Status: I just lost all my work. I have no idea if i'll write this anymore.

Fall For You

Chapter 2

Zacky left the diner confused about what Jimmy had said was he really whipped. They all went there separate ways before meeting back up later that night. All Zacky wanted to do was go back to that diner and watch that girl who served him and his friends their meal. He didn’t even know her name and he knew is that she was something special.

Lilly had finished her two shifts at work and was starting to grab her things before she went home. Angela came out the back handing Lilly a while envelope. Lilly smiled and gave her thanks before leaving, Angela stoped her.

“There’s a little more then usual in there.” Angela said smiling. Lilly nodded her head and gave her a quick hug. She walked back the way she came passing Dave who still had a knife in his hand and waved by with it again. Lilly smiled as she exited the back door walking out into the hot California air.

It was getting close to four o’clock by the time Lilly had walked most of the way home. She stoped a block away to get groceries for the week. She went to grab a trolley but then thought better about it, how was she supposed to carry all of them home. She settled for a basket and just grabbed the things she really needed, she would come back in a day or two.

A little while later and half a basket later Lilly had ended up in the deli section. She waited in line behind an elderly woman who just started to ask for her order. Lilly had a look around seeing what there was to offer when some guy came and took her place in the line.

“Excuse me.” She said nicely.

“What?” The guy turned around. Lilly clearly thinking he was oblivious to her being there.

“Um, you pushed in line. I was next.” She said timidly.

“No you weren’t” the guy said. “You were standing a whole mile away.” He said moving his hands around to show what he ment.

“Only because I don’t want to get in their personal space.” Lilly said and then realising what she had said.

“Oh I’m so-” Lilly tried to apologies.

“Save it bitch.” He snarled. Lilly was taken back. She had never been called a bitch before, and she didn’t expect her to be called one from someone she barely knew.

Zacky walked into the locale supermarket. It was his turn to bring the beer for the night. Friday night equals boys’ night, sitting back watching the footy, drinking and talking about random crap. It’s not like they didn’t do that anyway but this was a set night.

At this particular supermarket the beer was at the back, this annoyed Zacky why should he have to walk all the way to the back to grab one thing. While walking towards the shelf with there favourite beer, Zacky herd a woman and a man arguing. Normally Zacky would have just walked off, but this voice it was one he would never forget.

He saw the same girl from the diner standing there all hot and bothered Zacky couldn’t help but notice how sexy she was by just getting angry. When he herd the man call her a bitch that’s when Zacky couldn’t take anymore. He walked over to them and stood closer to the girl who only looked to be twenty-three at the most.

“Is there a problem here?” Zacky asked as nice as possible, trying not to scare the poor girl.

“Nar just this bitch is crazy.” The guy said rolling his eyes. By now others had gone around them and taken there order. This was just point less fighting.

“I’m not crazy.” Lilly said throwing her hands in the hand.

“Sure, you’re delusional. Get your eyes checked.” He said chucking to himself. Lilly couldn’t stand to be here where people could see her getting embarrassed. She picked up her basket mumbling a “Whatever” and left.

Zacky not sure what was going on followed her.

“Hey wait!” he caught up to her. She turned around a little to fast for his liking he went straight into her knocking her to the floor. She fell flat on the floor with Zacky on top of her. She groaned when she felt the weight of this man on top of her. Zacky quickly got off her and helped her up. Lilly brushed the imagery dust off her dress and looked up to see green eyes looking down at her.

“Sorry.” She apologised. Zacky couldn’t work out why she was saying sorry it was him who bumped into her.

“It’s alright you don’t need to apologise it was me who fell on you.” He blushed. Zacky never blushed and he couldn’t work out why. He never liked the feeling but it was her who was making him feel like this, and he actually didn’t mind it.

She blushed as well, not knowing what to say.

“So, um-” She started to say but Zacky interrupted her. He didn’t really mean to she could being saying something completely gross and rude and he wouldn’t care. The sound of her voice was like heaven to him.

“I’m Zack.” He gave her his hand.

“Lilly.” She gave a little smile and took his hand. Once Zacky had her hand in his he felt a shock go though him. Zacky didn’t know what it was or what it ment but he like the feeling. Lilly wanted her hand back; Zack was holding it just a little too tightly and a bit longer then normal. Zacky could feel Lilly wanting her hand back and let go giving her a smile. Lilly gave him one back too and bobbed down to pick up all the groceries that had spilled out when he fell on her. He noticed that she had gotten smaller then she already was but then realised that she was grabbing her things.

“You don’t have to do that.” She said in the smallest voice possible, but Zack heard it. He heard everything. Right now he could hear her heartbeat that was moving a mile a minute. It was so clear to him, normally he couldn’t hear peoples unless he was inmate with them. He would have to ask Matt about this later tonight; that reminded him that he had to grab some beer. He got down on his knees and started helping her pick up her belongs and putting them in the basket, although he only put a few in. He helped her up and picked up her basket and started to walk down to the beer section.

Lilly followed him not knowing where he was going with her stuff. She hoped he wasn’t going to steel it, although why would he want her stuff, he didn’t see like the type to do that anyway. She didn’t know which way he went whether it was left or right. She stood there contemplating which way to go when he came out of the left side with a few slabs of beer. She chuckled lightly before she went to grab her basket. But Zacky held it out of her reach. She scrunched her face up no knowing what he was doing and where he was going but followed him anyway. He went over to the checkout putting everything on the counter and getting his wallet out.

Lilly’s eyes nearly came out of there sockets when she noticed what he was going to do. She walked as quickly as she could with out running and put her hand on his saying “I got this”

Zacky felt that connection again when she put her hand on his but shrugged it off as nothing. But he knew she was something special no doubt about it. He shook his head and gave the cash to the girl at the counter who was giving him gooey eyes. He had the nerve to roll his eyes but didn’t and just looked down at the small girl beside him.

The girl rang all the items up and gave them their bags. They walked out of the chilled supermarket and into the hot summer air. Zacky was carrying most of the bags but to him they felt as if they were feathers. Lilly was waiting for him to give her, her things. But he didn’t budge.

“So where’s your house?” he asked her with a smile. Lilly’s expression must have been shocked because Zacky started laughing.

“Hello, home delivery.” He said holding up her groceries with a smile.
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Here's another update even though I didn't get any comments. I guess I'm procrastinating about doing my holiday homework.
Really would love some comments though, or I might actually do my homework.