The Killer Notebook


I went up stair and it was already dark so I went and sat on my bed then I took out my notebook and crossed out Mac name. Well that was it that was all four people from my list, but there was still more to come then Amy appeared in front of me and this time she was very happy that I didn’t know what I would do if she haven’t come into my life.

“I told you that you were going to need me to help you in life. And I have proven my point since you oops I mean since we killed Mac and you started to have a panic and not knowing what to do” said Amy in an excited tone

“I know now, why I need your help in life, but something doesn’t feel right I mean he knows that I killed two people and one person is in the mental hospital like as if he is going to tell someone in some weird way that I don’t know” I said in a worry tone

“don’t tell me you’re having guilt this time since the killed wasn’t exactly how we planned out, but at least we got rid of the four people from your list” said Amy

“no I don’t have guilt, but now it mean that I have to be more careful of where I put my notebook since people will start reading it and they would know that it was me who’s doing the killing” I said as I grab the notebook again opening it and wrote down the death of Mac.

The next day everyone in the whole foster house was woken by an awful yelled in the morning by the yelled some of the people fall on the floor I just woke up as if it was an alarm then everyone ran down the stair to see who screamed even me and once we got outside we saw Sandy in front of a frozen dried blood body of Mac then a couple of girls screamed excepted me I pretended to be in a surprise. Then Sandy fainted on to the floor people just stand there not moving or reacting of what they just seem. Next thing everyone knew is Clair ran toward us and the police was behind her two and I have notice that every time a police come they’re different people and not the same officers. This time they made us do the same of going to ours room to check ours stuffs, but this time I didn’t have time to hide my book so I was scared that once they find it I would be in the mental hospital for the rest of my life and then my heart sank once the officer came to my side he walk toward the drawer and my heart was beating faster and faster as soon as he had his hand on the handle I knew that this was it that I would be caught. Once he opens it the only thing inside of it was a picture of my father and mother together I gave a sign of relief then the officer turned and said nothing then they walk to Clair and the three of them left. Every body was together talking again in a panic voice and scared that someone is getting killed at a time and no one know who is next to be killed later the cops left and Clair came up stair and everyone just stood quiet.

“Well kids lets go outside and try to forget everything that had happen today. Ok.” said Clair trying to be in a happy mood for us

Everyone left excepted me I stayed back and sat trying to see if I had move my notebook at a certain time.

“No, you didn’t move the notebook. I did since you didn’t have time to move it. I did it for you and I’d put your notebook inside the tile floor like you always do.” said Amy laying behind looking up the ceiling.

“Thank you for saving me from being caught” I said looking at the broken window

“Don’t you mean for saving us both” said Amy

“Yes your right it’s we neither me nor I, so thanks again” I said getting up and leaving the room

I went outside and sat at the stone bench again and everyone was sitting on the grass curled up and they were rocking back and forth as they were traumatizes. I wanted to laugh, but them they would know it was me, so I just sat there looking at the floor. Then Clair came out and saw everyone sad and scared I guess she was trying to say something without having us cry for something she said. She claps her hand and decides that we should go inside and make something creative art. Once we were in the art room and had a seat she took out the art supplies like paint, clay, crayon, pencil, glue, paper, etc. I was bored so I took the paint and a paper and sat back down, I look around and people was doing smiley faces, drawing houses, and animals then I had an idea something that might be excited for me, but no to them I went over to the closest and took a couple of balloons and went to the paint and started to filled them with paint once I had at least twenty-five balloons with paint I waited till Clair walk out for something. Five minutes pass and she left because Sandy was still crying of this morning, everyone was still doing their art work with the first balloon I took and aimed it at Lynn she just stood there in shock while she had blue paint on her face, clothes, and hair the boy next to her started to laugh then a balloon hit his face and he was cover with green paint then I started to aimed at everyone. People started to cry since the balloon was rubber and it pop on their faces and they all were cover with paint except me. While they were crying I started to draw a graveyard with dark clouds, bats, and other things to make it creep then Clair walk in and she gasp at the kids crying with paint on them she look around and saw me without any paint and she looked mad that I was the only one with out paint of course she blamed me for it.

