Status: I just lost all my work. I have no idea if i'll write this anymore.

Fall For You

Chapter 1

Lilly woke up with a splitting headache. She couldn’t work out why, she didn’t drink, and she didn’t smoke although she did stay up late studding for her exams that were going to come up in the next few weeks.

Lilly sighed as she got up. Today was Friday her day off from collage but not from work. Being twenty-one did have your perks; living alone, drinking and being in collage just to name a few. She straighten up and stretched her back releasing all the muscles that were tight. She turned around and make her bed before she started to head to the bathroom.

Lilly had worked hard for what she had. Her apartment was small, but it was what Lilly called home. It was a two bedroom apartment, but once you saw the second bedroom you would instantly say it was just one. The bathroom was big well that’s what Lilly liked to think of it as. Every part of the apartment had a touch of a homely feeling, whether it was picture of family and friends or if it was little things that were hanging around the house like books, clothes or shoes.

Lilly walked in sleepily into the bathroom and took her time in the shower. Once she was done she put on her uniform for work. It was a black dress that ended mid thigh, Lilly didn’t mind wearing it though it brought out her cleavage a bit, but that didn’t matter she wasn’t the type that guys went for. She was the quite type. Someone who would never send soup back at a restaurant, even if it was cold.

She left her hair out today and didn’t bother with make-up, there was no one to impress all she really wanted was the pay check at the end of the week. She put on some heels and grabbed her bag and an apple.

She walked out of her apartment and locked the door behind her, taking the stairs. She didn’t like elevators they made her impatient. She took two at a time and managed to make it down the stairs with out tripping.

It was a lukewarm morning but Lilly knew it would only get hotter during the day, it made her feel better that she had gotten the two shifts at the diner instead of only one. She swung her bag over her shoulder and started to walk to work while eating her green apple.

When she got to work she went thought the back door chucking her apple core in the food scraps bin and saying hi to the chef Dave.

“Morning Lilly.” Dave said with a wave of the knife.

“Hey Dave.” Lilly walked past him to a little room where they store all of the coats and bags for the employers. Lilly had a little bit of space which had a sign saying “Lilly’s space” to put her belongings while she was at work.

Lilly came out of the kitchen and walked up to the older woman at the cashier.

“Hey.” Lilly said while getting out her apron.

“Hey Lilly, how’s studying going?” The woman said turning around so she was now facing Lilly.

“It’s alright Angela, I feel lots of late nights coming up.” Lilly chuckled, the lady long with her.

“Ready to start another day?” Angela asked walking out behind the counter and went to the door to change the closed sign to the opened side.

“I was born ready Angie.” Lilly said smiling.

“Good because we have our first customers coming in right now.” She smiled and came back to behind the counter where Lilly was standing. Lilly shook her had a walked over the booths and started putting menus out for the day. She went around making sure that each table had all the cutlery they would need. The door to the diner opened and a whoosh of warm air made its way into the cooled room. The group of people who walked in were loud, really loud. This made Lilly cringed; she didn’t want to have kick people out so early in the morning. She looked up and saw the group make its way over to one of the booths. There were five of them, all men. There was a short one, a tall lanky one who talked really loud, a big buff one, a smaller one who looked a bit more on the tubby side and one who was a bit of both. Lilly noticed they were all laced in tattoos, did it make her weird to want to find out what they were pictures of.

She walked to the counter to grab a note pad and a pen to write down the orders, although she didn’t really need the note pad. She remembered things pretty well. She walked up to the group of boys and noticed that they didn’t look a day over twenty-five. This only made Lilly blush, for a second she thought that she had a chance with one of then guys. Lilly turned around and smacked her head muttering things like “Why would they go out with you, they're good looking guys who would be able to get any girl they want.” She turned back around clearing her head of her thoughts of the boys and just though about serving them their food.

When Zacky herd her muttering to herself, he thought something was wrong with her until he listened more closely to what she was saying. She was talking about them; Johnny, Jimmy, Matt, Brian and himself. When she turned around Zacky’s breath got caught somewhere in side him. The others herd him gasp and turned there heads to see what he was looking at.

Lilly walked over to the booth and grabbed her pen.

“What can I get you guys?” She asked nicely, looking around at all of them.

“Chocolate chip pancakes.” Two of them said at the same time. She looked over to the smallest out of the group and nodded her head also smiling at the tallest. She turned to the others waiting for them to give her their orders.

“I’ll have an omelette.” The one with brown eyes said. “Yep I’ll go with that too.” The guy next to him nodded his head.

“And what about you?” Lilly turned to the guy who was yet to say anything.

“Um…” he looked up at her and stared into her eyes. She felt uncomfortable with him looking at her with all of his friends around. One of the men coughed, making him break the eye contact with her.

“I’ll just have bacon and eggs then.” He said looking over to his friend that coughed.

“Right, okay. What you guys want to drink?”

“Just a jug of Orange juice thanks.” She wrote it down on her pad and told them their order would be done quickly.

Zacky watched her leave the table and walk to the kitchen and give the order to the chief. She turned back around and caught his eye. They both turned away blushing, Zacky pretending to join the conversation that his friends were having, but couldn’t get her out of his mind.

“Isn’t that right Zacky?” Johnny nudged Zack with his foot under the table.

“What?” Zack said clearly not paying attention.

“You’re officially whipped.” Jimmy said clapping him on the back while Johnny was making a whipping noise.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah this just poped up in my head. Not sure if I should write anymore though.
So I would love some comments :)