The Killer Notebook


I woke up from a nightmare I had and looked around remembering that I was put in an orphanage. The children here were awful to me and I wish they would just die or bad things would happen to them. I walked over to the window remembering the notebook, with a black cover and a drawing of a skull in the middle of the cover. I don't know why my mother gave it to me, but she said one day I will love the book and write everything in it, but for now it was filled blank pages.

"Hey Amy, I think there something moving on your bed" said one of the boys as he looked at his friend and laughed.

I looked at my bed and saw it was moving. I pulled the covers off my bed and there were worms in my bed. I screamed I was so mad at the boy that I tackled him on the floor. He was surprised and I had both my hands around his neck. I squeezed my hands tighter on his throat, he was gasping for air while tears came running down his face. I wasn’t even responding to his screams. The only thing I knew was that I didn’t want to let go until someone grabbed my arm and yanked me away from the boy I blinked a few times and then realized what was happening. All the kids left running with the lady that yank me from the boy. I stood there while the door closed than I stared at my hands and for some reason I liked it. That I was able to make him cry also to make him want to breathe again a smile went across my face; it was the first time I had smiled since I came here. Later that day in the lunch room, the children kept looking at me and whispering to the other kids next to them. I looked around until I found an empty seat in the back of the room next to a window. The lady was handing out food to everyone until she got to me, she had a face of shame and I didn’t care since I was five years old and have thirteen more years until I can go out and live on my own. I wouldn’t have to worry or care about anyone when they die. As I walked down the hall, these boys who were friends with Jack came walking up to me. They were blocking me from walking to my room.

“Hey it’s that freak that tried to kill our friend” said the tall boy with a little harsh voice. I guess his name is Jack (oh well it didn’t matter to me anyway).

“Can you please move out of my way” I said in an innocent voice, he looked at his friend and smiled. He gave me a hard push, knocking me to the floor. It hurt and the next thing I knew was that they were hitting me until I was bleeding from my noise and mouth. Then they ran away and I got up. It hurt to move my muscles. I used the wall to help me walk to my room, once I was in my room I used the bathroom and clean myself up. I saw that I had bruises all over me. I walked to my bed and laid down looking up at the ceiling. I began to cry for what they did. I grabbed a pencil from the drawer and the notebook and wrote their names down
1. George

2. Jake

3. Tony

4. Mac

I wrote their names in order and left space to write out how I was going to kill them, my first victim was George and I thought carefully of how I was going to kill him. I made a plan and tried to go over every detail I could possibly think of. I wrote it small and neat until I got to the next name. I closed the book, put it in the drawer, and locked it with the key the old lady gave to everyone who had to live here. Jack came walking up to me,

“Hey psycho killer, turn the light off and go to sleep” jack said.

I thought of the name I was going to use for the book and I finally decided it would be called The Killer Notebook. I turned off the light and fell asleep. The plan came to me like it had already happened and I was happy how it was going to turn out. I had no doubt that this plan would be ruined.
The next day I was so happy. It was the day that my plan would go into action. I ran into the kitchen and no one was there. I began to look around for a knife and as I walked around I remembered they were in a drawer. I grabbed a chair and began to look in every drawer until I got to the last one. When I opened the drawer I found the knife, and I moved it carefully so that no body would hear me. I grabbed it and slid it up my sweater. I heard noises coming and I pushed the chair back to where it was, but the noises got closer and I began to panic. I ran to another door and I opened it and went into another room.

“What are we going to cook for the little ones today, Clair” said one of the cooks as they entered the kitchen. They hadn’t noticed that anything had been moved around from their original places.

