Bad things come to those who try

The Cafeteria

In a moment they were at the door sneering and taunting.

“Oh look, mommy dearest is here for us,” she told him, sneering in a twisted and ugly fashion, “isn’t that true, brother?”

He nodded and made an equally gruesome expression, “But of course sister dear, mommy can’t have us wreaking havoc on people who don’t know what we’re capable of.”

Thom blinked and suddenly there was blood spilling from his throat. I rushed to him and tried to stop it but there was no hope of it happening. I did the only thing I could do, I licked his throat and it healed up. My spittle was the only part of me that was helpful when it came to helping others.

I stood up and faced the children, who were now outside of the cafeteria. They appeared to have grown tired of playing in there.

I waggled my finger at them.

“Now now children, let’s not fight.”

They exchanged looks and before they knew it, I had plunged a scalpel into each of their hearts. Their heads turned and they glared.

“Mommy,” they said in unison, “steel doesn’t work on us. Not anymore.”

I was thrown down the hallway. Thom had stood up at that point and made a valiant effort to stop me. Instead of stopping, we both ended up at the end of the hallway. The twins were there in a moment.

“Mommy, why do you hate us?”

I sat up and tried to look as composed as possible, “It’s not that I hate you, kids. I just want you to stop doing this.” I gestured at the surrounding carnage. In the back of my mind I wondered just how many people they killed, “This isn’t right and it causes you to age. You know it’s wrong, kids, you just don’t realize it yet.”

They exchanged glances before saying, “No, we like killing. It’s fun.”

I stood up and thought for a bit before speaking. This was going to take careful planning, especially if I was to get them back into the cafeteria. Steel may not work on them but there were other things in there, there had to be. Otherwise it had to be that and that isn’t anything more than a temporary measure; it was obvious from the last time I did that. I helped Thom to his feet.

“Kids, how about we discuss this somewhere I can eat,” I suggested, “I’m kind of hungry.”

They exchanged looks and then replied, “Okay mommy.”

Thom grabbed my arm and gave me a worried look, but I grinned as though I knew what I was doing. I was flirting with death and trying to charm my way out of this endless destruction. These kids were more dangerous than Thom and I, and I thought we were bad.
We entered the cafeteria and headed towards the only clean table. Thom checked for any hidden bodies before sitting at it. The twins sat across from him and played with a couple of knives. Thom being a man couldn’t help but stare at Her and the skin that showed around the blood and hair.

I scoured the entire area for food as I also searched for a weapon of any kind. I had no idea what to use against these two, since they weren’t like they had been before. If they were they wouldn’t have survived the onslaught of Thom and I. What I did must have been the culprit.

Damn black magic.
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Sorry I didn't put this up Yesterday, my internet went out and I was unable to get on AT ALL!!!
lol, not like it matters to anyone. No one's following this as I put it up anyway....^_^