“Amy, what have you done? Look everyone is cover with paint except you so tell me why you did this” said Clair in an angry tone at me

“I didn’t do it, they had a paint fight and they ended up getting hurt and I was under the table trying not to get paint on me” I said with an innocent voice

“Amy don’t lie to me did you or did you not do this and look me in the eye when you give an answer Amy since it would show if you are lying to me” said Clair

I looked at her yes and said with a serious face “I didn’t do it because I told you that they had a paint ball fight and they got hurt”

She looked at everyone and said to them “is it true that you guys had a paint fight and got hurt. Please tell me the truth I won’t get mad at you guys I just need the truth”

Everyone was trying to be calm, but they continue to cry till Lynn stop crying and answer Clair question “Amy threw the balloon filled with paint at me then she threw the rest of the paint balloon at us and it hurt a lot”

“Amy I can’t believe you lied and said it while looking at me in the eyes. Don’t you have guilt for lying to me and you should apology to everyone what you did to them” said Clair in an angry tone again at me

“I don’t cared that I lied to you and no I am noting going to apology to them since I have the right if I want to apology to them” I said

“Well if you don’t say sorry to them then you’re staying here to clean this room by yourself if you decide to say sorry to them” said Clair still in an angry tone

“No, I still won’t say sorry to them” I said back to Clair

“Well then I guess you will stay here by yourself and clean this room. Come on everyone lets go and get you clean. Said Clair while everyone went with her

I didn’t care once I moved all the stuff and threw it to the sink I grab a big paint brush and went to the red, black, and gray paint and painted three wall with that colors and the last one I made a huge creep clown that has a creep smile that looks like it can be in anyone worst nightmare. The red wall I made a bat with red paint on the side to make it seem if it was dying with hunger for blood and the black paint I did an ugly witch with a green face and purple clothes making it look if it had a creepy laugh right now and the last one was the gray was the hardest to do. While I was thinking of what I was going to do I had a great idea so I grab the red paint again and wrote in big letters WHO IS NEXT TO DIE? Knowing that is really going to frighten them. As soon as the paint have dried up I went over to it and touch the walls to see if they were really dried while there were time left till they would come back I decide to clean to closet and moved everything in an organized place and once I was done I went in the middle of the room and stood there. Once I heard the voices of everyone I knew that meant they were coming back and this time I turned off the light and went back to the middle. The door open and they saw that it was dark and everyone was in front of Clair talking that it was dark, so Clair turned the light on when the light went on everyone saw the drawing on the wall and they all screamed the tops of their lungs and began to cry again.

“Amy what have you done again to this room filled with this horrify drawing on the wall” said Clair in a shock tone

“You told me to clean it up and I did and also since you let me do this by myself. I decide to decorated the wall with the permitted paint I found” I said to Clair

This time she was really upset that she yelled at me telling me to go to my room which in my case I felt happy that I got her frustrated and everyone crying again. I walk up the stair and went to the room and walk towards my bed and lay down then Amy appeared at me again and she had a smile on her face.

“That was a great idea scaring them again with the drawing on the wall, also the paint balloon fight that was genius. And not to forget the lying I mean you made seem that it was true that they started the paint fight and you were hiding trying not to get paint on you. I am proud of you and lucky that I met you” said Amy in a happy tone

“Well I learned from the best and the lying I picked up somewhere before I got to this dumb place.” I said looking at her

An hour pass so I decide to go downstairs, everything was quiet which was strange since there are always loud noises of people talking loud. Bored that I didn’t want to look for them I went back upstairs and laid down on my bed again. So what the new plan to kill people I thought to myself then I had an excellent plan of what I was going to do, but for now I would see what would happen. Then I heard everyone coming back from somewhere which I didn’t care and it was time for dinner. I went downstairs towards the dinning room and everyone went quiet and had an angry face I just continue to walk and sat down. I heard some people conversation about how excided they were that tomorrow was the day that some people get adopted and some wasn’t going to be adopted them two people came up to and it was Lynn and Jack.

