The Killer Notebook


“Don’t be scared I am you. I am the one who is going to help you in life I am almost what you called a conscience and I like to be called Amy.” said the spirit as she was walking with me to look for the bathroom

“So your name is Amy, but why are you even here” I said looking at every door to find the one with the bathroom sign.

“I am here to help you with your killing” said Amy

“I don’t need help thank you plus I’m not the one killing people you are” I said while people was starting to look at me

“ha-ha don’t make me laugh can’t you see that I am you so basically you’re the one killing people like I said I am here to help you in life and that is what I am going to do ok” said Amy.

I looked at her and I wanted to hit her, but people was already looking at me thinking I must be crazy for talking to myself I gave a sign and finally found the bathroom

“ok I guess you could stay with me and help me in life, but I don’t know why I need help if I didn’t do anything” I said once I open the door “cause you did do something and may I remind you that you killed one person, send another person to a mental hospital and ready to kill another so you will need my help to tell you how your going to kill someone and get away with it, not having anyone suspect a thing” said Amy in a confident tone.

Once I finished going to the bathroom I went back to my room from the hospital once I went in Clair was standing she had a happy face and look at me

“Well Amy now you can go back to the foster home and I bet everyone is going to be happy”

Then she left the room to filled out some paper

“So your going back to the old crummy place where everyone hates you and doesn’t really care if you died or lived” said Amy while looking out the window

“Well then I guess I can go back to your plan and kill people from your notebook” said Amy continue looking at the window

“Wait how do you know about my notebook if I keep it privet” I said looking at her, she turn her head around without turning her body

“How many times do I have to tell you I am you so whatever you see I see it too.” said Amy then Clair walk in and look at me in a confused face

“Amy is you ok you seem to talk to yourself lately and probably you must have hit your head hard when you fell off the stair since you fainted”

I remember fainted, but I don’t remember falling down the stair I said in my head. She grab my hand and we began to walk out and she open the door to her red 2003 Chevy car I got in and put on my seat belt and she began to drove off it was quiet since none of us said anything I only looked out the window, my eyes began to close and I dozed off and was dreaming of how my parents look remembering the face of my mother with her beautiful long straight black hair, with her blood red eyes and her thin skinny body. While my father had his hair kind of long covering his ears and a sweat bang covering the eye of the right where he had a scared that was left by his father when he was 5 years old he had almost buffed body and was also thin like my mother, but I guess they were still young to like the style they had since my mother gave birth to me at the age sixteen and my father was seventeen but they both loved me and they don’t regret having me. I woke up when the car have stop and we were in front of the orphan home I felt sad going back to this stupid place, but I guess I have to for a while. We got out the car and walk up the stair, bored already to go back here Clair open the door and I went straight up stair went to the room and laid down on my bed. Just as things got quiet and I was almost asleep until Amy appeared in front of me

“So when are we going to kill the next person” she said in a joyful tone I looked at her and then at my drawer

“Not till night around midnight maybe” I said

I guess she was happy since she was jumping up and down from my bed, trying to ignore her I felt asleep not caring that she was trying to wake me up. I woke up and it was already night I looked around and Amy appear in front of me again

“I have good news since it is snowing outside and someone couldn’t help their self and went outside to play and it’s a perfect timing” she said

I got out of bed grab my gloves and jacket went down stair and saw the door not lock and it was easy so I walk towards it and locked it, then I went running up stair took off my gloves and fell asleep again. The next morning I saw police car outside and voices I went down stair and sat down of the stair and watch

“Well madam he is dead due to his fever for being outside” said one of the officer while the other where moving the body to a car

“But how if he was inside” said Clair
“probably he went outside to play in the snow since he couldn’t go due to his fever and the wind shut the door on him and he couldn’t get inside and the cold made him get even more worst then before” said the officer writing something down in his notepad

“Probably your right” said Clair looking at the dead body being taken away from the room.

“Well that’s all, we’ll continue investigated about the boy death, for a while please call us if you might know something” said the officer walking out the door. I went to the lunch room everyone was scared since they had face like everyone was going to be next them everything went quiet till one voice broke the silence

“Everyone I know bad things happen to people and we can’t panic, if we do them no one would adopt us” said Mac

“but how can we be calm if George was killed, Jake went to a hospital where the crazy people are, and now Tony is dead for being outside in the cold if he was already sick” said Lynn
“Maybe it isn’t accident probably someone is killing people to get rid of them for some reason” said Mac

Everyone was quiet again and I was almost in a panic since what he said was true that it isn’t an accident that they are getting killed for something then someone broke my thought.

