Bad things come to those who try

The Fight

We faced each other.

“So is this how it’s going to end?” I asked calmly, “Get rid of one pain in the ass only to have to deal with another one that’s bigger and badder?”

He shook his head, “No, not at all. You could join me and we could be a team. It’s much more fun going on killing sprees than you seem to think it is. Besides, if you joined me you wouldn’t have to worry about being blamed for any of these murders.”

I glanced around and thought about it, seriously.

“I think I’m going to have to say no,” I replied cordially, “now please get the hell out of my boyfriend’s body.”

He sighed as though exasperated.

“You have so much potential and you’re just going to waste it away because of morals?” he asked me.

I grinned, “What morals? And who said I was going to live much longer? I fully intend to go out in style. Preferably taking you out that way no one else has to deal with such a fuckhole.”

He stared at me and then grinned.

“How precisely are you going to accomplish this, dear?”

“Very carefully,” I replied, “and it involves copious amounts of nitroglycerin.”

He quickly looked around.

And the winner of the first round is my team for making my enemy paranoid.

“Not here dumbass,” I continued when it was clear he was more concerned with not being blown up at the moment than me, “I was thinking of us taking this little battle somewhere with a lot more people to kill. Whoever kills the most gets to decide the rules and then the loser has to follow them.”

He grinned, “I like the way you think, girl.”

I grinned and gestured for him to lead the way. We reached a park and he counted out the people to make sure there wasn’t an even number population before the killing started. Whilst he did that, I checked the perimeter to make sure that none of them could escape. Once that was settled, we figured out how we would tell each other’s kills from the other. I was to slash at their throat in some way and he was to do body shots. Apparently he was cocky enough to believe that I wasn’t as good as he was. It didn’t matter anyway.

We called start and he descended upon the crowd.

The first two people I approached I sliced them from the intestines to their jaw. After that people avoided me while they screamed and ran. I had left a gate open so as to mess with the final count which meant that many of the people I chased ended up finding it.

I kept following him and slicing open his victims before he could get to them; all in all this was an interesting thing to do in your spare time. Plus, most of the people only saw him so they all thought it was only him doing the killing and had no idea someone else was joining in, although I will admit that I wasn’t killing as many people as I wanted to, just for the sake of killing this bastard.

I needed to get close to this prick but I couldn’t whilst he killed people; the way he did body shots required a long reach and lots of gusto and bravado. He must have been originally born in a theater or something.

Finally, he reached the last person in the park, I know because I checked and made sure that the gate was shut again. As he went to slice them open, I slid under him on the blood pooling the ground and sliced this person the same way I had sliced everyone else; from intestines to jaw. The person let out a little noise of pain and crumpled over, dead.

I turned and beamed at him.
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This is the SECOND TO LAST CHAPTER!!! You were warned......
I would really like it if someone would comment on the damn story.....but whatever....