“Hey freak girl I hope you never get adopted because you’re mean and horrible for people to adopt you” said Lynn

“Yeah once they see you they are going to run away from you since you’re this scary thing that people are going to be scared of.” said Jack

“so what’s your point that I’m not going to be adopted ooh I’m so scared that you said that and watch I am going to be adopted.” I said angrily to them

“Whatever I still think you aren’t going to” said Lynn as they started to walk back at their table

I didn’t feel like eating today so I only took little bit and left and went back up to the room. I went to the drawer and took out my notebook and wrote two new names

5. Lynn

6. Jack

I did the same as I did before and left a few spaces between to write out how I was going to kill them.

“So you got two new people on the list, so when are we going to kill them” said Amy sitting next to me on the bed

“I don’t know when exactly, but I’ll think of something and be side if I get adopted finding them to kill them wouldn’t be easy” I said to Amy

“We can write down where they are going to move I mean they have to write down where their address and other stuff like that” said Amy thinking of something

Ten minutes pass and I decide to go outside and just sit there for a while. I open the door and everyone was outside playing games like soccer, basketball, and football. I did what I always did and sit on the stone bench, but that wasn’t my problem apparently a group of people came up to me and it was three boys and two girls, but of course it had to be Lynn and Jack. I have notice that both of them are always together for some reason, so I am thinking that she’s the leader and he’s the pet.

“I wonder if she cries if we beat her or better if she would die” said Lynn

“Go die somewhere” I said to her

I got up to go somewhere far away from them, but they were blocking my way and the next thing I knew is Jack threw the first punch on the face. I fell on the floor and someone kick me by the rib and soon everyone was beating me up, I tried my best and managed to hold a foot and yank the person down and punch that person, but everyone was still beating me up and I’m there struggling to get free, but it was to late I was knock out cold on the grass bleeding and every bone on my body aching with this awful pain. I felt that my life was flashing right before my eyes and I heard voices around me I thought I was dead, but I was wrong when I woke up people was around me and Clair was next to me putting ice on my arm and on my head.

“Amy tell me what happen to you” said Clair

“Everyone was beating me up because they wanted to see if I would cry or die” I told Clair

“Amy please stops this lying, everyone told me that you were playing a game with them and you got hurt like that.” said Clair in a worry voice

“It’s the truth that they all were beating me up and this time I am not lying to you” I said to her

“Amy sometimes it’s not nice to continue laying now please rest so the wombs would go away for a while” Clair said getting up from the chair

“I’M NOT LYING I AM TELLING THE TRUTH” I yelled as everyone and Clair walking out the door

I got sad and angry at the same time since I was telling the truth, but she didn’t believe and then I started crying that no body really care if I lie or tell the truth, but there is one thing for sure that I am going. It was to kill all of them no matter what, and then Amy was by my side.

“pathetic people they don’t know what is going to happen to them I mean look at you this time you told the truth, but did they believe you no they just took you as a liar and now this is going to be revenged.” Amy said in a frustrated voice

She looked at me and then she disappeared and reappeared again with the notebook and a pencil. She opens the book and wrote everyone names till she got to the last name

12. Clair

I just watch her since my body felt numb and I was still bleeding from my nose and mouth then Amy grab the napkin and wipe the blood away and threw it in the trash and in her eyes I could tell she felt sorry for me and then I began to cry for everything of what they did, How she didn’t believe me and making me stay in this dumb place in the first place. I fell asleep and in my dream I was in a place I didn’t know, everything was white the wall, the floor, and light. I was walking around trying to find something and I had white clothes while walking I notice a couples door, so I decide to check it out the first door I heard voices like someone is in there I open the door and no one was there. I closed the door and continue walking and every door I thought there were people, but it turned out to be no one I got scared and began to run and find that I was running in circle at the same place. I started to yell for help, but no one answer then I saw million hands coming out of the wall trying to pull me in and I yelled and the more I blink their hand turned into blood dripping on to the floor and the place was moving as if you walk the floor would be moving side ways in a circle form. Then I woke up screaming and tried to calm myself down and everything around me was normal nothing strange and no one was around me so that meant I was still in the infirmary. Then I went back to sleep trying to forget everything.