“Well who do you think is next online to get killed” said Lynn
“Anyone can be next online to get killed but for now we must be calm since in two days people are going to come and adopt us” said Mac

I got up from my chair and people was looking at me if I was going to say something, but instead I left the room and went back to my room and laid down on my bed. I did thought that probably I should stop killing people till the day that people are going to adopt us pass then Amy came and she had a mad face on her I just looked at her.

“You can’t let them know that you’re the one who is killing people and we must continue with our plan and kill peoples, may I remind you that they hate you and the boys beat you up. You shouldn’t give them pity, let them be scared it’s their fault that they made you kill people.” said Amy in an angry tone

“We need one more person from our list and then we could stop killing people till the adopt thingy is done, then we can continue killing more people” said Amy with a calm voice this time

“I don’t know if I want to continue killing people. I mean I could get adopted and leave this stupid place for good and I don’t have to see all these horrible people face ever.” I said looking at the window

“What are you talking about? Now you’re going to give up, may I remind you that they treated you horribly? Why should you give them pity?” said Amy in an angry tone again
When she said that to me I started to remember when everyone made fun of me and that they beaten me up and that I cried for the pain they did to me.

“Fine I won’t stop killing people for good, we’ll pick it up after the adoption day is over ok” I said

“Fine” said Amy

When she disappeared I looked over to the drawer and open the drawer and grab my notebook I open back to be the names were and began to think how I was going to kill my next victim. Nothing came to in mind which was very disappointing to me, but I guess you really can’t rush a perfect plan to come out of a blue.
The next day everything was going nicely except me not having any friends, but I had isolation to myself to think of a plan or at least it seemed like one. Everyone was outside even me except of I was in the garden shed looking for another sharp object since they took the knife I had to kill George and blame Jake for. While looking inside I found a grass hook blade and broke half of the wood part. I walk out of the shed and no one was looking at me so I began to walk quietly back to the building and up the stairs. Once I got in the room I walk over where the tile was lose and put the hook blade in side and closed it. An hour later it was time to go to class since we only go three times a week. It was boring that I just wanted to walk out of there, but I didn’t instead I tried to block out everything she was saying till I notice that I was raining which I found it beautiful watching the rain drops fall, the sound of thunder when it is made and the beauty of the lighten when it looks as if was going to hit something and make it explode. Finally class was over and it was time for dinner, once I went in and sat down at a table and the food was serve I ate only half my food then I left and walk up the stairs again. There was one thing I didn’t expect that Mac was reading something very valuable and it was my notebook I was very frustrated that I ran up to him and snatch the book away from him. He looked at me with surprise and he looked as if he was in state of shock.

“You’re the one who killed George and Tony. Also you’re the one who send Jake to the mental hospital where he doesn’t even belong and now I am the next victim in your stupid list. Also I’m going to tell Clair of what you are doing and send you to the mental hospital where you belong” said Mac in an angry tone for founding out the truth.

I had to do something to stop him from going to tell Clair of what I have done and I didn’t know how to react except one thing I quickly moved the tile and grad the grass hook blade and ran fast towards where Mac was and once I was by his side. I put the hook in front of his neck and pulled with all my force back and the blade went threw his neck and his body stood still and the head came off of his body and fell on to the floor and blood was everywhere. I stood there and I was about to start panicking till Amy showed up and I was glad that she was by my side since I didn’t know what to do.

“I need you to grab his body and his head and throw it out the window” Amy order in a calm voice

I began to do what she told me and once the body went threw the glass and hit the floor I went running fast as I could outside ignoring the thunderstorm and luckily that there were glass on the grass. I grab a huge piece of glass and moved the head close the body and put the glass in the between the head and body. I ran back inside to the room grab a napkin and bleach and began to cleaning the blood carefully so any mark wouldn’t be there then I clean the whole room at least five times to be sure that there weren’t any smudges. Then I grab the grass hook blade and washed it six times as well to make it clean, once I was done with that I went down holding the napkin in the right hand and the hook blade on the left hand. When I was down stair I put the napkin on the fire place and make sure that it burned to ashes then I hesitated of what I was going to do with the hook. Then I decided to hide it in the basement, as I got to the basement I looked for a place to put it in and then I found drain. I walk toward it and open it and place the hook blade inside lucky it fit in easily then I tried and push the cabinet toward the drain so it would be on top of it, at least it did work and everything seem perfect to me. So at least now I can be calm and pretend that nothing happen except the fact that Mac fell out the window and the glass slid his throat.
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