Status: I just lost all my work. I have no idea if i'll write this anymore.

Fall For You

Chapter 12

Lilly was tired when she arrived back at her apartment later that afternoon. She trudged up the stairs with her bags and once she got inside she shoved her bags in her wardrobe and sat down on her bed, she took her shoes off and lied on it for a moment.

A few minutes later Lilly was sound asleep her mouth slightly open. It was all too soon that she woke up from a knock on the door. Zack stood patiently waiting for Lilly to open the door, he was running a little bit late since he stopped off at the florist and got her some flowers. He knocked again, fear flooding him. Did something happen to Lilly, he watched her all day from a far making sure she was alright. All she did was eat and shop with Michael, he just like to watch her. It was now his favourite past time.

Lilly jumped out of bed and looked at her alarm clock and noticed it was quarter past six. She still hadn’t made dinner and it was probably Zacky at the door. Lilly looked in the mirror and fixed her messed up hair and ran to the door.

She yanked the door open and saw Zacky looking down on her. He had flowers in one hand and bottle of wine in the other.

“Hi.” She bit her lip and let him in.

“Hey.” Zacky smiled. He put the bottle on the table and turned around to her.

“These are for you.” He held out the flowers. They were lilies, her favourite flower.

She chuckled, “Thanks Zacky.” She went into the kitchen to put them in a vase, Zacky following her.

“Um” she turned around to him “I didn’t make anything to eat.” She bit her lip.

“Can’t cook?” Zacky gave a little laugh.

“No, I um fell asleep and forgot the time.” She blushed and scratched her arm. Worry took over Zacky, why would she be sleeping, was she sick?

“Are you alright? Are you sick?” Zacky started asking a thousand questions.

“Zacky, Zacky!” He stopped “I’m alright, I just had a long day with Mike.” She laughed. “What do you feel like, I’ll cook now.” She turned around to her fridge.

He relaxed after she told him her reason, he didn’t like it that she kept things from him, even if it was the smallest thing.

“Zack?” Zacky turned to face Lilly.

“Yeah?” Lilly laughed and shook her head. She re-asked her question, “What do you want for dinner?” She smiled at him.

“Oh! Anything, I don’t mind.” Lilly sighed not happy with his answer. “I guess I’ll just make spaghetti, you don’t mind right?” Lilly asked her brown eyes looking up at him with a little smile.

“No Lilly, I don’t mind.”

“Cool.” She smiled and clapped her hands. She went over to the cupboard and got out the pasta and then got out the sauce pan. Zacky noticed that when she bent down to get the sauce pan that she was wearing a nice pair of lacy black underwear. He licked his lips wondering if she had a matching bra, he knew he shouldn’t be thinking of her like that but it was right in front of him staring him right in the face. It was as if she knew he was going to look there and be tempted to think naughty things. Zacky turned away and looked over to the sink to see the lilies put in a vase. He picked them up and moved them over to the middle of the table.

Meanwhile Lilly was humming a song and waiting for the water to boil. She turned around to see Zacky standing there watching her cook. A blush appeared on her face and she turned to get wine glasses. She handed them to Zacky looking down making her hair fall in front of her face.

Zacky gave a little laugh and grabbed them from her. He walked back into the living/dining room and poured the wine into the glasses. He picked both of them up walking back into the kitchen pasting one of them to Lilly.

Lilly was thinking how normal it was to hang out with Zacky, she didn’t think for a minute that he wasn’t human. Then she thought about what he ate, this freaked her out for a moment.

“Zacky…” she started and took the glass he gave her.

“Yeah.” He took a sip.

“Um” she gulped. “What do you, you know eat?” She looked down a blush appeared on her face. She turned back to the stove to watch the pasta that was now bubbling around in the pot, she added a bit of salt waiting for his answer.

“Can we talk about this when we eat?” Zacky suggested, thinking it was best if she had something to eat and drink if she needed it.

“Yeah okay, it’s nearly ready anyway.” Lilly said taking the pot and taking it over to the sink.

She put the spaghetti in a bowl and added the sauce. Zacky noticed that she gave a bigger amount to him then for herself, Zacky frowned at this. He didn’t really want her to be hungry later, he was going to make sure she ate something else.

Lilly brought over the bowls and Zacky brought over the wine. They both sat down at one end of the small table, both in view of the television although it wasn’t on.

“So, what’s the deal?” Lilly said twirling her fork around her spaghetti.

