Whatever It Takes

Chapter 1

"Ugh", complained Frankie. "History, first class. Are they trying to kill us?". She dragged out the word "trying"
"It's a Monday, Fran, that's what they are suppose to do", replied Hayley.
They were at their lockers getting their books ready for the next class. Once they finished, they climbed the big stairs of the school to reach the class. They were the first people in the room.
"Why do you always have to be the first in the class?", complained Frankie again.
"Why do you always have to complain every Monday morning about the same thing?", retorted Hayley.They both started to laugh. When Hayley first moved to the school 3 years ago, she thought she would never find any friends. She started in the middle of the school term, so everyone had already fitted in. But on that very first day, when she walked through those doors, Frankie was the first and only person to welcome her. She doesn't get picked on or anything like that. She just isn't that popular. Just a regular girl who was able to blend into the backround.
"Look who it is. The queen of all whores". whispered Frankie to Hayley.
"Just ignore her Fran", Hayley whispered back. The two girls both stared as the queen of whores entered the room.
"What's the matter girls?", she asked. "Are you star struck by me?"
"No, Jessica", Fran answered. "We are trying to look at the board, but your breasts keep getting in the way".
"Oh, jealous much?", Jessica asked. But she walked to the back of the class, took out her make-up bag, and started to do it herself up into an umpa-lumpa. That was the thing about her. She could do whatever she wanted in school and not one teacher would give out to her. Rian, is the school's bully. This wasn't just a statement. This is a well known fact. And guess who is girlfriend is. Yes, you guess correct. The whore that is, Jessica.

"Josh, dude, you totally had a chance with her, and you blew it", cried Jeremy.
"No, replied Josh. "For the100th time already, I had a chance with a wannabe-whore. Not something to be proud of".
"Eh, explain to me again how she's a....", Jeremy trailed off.
"A wanna-be whore? Because she wants to be in the slut gang. That's how", Josh anwsered in a matter-of-fact tone.
They took their seats in history class, took out their books and started to read comic books.

At lunch time, Hayley and Frankie sat beside each other in the table at the corner. They read the books that they each brought to school.
"Oh. My. God. Hails", said Frankie. "I love this book. It's so romantic. You pick, like, the best books".
"Eh, yeah", agreed Hayley, who was engrossed in her book. "You pick the best books too", Hayley then looked at her best friend. "The best PORN books. Where the hell did you get this? And why the hell did you buy it, read it and then give it to me?".
"Came down Hails", replied Frankie, who didn't even look up from her book. "It's a good book. And anyways, I didn't know what it was about until I read it. It's good. Once you get past the sex part, you'll love it".
"Fran?", Hayley kept staring at her friend. "It's ALL about sex. Every page has a sex scene in it".
Just then, Chloe, Hayley's other best friend, came and sat beside her.
"Hey Hayley, Frankie", she said very chirpy. "Oh, whatcha reading?".
"It's a book Fran gave me", Hayley answered. "It's about porn. Do you want it?".
"Eh, yeah. Course I do. Gimme gimme gimme", she cried, grabbing the book out of Hayley's hand.
"She loves her porn", Frankie pointed out and they all started to laugh.

"Oh god, will she ever leave you alone?", stated Jeremy.
Just then, the wanna-be whore walked over to the table Josh was at.
"Hey, Josh", called Sandra. "What happened to you last night. You just walked out of the café".
"Hey Sandra", Josh said awkwardly. "Yeah, about that. I-".
"Josh was feeling sick last night. He thought he was going to get sick and he didn't want to embarress himself in front of you".
Sandra smiled at Josh.
"Aww, you don't have to be embarressed when your with me" she said.
"That's not what happened. Jeremy was just-", Josh said before Jeremy interrupted him again.
"Just trying to not embarress him again. But, what the hell, you deserve to know the truth", Jeremy began. "Josh was kinda constipated. Okay, not kinda. Alot".
"Eh, okay?", Sandra said, a bit disgusted. "You know, I have to be somewhere right now. Sorry".
She started to walk away.
"Wait, come back for a second", he told her, and she did.
"What?", she asked impatiently.
"That wasn't the reason I left. I-", Josh was interrupted again.
"Look, let me make this easier for you", said Sandra, in the same voice Jessica usually uses when she is acting like a bitch, which is her natural voice. "I don't want to go out with a geek like you. I asked you out because I felt sorry for you having to hang out with an even bigger geek like him", she pointed to Jeremy. "So you should just forget about me. Maybe you should hang out with the red-head freak over there", she pointed to where Hayley was sitting. "Got it?", she finally asked before she stomped out of the cafiteria. Josh and Jeremy were staring at Hayley and the girls at the table, not really caring what Sandra had just said.
"How come I've never noticed her before?", Josh asked.
"I don't know. It's sorta hard to miss her with that head", laughed Jeremy.
"And who are those girls with her?", Joshed asked again.
"I don't know, but I think they are in some of our classes", Jeremy anwsered, being awed by the girls too.
"Who is she?", Joshed asked again, mainly to himself.
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Sorry if it's bad. Dedicated to Frankie for making me do this! Thanks! =)!