Status: You want some? Come and get some...

The Sound of Pulling Heaven Down

You're Gonna Go Far Kid

Holly walked into her empty house just before it started pouring down rain. She tossed her purse onto the counter and sighed. She always came home to an empty house, Adam never got home until 9 or ten. Eight if she was lucky; he was too obsessed with his job. She jumped when thunder boomed outside, a second later her cell went off.

"Hello?" she answered shaky.

"You okay?" Adam's deep voice said on the other end. He knew she hated storms.

She sighed and sat down at the kitchen table. "Yeah, I just got home."

"You know what I mean." he said; she rolled her eyes.

"What can I do? I can't make the storm go away and I can't hide from it. I've spent six years on my own without you when it was storming out. I'll probably just take a shower, eat something, then turn in early. You'll probably be out late anyways."

"Actually I should be out of here early. I can't do anything else till the lab comes back with the results."

"Oh well do you want me to wait to start supper?" she asked hopeful.

"Yeah. I'll call you when I'm on my way." he said. She felt herself smile.

"Okay, great!" Holly said kicking her shoes off.

"I have to go though so I can finish up my paper work."

"Alright, see you later."

"Bye." he said before hanging up. Holly sighed and set her cellphone down and stood up.

"Great now what to make for supper?" she asked herself out loud before standing up to look around.

Holly wasn't the best cook but she did know how to cook a few things, just nothing fancy. Her mother on the other hand was an amazing cook, Holly loved her food and when she moved away to go to college she lost nearly thirty pounds. She gained at least half it back when she moved back to Scottsdale and her mother forced her to eat. Holly was about 23 when she got her job at Rolling Hills Pre-school and within a few weeks everyone loved her there. She found a place to stay. She'd been too busy with work and saving money up for a place of her own she never bothered looking for someone to date. In college she had a few boyfriends but none of them she ever fell in love with, high school she had one boyfriend...Adam. They dated for a few weeks their senior year of high school only to break it off because they had nothing in common. So when her parents told her seven months ago they wanted her to marry Adam; she laughed at them. Before she knew it she was having dinner with Adam. He told her about his past girlfriends and explained why none of them lasted. She understood the other women's pain today, but she never gave up. In high school the had nothing in common other than their parents were great friends. Today at least they had the jobs they wanted, loved watching horror movies, and they both loved Italian food.

"Jake!" Holly yelled trying to found their dog which Adam insisted they buy so she wouldn't feel so alone when he wasn't home. "Well you lazy beast, least you could do is come and greet me when I get home." she said finding him laying on his back on the couch, he rolled over and climbed off the couch and stretched before slowly walking up to her. "You're just like your daddy, don't like being disturbed when you're sleeping." she added when Jake plopped down in front of her and glared up at her as if saying 'What do you want?' she gave his head a scratch before she headed back towards the kitchen. She was about half way there when the door bell chimed.

"Who could be here in this weather?" Holly questioned as she walked past Jake. He stood up and followed her.