I peeked through a little whole and sighed. I was happy that I hadn’t been caught and I made my way out fast before they saw me. I began to walk outside to where the other children were. I sat down on a stone bench and looked at the ground thinking over my plan. I looked up at the other kids outside playing and I saw George playing football with his friends. Then I looked back at everyone and I remembered that the knife was still inside the sleeve of my sweater. It started to get late and it was time to go inside and go to our classes. As I walked in and sat in my seat, the teacher came in. She taught us how to read so in the future if we didn’t get adopted we would still have an education to get a job. As time pass by I realized it was around nine o’clock. I heard a voice outside and I got out of bed. I looked out the window and saw George getting his football from behind the bushes. I walked quietly to get my sweater and continued to walk past everybody in the room. I opened the door and walk out quietly, closing the door behind me and began to walk down the hallway towards the back door. As I walk outside I checked my pocket and I still had the knife in it. I put on gloves so no finger prints would be on the knife and as I walked behind him I took out the knife. Once he saw a shadow he looked behind him, he looked scared when he saw me with the knife and I quickly stabbed him in the back at least six times. He was dead. I took out a napkin and wiped the blood off of it, and put it back inside my pocket. I started to drag his body to the garden where the plants weren’t growing and dug a whole deep enough for him to go in. I buried him inside of the whole and covered it up. I planted new seeds into it to make it seem like nothing had changed. I grabbed the garden hose and watered the garden and where the blood was. Everything looked normal in the backyard. I walked over and turn off the hose and walked back to the room. While I was walking back I didn’t feel guilty, I was happy that I killed him. I took out the knife and opened the drawer and put the knife in it and grabbed my notebook. I opened the page where the names were and I drew a line across George name, my next victim was Jake. I closed the book, put it back into the drawer, locked it and hoped that while I was sleeping my next plan would come to me in a dream. I woke up the next morning and went to the bathroom to wet my face; once I looked at the bathroom mirror it reflected the window and I saw police cars. I turned around and looked out the window and there were two police cars outside. Sandy, one of the ladies who work here, was crying on the shoulder of Clair, both of them were crying. I walked out of the bathroom and everyone was beginning to wake up, they got out of their beds and all pushed to get to the bathroom to brush their teeth. They started to run downstairs to have breakfast and I followed them too. Once we were all downstairs the police were still there talking to Clair and Sandy, once they saw us they had us go to the room where we ate. Everyone was talking about what could have happened.

“Maybe there here to take Amy to jail since she’s a freak” said Jake

I was mad and I left the room and quietly went to my room. Once I opened the door I had to think of what I was going to do with the knife and had a plan. I walked over to the drawer and opened it; I grabbed my notebook and wrote my plan for Jake. I noticed that one of the floor tiles were opened next to my bed, so I open it and hid the notebook in it and put the tile back where it was. I grabbed my gloves, and I grabbed the knife and put it inside Jake drawer and the napkin I used to clean the blood with it. I took off my gloves and hid them under the mattress. I walked back downstairs to the room where everyone was and sat back down. A few minutes the police came back with the old ladies.

“Well kids go up to your rooms and stand next your beds, the nice gentleman is going to go look at your stuff.” she said

I walked to the end of the room from the back and stood there quietly looking to see if they would get to Jakes side soon. I hoped that they would find that he killed George. One by one they were looking through the children’s things until they finally got to Jake. I started to get excited, but I didn’t want to show it to people, so I held it back and tried to stay calm. The police officer opened Jake’s drawer and was shocked. He put his hand in and took out the knife and the napkin covered with blood, everyone gasped.

“Hey Steve, come over here and look what I found in this little boys drawer” the cop stopped where he was and looked at what was in the police officers hand.

“So it was murder not a missing child” said Steve. Steve walked over to Jake. Jake looked at him with an emotionless expression, Steve looked at the old lady.

“I think we need to take him to the mental hospital. Since he’s only six and he’s too small to go to jail.” He would stay there for ten years with surveillance and medical help to calm him down.

As they walked out with Jake handcuffed, he looked at everyone and then me while he was looking at me. I was smiling, Jake started to realize that it was me who did it but I didn’t care about him. I stayed there, still smiling at him. Later on in the day it started to get windy and I was in my room looking out the window remembering something. I wish it could stop coming back to me but then I remembered my notebook. I walked over to the tile and opened it, and then I took out my notebook and opened it back to the page and crossed out jakes name. I moved on to Tony, my next victim and this times the coldness would help my plan perfectly, it would be easy for me not panic. Two days had passed and the temperature was dropping fast, I couldn’t wait until it was freezing outside for my plan go into place. I was starting to get bored and one month had passed, all the leaves have started to fall off the trees.

