Bad things come to those who try

The Pain

I awoke to the sound of screaming. My best friend was standing over me looking distraught. My ex seemed unable to comprehend what was taking place. It struck me as funny that they hadn’t noticed the fighting from before, so I laughed.

The screaming turned hysterical.


“FUCK!” my ex exclaimed.

I tried to sit up and barely managed; there was something very heavy on top of me and many of my bones ached. I was sure that quite a few were broken, but pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind as I shoved aside the heavy weight. When I saw that it was him and why he hadn’t moved, I began laughing.

The knife that I had lost was stuck in his ribcage; I had either been lucky to miss getting stabbed myself, or I was bleeding out and just didn’t know it. There was certainly enough blood all over me for that to be true.

As I checked myself over I noticed that one of my legs wouldn’t move and was turned at an odd angle. I also noticed that I was having some difficulties breathing, meaning I had to have broken a few ribs. I checked his pulse just for the sake of being able to say I did and found him to be alive, albeit barely.

I murmured a curse under my breath rather than a prayer as I grasped the end of the knife still sticking out of his body. With a quick jerk it came free making him gasp in pain and wake up.

Based off of my assessment of myself, the blood that was splattered on my shirt and pants were a result of his wound.

Before he could bleed to death I tore off a piece of his shirt and used it as a compress.
“Why’re ya savin’ me damnit?” he moaned hoarsely as I helped him sit up.

“Because even though I hate your guts I can’t let you bleed to death like this for no damn reason,” I replied, getting to work making him a bandage to wrap around his wound. I noticed that my best friend and my ex were both still just standing there, so I yanked on the sheet and ignored her bare body as I made the sheet into strips of bandages, “the knife slipped through my fingers and ended up in your fucking rib cage. I had nothing to do with that, it could have just as easily gone into mine and we never would’ve been the wiser. Now shut the hell up so that I can ask for help.”

He closed his mouth and eyes and leaned against the wall. I turned to my ex and addressed him since my friend had retreated to the bedroom where she could don some clothing of some kind.

“Could you please call an ambulance? I think I have a broken leg and I think he’s bleeding to death.”

My ex let out a noise that sounded like he was gargling.

When he fell over in a dead faint, I spotted a face in a doorway looking at me. They had heard and had come to investigate.