Status: I just lost all my work. I have no idea if i'll write this anymore.

Fall For You

Chapter 13

Zacky woke up a few hours later, since he was a vampire he didn’t need to sleep as long as humans. It was getting close to six o’clock and Lilly was still sleeping. He was watching her sleep; her breathing was slow and even. Zacky brushed her fringe out of her eyes and stared longing at her beautiful face. Time flew by but to Zacky it was as if time stopped. He had Lilly right where he wanted, with him.

Lilly’s eyes opened slowly blinking multiple times before realizing that she was in fact sleeping next to someone. She looked up to see Zacky staring at her with a little smile on her face.

“Hey.” Was all he said before he sat up pulling Lilly with him. Lilly was surprised to say the least; she untangled herself from Zacky looking embarrassed.

When Zacky saw her embarrassment he immanently felt special, it was him who was making her feel embarrassed not anyone else. Zacky touched his hair and noticed he felt warm. For the past few days Zack had been feeling different. Not a bad different though a good different. He felt as if he was on top of the world and he could take on anything, and he knew it was Lilly that was making him feel this way.

Lilly rubbed her head, trying to remember last night’s events. She remembered cooking dinner and then washing the dishes. Then they both sat and watched a bad movie on TV, neither of them actually watching it though. But she never remembered falling asleep, although it didn’t really matter.

“Ugh, I need coffee. You want some?” She got off the couch and walked into the kitchen, Zacky following behind her.

“Yeah sure, that would be good.” Lilly got two mugs and started to make some coffee.

“What the time?” Lilly asked handing Zacky one of the mugs.

“Nearly seven.” Zacky answers. Lilly’s eyes went wide; she was going to be late for work. “Crap” she mumbled and drowned her coffee burning her tongue in the process.

“What’s wrong?” Zacky asked watching her burn herself.

“I’m gonna be late for work, that’s what’s wrong.” She grumbled. “Wait here, I’ll be back in a moment.” Lilly ran to her room and yanked her uniform off a coat hanger and quickly changed. She pulled her hair into a pony tail and didn’t bother about make up.

She walked back to where Zacky was. He was cleaning the dishes from last night and washing the coffee mugs they just used.

“Oh thanks so much, you’re a life saver!” Lilly said as Zacky saw her come back into the room.

“That’s okay, I’m sorry I spent the night. I guess I fell asleep too.” Zacky lied, he just wanted to be with her, he would never leave her side now, he was in to far too deep.

“It’s cool Zack, don’t worry about it.” She said while looking for her bag. She found it by the door next to her shoes. She grabbed her black flats and put one shoe on her foot, she balanced herself by putting one hand on the wall, nearly tripping in the process.

Zacky watched her get ready for work he was disappointed that she had to work and that he couldn’t spend the day with her, but he was glad he got to spend the night, even if she didn’t really allow him too.

Lilly went to her fruit bowl and grabbed a green apple.

“You coming or you want to stay here. I mean if you stay here and you leave… lock the door yeah?” Lilly said all rushed. Her fringe flew into her eyes and she pushed it out of the way and looked up to Zacky.

“Want me to walk you?” He smirked at her.

“If it’s going to make me late, then no.” She gave him a smile and picked her bag up.

“I’m a fast walker.” Zacky said and quickly put his own shoes on.

“Yeah, whatever vampy.” Lilly rolled her eyes. Zacky stood up and straightened out his clothes that were all crumpled from sleeping on them. Zack then followed Lilly who had opened the door and was waiting in the hallway, yawning. Zacky frowned she was still tired, he really wished right now that she didn’t have to go to work, but she seemed find with it.

Lilly locked up and they made their way down the hallway. Zacky went and pressed the elevator button but Lilly kept walking. Zacky stopped and watched as Lilly opened the door to the stairs and start to walk down them. Zacky stood there, wondering if Lilly knew that she left him there. The elevator made a noise and opened the doors. Zacky walked in and pressed the G button.

Lilly got to the bottom and noticed that Zacky wasn’t following her. Then the elevator doors opened and out walked Zacky. He let out a breath that he didn’t even know he was holding.

He went over to Lilly and gave her a little smile.

“I don’t like elevators, they're too slow.” Lilly gave him an explanation. Zacky just shook his head and followed her out the lobby doors.

Lilly munched her apple and Zacky was watching her out of the corner of his eye. The apple she had was huge and he had no idea how she was going to eat it all. But she did. Every time she took a bite juices would run down her face. She would wipe it away with a finger and then put it in her mouth. Zacky couldn’t believe what this girl was doing to him every time she would do that his pants got a bit tighter.

“Ahh!” Lilly screamed and dropped her apple. Zacky immediately turned to her and grabbed her wrists and side stepping the apple at the same time.

“What’s wrong?!” Zacky looked at her face. Her nose was scrunched up in a way Zacky found so adorable. And her beautiful pump lips were pushed into a pout. Her eyes were closed and there was a bit of juice near her eyes.

“I got apple in my eye.” Lilly sighed. Zacky dropped her wrists and laughed. He couldn’t believe she got all worked up about a little bit of apple.

“It’s not funny!” Lilly wacked Zacky’s arm.

“Yeah it is!” Zacky said still laughing.

“Aw man, and my apple on the floor too.” Lilly eyebrows pulled together and her lips went into a frown. Zacky shook his head trying to stop laughing for her sake. He could tell she was upset; it was her breakfast after all.

“Come here” Zacky said motioning for Lilly to come closer to him. Lilly stepped in front of Zacky and waited for him to speak. But instead he raised his hand and wiped the left over juice from her face. He brushed her cheek with his thumb a few times making sure he it got it all. He stopped but left his hand there cupping her facing.

Lilly moved her eyes from his and down to his lips. She really wanted to kiss him, but she knew he couldn’t. He had a mate and she didn’t want to get in between of that. Love like that is rare to come by and she believed that Zacky was special enough to have it.

Zacky saw her eyes move down to his lips. Does this mean she wants him to kiss her? Zacky moved his eyes to her lips and then looked back up to her eyes. He really wanted to kiss the crap out of her right now, he had waited long enough.

Zacky knew this was probably not the best time to do it, but he couldn’t resist. He lowered his head down to her level and leaned in. He stopped so close that their noses were touching, he couldn’t wait to see what happened when they kissed.

Lilly knew what was about to happen. Although inside she was dying for it to happen, she knew she couldn’t do it. And her attraction to Zacky made it even worse to deny him. She looked up into his green eyes, and for once she didn’t blush.

“Zack, you can’t-” Lilly was cut off. Zacky didn’t want to hear excuses, so he did the only thing he could think of to shut her up. He kissed her.

Lilly couldn’t help but feel like she was in pure bliss. His lips were hard but soft at the same time. His hand was still cupping her cheek bringing her closer to him. Lilly didn’t want it to end, but it was only a small kiss. Zacky pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. He dropped his hand from her face and grabbed her hand instead; he entwined their fingers and gave Lilly one of the cutest smiles ever.

“I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler :|

Sorry for the long wait again. I'm away on holidays and I get back sometime next week. I'm lucky I got on a computer. I don't think I'll get an update out for a week or two because schools starting again :(

Hope you guys are well and tell if there are any mistakes :)