“Tony, you have a temperature of a hundred and one” I heard Claire say to Tony as they walked up to the room

“Oh, Amy I thought you were outside playing with the other children, come lets go, you don’t want to get sick from Tony.”

I looked at her and then began to walk towards her and we both left the room. While she was talking I started to doze off, suddenly a plan came to me, it was going to be easier than the other two and it was a clean plan, I was already excited. The plan had to wait because Tony was in the room and I was stuck with Clair going to the other kids. At noon the weather started to get worse and it was time for lunch, everyone sat down, I decided to sit with Rose, Lynn, and Marina, they just looked at me and went back to their conversation. I never knew I hated people so much and they hated me too and while thinking I realized I should kill everyone that was ever mean to me. I got up and went walking around the whole place going up stairs and downstairs until I had found a door which led to the basement. I opened the door and I saw a switch, once the light went on I closed the door and began to walk down. As I was walking down the stairs I notice there was a file cabinet, I opened it and it said all of the children’s names in it. I opened one of the folders and it had a description of a girl. I looked at her photo and remembered that she was the quiet one in the building. No one knew what her voice sounded like, at the bottom it said "Parents gave her up, they didn't want her”. It also said “the mother was an alcoholic and also did all type of drugs” I was surprised and I wanted to read everyone’s file. One by one I read everyone’s files and I was surprised to find out why everyone was here. Once I found mine I was sad since they knew how I got here and wish that no one would find. So what I did is put it inside my shirt and left the basement, as I got out I put the folder in the fireplace and watched it burn to ashes. As I was watching the file burn I heard all the kids screaming of joy and I wondered what was going on so I left and caught up with them and saw what they were seeing and it was snowing. Everyone wanted to go outside and play, walking in came Clair with everyone coats, gloves, boots, and scarves they were putting it on and they all ran like and still I took my time going outside. Once everyone came out they saw everything covered with snow, they called it miracle, but I called it the season of everything dead. It didn't matter what I thought because people would always judge me. I began to walk outside while everyone was throwing snowballs and building snowmen. I walk over to the stone bench I always sat on and began to look around. I wondered when time was going to fly by so I could leave this place and be far away from people, never have to hear their stupid voices in my life, then remembering of what I thought about everyone getting killed or make it seem like a tragic I was happy that I thought of it I should kill people and it could become my new hobbies and I have no guilt to do it so why not kill people to get things my way. It got to the afternoon and Clair told us to get in since the weather is starting to drop down to a lower temperature everyone went inside laughing since they had fun, but then I remember my plan and started to walk up to the room to and went by my bed and began to write down my plan then I closed the notebook and left the room and walk down the hall and once I was downstairs then I realized I felt dizzy and next thing I knew is everything went black and heard a screaming voice. While I felt that I was sleeping I heard a lot of voices around me, but I felt that my body went numb and something was keeping me from waking up so I thought I must be dead if I can’t move. I must be dreaming cause I saw a man and he was holding something and I wanted to get close to him and see what it was, but the hallway began to stretch and I began to run trying my best to catch up to him and then I thought I must have been crying since I felt water coming down my face, but once I wipe the water and saw my hand I was in shock to see it wasn’t water it’s blood coming down my face and I started to get scared and the man was still there, but this time he was smiling I was trying to figure it why he was smiling I saw what was in his hand and it was a gun and I touch my forehead again and realized that he shot me in the head and then I woke up screaming and it must of scared Clair cause she went running in to the room, then I stop yelling and look around and saw that it was only a dream. Clair put her hand on my head and told my stay calm that it was only a dream I look around and saw a spirit and I was focus to the spirit and realized that is was me I actually saw myself and then I though I must be dead for real. I was ready to start panicking, but I saw the spirit move closer to me and I look at Clair and notice that she didn’t see it and only I could then I told myself that I must be sick or out of my mind to be able to see this thing in front of me. She just looks at me, but there is one different thing from me. That is her eyes is black and my eyes are blood red, but she also seem clever than me

“She must be the psycho killer and not me, she the one who killed people in the foster home” I said in a whisper

“You said something Amy” said Clair as she looks at me “nothing” I said still looking at the spirit in front of me.
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