Status: I just lost all my work. I have no idea if i'll write this anymore.

Fall For You

Chapter 11

Zacky laid away that night thinking about what Lilly had said. His mate’s brother was trying to push her off to some guy in the pack. This made Zack angry; she shouldn’t have to be pushed onto anything she didn’t want to be. For the last few decades years Zack had to make adjustments with society. He had to come to terms with that woman were now equal.

Zack had always said they should be, they were no different from males. Although Zacky still acted a little out of place he always tried his best to fit in. Although when it came to morals he still believed that men should open doors and compliment woman even when they were looking their worst.

Zacky explained to the others what was going on and Johnny wasn’t pleased. After the first night when Lilly had seen Johnny again, Zacky asked him questions till he couldn’t breathe.

Most of them were about her and how she was when she was younger.

Zacky couldn’t image her in high school, he wondered if she had braces or if she had glasses. Zacky stayed up talking to Johnny about her for hours that it was getting on his nerves.

“Dude. Shut up! Okay, I know she’s your mate. But seriously!” Johnny had said storming out of the room.

Every night Zacky would remember everything Johnny would tell him, he would go over the time he spent with Lilly and remembering how she blushed and smiled at certain things Zacky would say. He dreamed of Lilly and having her in his arms but then he’d wake up and realise she wasn’t actually there.

When morning came, the first thing Zacky did was reach for his phone. There was no new text message, he thought that Lilly might have texted him; no such luck. It was Sunday morning; Zacky scratched his head, thinking back to see if Lilly had told him if she was working. She never said anything about it; this left a pleasant smile on Zacky’s face.

You busy today? He texted her. No longer than a minute later there was a reply.

Um, who’s this? Zacky texted back immediately.

Zacky :) Again a reply came fast

Oh gee, I’m sorry Zack smiled at that he could see her blushing and the last sentence made his day. I’m with Michael most of the day .Do you want to come over for dinner?

As soon as Lilly had hit the send button her mouth went dry and her head went into overload. She couldn’t help but think of the possibilities of him saying no. After yesterdays conversation she thought that he might think of her as crazy. The next message came in a second later.

Sure, I’ll be there around six

Okay Lilly messaged back.

Lilly looked at the time noticing that she was ment to meet Michael in an hour. She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, once she was dressed and had her make up on; she grabbed her bag and left her apartment. Lilly started to walk to the mall, where she would meet Michael, after a block she hailed a cab.

Zacky knew this was wrong but he couldn’t stop thinking about her, the only way to get her slightly out of his head was to actually be with her she could never be out of my head Zacky thought at least not completely. Zacky watched her get in the back of the yellow taxi as it sped away.

Zacky didn’t know where the taxi was headed but he wanted to find out. She told him she was hanging with Michael; he didn’t doubt her although he did wonder where they were going.

Zacky held his hand up and hailed his own cab and telling the driver to follow the cab that had just past. The cab driver followed his instructions and took a sharp left. Zacky sat back against the worn seats and let his mind wonder over to Lilly.

After a few short minutes Zacky got out, he paid the cab driver probably more than necessary but the diver didn’t complain. He looked around him and noticed they were at the local mall.

Lilly walked in a few stores and walked back out of them, none of them having what she was looking for. She walked into the last store she thought Michael could be in, American Eagle. She found him in the shoe department trying to decide between two pairs.

Lilly went up behind him and put her hands over his eyes.

“Guess who?” She said in a deep voice.

“Lilly!” Michael squealed as he turned around to give her a hug.

“How did you know it was me?” Lilly’s smile turned into a playful frown.

“You’re my sister, of course I'm going to know it was you.” Michael rolled his eyes.

“Yeah okay, I’ll give that to you.” Lilly smiled at her brother. Not only was Michael her best friend he was also her brother. Mike was the only one she felt comfortable with, she never really had any friends after Johnny left, so she spent most the of the time with him. They told each other everything, Mike telling her he was gay and Lilly telling him that she was going to hide and get away from everyone.

When Dean changed in front of Lilly for the first time, Lilly had to tell someone and the one person she knew who could trust with her life was Mike. They were both fully brother and sister and were never really close to Dean, but then again Dean was both half brother and sister with both of them. She was thankful for when he saved her life from that boy but never wanted anything to do with werewolves. But Dean started having his friends over and Lilly had to get used to the fact that there were a whole lot of topless boys walking around the house and they were constantly changing into wolves. Mike had no problem with it, until Dean found out he was gay and the pack stopped coming over.

But there was always one boy, Kyle who always came over all the time and he always tried to talk to Lilly, most of the time she hung out with Michael when he was over, but that never stopped him. Lilly hadn’t seen him in about five years so she had no idea what he looked like, but she was swore it was the same guy that was with her brother the other night.
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Hey guys, here's an update :)
I'm on holidays now :D and have been for about 5 days :) Hopefully I'll be able to write more. But I would really like 5 comments before the next chapter.
I don't have that much to say, other then I know where this story is going now :)

Here is her outfit And yeah, I want to thank you guys for the 10 stars. =)

And I would like to thank Angel for the banner :)