huh, now that is a surprise!"

"Whatever. So, maybe you could call your friends and we can get started on the picture taking tomorrow?"

I nodded, pulling out my phone. "What are we going to do tonight?"

"I guess we can come up with things that we definitely need to recreate, and maybe we could find places to recreate them at?"

I nodded again as I sent a text to all the people that we needed to help. When I was done I looked up at Drew and smiled. "Sounds good to me."

Drew pulled his backpack onto his lap and started digging through it. Out of the bag, he produced a note pad and pencil. He flipped to the first page that wasn't written on, and assumed his 'thinking' position. At least I hope thats what his excuse for his position was.

"So, I agree with you about the bonfire. I could definitely get some great shots of that." He murmured out loud as he wrote down the word BONFIRE on his note pad.

"Are we gonna like, pay someone to take the photos or what?"

Drew laughed, "I would take them, of course."

"Good photos?"

Drew rolled his eyes, "I'm not an amateur."

"Okay, but then how are you going to be in any of them?"

"No," Drew said shaking his head. "I always take the pictures, I'm never actually in them."

"Ahh, I see." I smiled. "You're that guy."

Drew ignored this. "Parties would be easy enough. We wouldn't even have to recreate them. I think Chad McCormick is having a party next weekend. We'll have to discard any pictures that have any sign of underage drinking though..so we actually might want to recreate a party.."

I laughed, "Gotta love McCormick's parties."

Drew shrugged. "Best friends. Yeah, we could work with that one. Maybe go down to the beach? That seems very 'perfect summer' to me. Those shots would be amazing, expecially towards sunset."

I looked at Drew, off in his own world. "You really like photography, don't you?"

Drew looked down at his hands. "Yeah, I guess."

We were both quiet then, not knowing how to pick the conversation up again.

"What about staying up late on the phone?" Drew suggested. "That seems like a good thing."


"The mall! We have to take pictures at the mall!"

"That's cool. Any excuse to go shopping is good with me."

Drew put his pencil down. "What else?"

I fiddled with my fingers, the perfect idea swirling around my mind. I was afraid to bring it up, though. I didn't want to get lectured at again. Oh, to hell with it, I thought.

"What about falling in love?"

Drew looked at me. Really looked at me. I froze were I sat, a shiver making its way up my spine. Drew stared at me for an eternity, his golden brown eyes burning holes into my cat-like green eyes.

"We'll see." He finally replied.

In the pit of my stomach, though, I had a feeling he wasn't talking about in pictures.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm, it sure did take me awhile to get this out, but I'm glad I took my time. I know exactly how I'm gonna take this story where I want it to go(:
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