“Well” Zacky started but waited for her to have her first mouth full. Lilly swallowed and nodded her head motioning for him to keep going. “Of course we have to drink blood. But once we find our mate, drinking someone else’s blood becomes a turn off for us.” Zacky said eating some of his pasta.

“But,” Lilly paused “What about normal food?” Lilly said completely confused.

“Oh we can eat it; it’s actually good for us. Like medicine, you know?” He said taking another bite.

“I wonder what it’s like finding your mate…” Lilly mused out loud.

“Best fucking feeling in the world!” Zacky exclaimed.

Lilly gave a small smile. “I guess it would be like that, finding your mate and having everything perfect, being so in love with them that you don’t notice the world around you.” She sighed. Zacky smiled hearing her talk like this, doesn’t she realise that she is his mate and so close to having it.

“So do you love her?” Lilly asked her eyes dancing with excitement and desire.

“Yeah, yeah I do.” Zacky said his cheeks burning with embarrassment.

“How did you know she was the one?” Lilly asked with a small smile.

“You just know” Zacky said shaking his head. “She is perfect and there isn’t one thing I wouldn’t do for her.” Zacky stared into Lilly’s eyes hoping that she understood his message.

But she didn’t, she put her hand on her heart and awed.

“That is so sweet Zack; I wish to find love like that one day. But you know how men are.” She laughed and shook her head, her hair falling in her eyes. She pushed it out of the way and took her last bite of her pasta. Zacky had finished a while before her, even though he had more pasta then her. What can you say he had an appetite for food.

They cleaned up pretty fast, Lilly washing the dishes and Zacky drying them. They didn’t speak much nor did they have to. Zacky was staring at her and was passing his time doing that and well Lilly she was thinking about Zacky and his mate.

Lilly couldn’t believe there was such a strong bond that holds people together, either be vampire or werewolf. Lilly still didn’t understand why Zacky was hanging out with her all the time if he had a mate. Maybe they're fighting Lilly thought. Lilly didn’t want to the reason him and his mate broke up. What happens if they can’t break up? Lilly got very confused by the last dish. She wiped down the sink and put everything away.

Zacky stood against the counter watching Lilly work. He really longed to have her in his arms. That was the closest thing possible at the moment. He couldn’t think about having a taste of her blood, even if it was to keep him alive. He would eat more food to keep her from being afraid; he never wanted her to fear him.

Lilly turned around and jumped a bit when she saw Zacky staring at her.

“Sorry.” Zacky said immediately.

“It’s cool. I thought you were watching Tv.” Lilly said walking back into the living/dining room.

“Nope, but we can do that now.” Zacky said bring over the rest of the wine.

“Wait one moment.” Lilly got up and went to the cupboard. She got out a packet of chips and a bowl. She emptied most of the packet into the bowl and then went back over to Zacky. She placed it on the coffee table and then plonked down on the couch. There was some really bad movie on television but they both sat and watched it. It was some corny love story where the boy shows his love for the girl, but the girl has no clue that he even feels that way.

They sat together on the small sofa that faced the TV, watching silently. Zacky had his arm draped over the back of the sofa while Lilly crossed her legs under her. It started to get late and Lilly couldn’t keep her eyes open, Lilly’s mind completely switched off once her eyes shut tight.

Zacky noticed that she fell asleep a minute or two later. He saw her head was slightly tilled to the left. That can’t be comfortable. Zacky thought. He knew he was being selfish but he couldn’t help this decision. He pulled her into his arms and went in to kiss her cheek. All of a sudden Lilly moved her face away. She moved it again and then took a deep breath. Zacky moved his head back and watched her, for a second he thought she was having a bad dream but then saw Lilly take another deep breath. All so fast she made a small sound but loud enough to notice it was a sneeze. Once she sneezed she relaxed into Zacky’s embrace cuddling into his side. Zacky gave a quiet laugh and looked down at her. She had pink plump lips and creamy skin. Her smell was driving Zacky insane he wanted nothing more than to kiss her but he knew better then to do that. He settled for kissing her forehead and lied back down on the couch taking Lilly with him.

He closed his eyes once again dreaming of Lilly but this time he knew, he was going to wake up with her in his arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys sorry for the wait. I hope you had a good Christmas and I hope you enter the new year in a nice way. I know I am :)
I was so bummed out when I herd that Avenged isn't coming to Australia anymore. So i didn't really feel like writing. :(
Also BLAME MY BROTHER! He did something really stupid so now i can't get on the computer.
If I get 5 more comments this time then I'll update again really quick because I'm nearly done the next chapter >.<