Status: In my family portrait...

The Art of Losing


"So you talk alot about your family, what are they about?" Reed asked me as we walked out of the library; I laughed a little. Reed gave me a confused look.

"Let's just say I'd need about a whole day to talk about them, ask me anything. Just not that." I answered with a slight smile.

"Hmm, alright how many boyfriends have you had in high school?" he asked, I sighed.

"I have been single since the day I was born. I just wasn't something guys looked at in high school, I was the book worm with no time on her hands." I answered slightly embarressed. He stopped making me stop and look up at him, turns out I was about a foot shorter then him.

"Well I see nothing wrong with you. Put down the book and I see a beautiful woman." he said with a slight smile, I felt my cheeks warm up. "Besides high school guys are idiots, I know I was. All they want is sex...well I didn't want just sex I also wanted the hottest chick at my side."

"So I take it you've had sex before?" I asked.

"Only with one chick, she was actually my girl friend throughtout my four years at Winsdale High. Her name was Jennifer, she happened to be the hottest girl there. But rumors are true, the blonde bitchy cheerleader is an air head. I never really loved her, and I am pretty sure she never loved me. And when I found out she cheated on me with my best friend at senior prom I will never forget the look on her face when I broke it off with her." he said with a laugh, I smiled slightly.

"Kinda harsh."

"I wasn't crushed. So I take it you've never had sex before then?" he asked with a slight grin.

"Actually I have, bad first time. Not willing for doing it in this decade."

"Bad how?" he asked.

"I'm not your girlfriend. I can't share that with you!" I said as I slightly punched him, not hard enough to hurt. He grabbed my arm.

"Well what if I want to call you my girlfriend?" he asked with a girn, I gasped.

"Bu-but we just met, and you don't know much about me! You can't know that quickly! Life isn't anything like romance novels I read! I mean if it was I'd b-" his lips cut me off from finishing my crazy rant. I kinda froze under his touch and as he wrapped my arms around his neck I started to relax and close my eyes to kiss him back. And just like in the books I felt the fireworks, and I don't think the characters ever felt pleasure from a first kiss but warmth shot throughout my body. Now let me remind you, I have never kissed anyone before, I was just praying I was doing it right. When he pulled away it was slow and my eyes fluttered opened to see him smiling down at me.

"Since when does it matter how long you know someone? If you think you found a winner you take it and go. And I am taking it and hoping it'll go. So what'd do you say you become my girlfriend, and you can tell everyone you got yourself a boyfriend?" he asked, I looked down before looking back up at him.

"I-I...ok" I said nerevously, he grinned.

"Aw come on, give me a confindent answer, I know you got it in you." he said.

"Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend." I said with a smile, and for once I was sure for my answer, he smiled and kissed me one more time.

"Well how about instead of listening to your friends phone go off every 10 minutes you wanna crash at my place?" he asked.