Whatever It Takes

Chapter 10

A week later, they all met again in Starbucks to repeat the week before. Hayley and Josh were there, waiting for the rest to come. As always, Hayley was cuddled up in Josh's chest.
"Hey, I have to ask you something", he told her.
"Yeah, of course. What?", Hayley asked.
"I have tried to put it off, but I really can't wait any longer in asking", Josh told her.
"What's the matter", Hayley asked, lifting herself off Josh as she was worried.
"I was just wondering about that guy? Eh...your stalker. Like, have you seen him lately or anything?", he asked, a little nervously.
"Oh. Em, I haven't really noticed him lately, come to think of it. Do you think he's left me alone?", Hayley asked hopefully.
"Yeah. I say he decided you were too much to handle when you kneed him", Josh smiled as he cuddled Hayley in his arms again.

He sat across from her. She didn't see him. He was drinking a coffee on his own, while she sat next to her 'boyfriend'. As if he cared about her the way he did. He knew everything about her. More then 'he' ever would. She said she scared him away. How wrong she was. He was only getting warmed up.

"Are you sure you don't need me to walk you to Frankie's place?", Josh asked as he hugged her.
"Naa. It's fine. I'll call you when I get there. And thanks again for letting me stay here", Hayley smiled.
"No problem Hails. You better go before Frankie gives out for you being late", Josh laughed.
"Okay. I love you", Hayley kissed him.
"I love you too", he whispered into her cheek.
She walked out of the gate, leaving the love of her life behind.

He followed his love while his friends made their way to the house she shared with her 'boyfriend'. What she saw in him, he'd never know. He followed her down the road, keeping welll hidden and silent, as his partners took care of his rival.

Josh closed the door behind him and walked into the kitchen to clean up the mess. He loved having her with him. He could take care of her. Poor Hayley. She was having such a hard time. She needed him.
He was doing the washing up when he heard a noise in the front room. He didn't really notice it. He was living in the city. There was always cats or whatever making noise outside his house.
But he heard the noise again. This time he did take notice. Because it was in is front room. Like foot-steps.
He slowly walked into the sitting room. There was nothing there, but the window was opened.
"Did I leave that opened?", he thought to himself.
Suddenly, his wrists were oinned behind his back. He gasped in horror at what was happened.
Someone was in his home.
"What the hell?", Josh cried as the man punched him and he fell to the ground.
"Who are you?", he shouted at him, as he tried to fight with the man. But he throw a vase that was on the mantle piece on the ground beside him. It smashed to a million pieces, most of them cuttin into his arm and a small section of his face.
"I am making sure you can't help your girlfriend", the mam smiled as punched him again.
"Hayley", Joshed choked as he struggled to fend for himself.
The man eventually walked out of Josh's house as if nothing happened, leaving him on the ground gasping for air.
But he didn't care about him. The first thing he did was call Hayley. He dragged himself to the table where his phone was. He dialled her number as fast as he could, and waited anxiously for her to answer.
"Hello, Josh?", Hayley said, out of breath as she answered her phone.
"Hayley. Are you okay?", he asked.
"I-I dunno. I think so. There was this guy. He jumped me, but I got away. I ran really far. I think he's gone", Hayley whispered, sounding like she was crying. "Are you okay? You sound like you in pain or something".
"I'm fine", Josh reassured her. "Where are you?".
"I don't know. Josh, I'm scared", now she was crying.
"It's okay. I'll find you. I'll make sure this never happens to you again. Whatever it takes, I'll keep you safe. I love you Hayley", Josh struggled to stand up, never mind run somewhere to find her. But he was going to do everything in her will to help her.
Suddenly, Hayley started screaming.
"Hayley?", Josh panicked.
Her phone must have fallen, because he could hear a loud crash. He could hear her screaming, and something screeching. A car maybe. A door opened and closed. And her screaming stopped.
Josh was still for a few moments, before he ran out of his house, struggling but not caring, and cried all the way to Jeremy's house.

Josh ran up to the door and banged on it.
"Hang on. Jeez", Jeremy complained as he opened the door. He took one look at Josh as dragged him into the house.
"OH.MY GOD.MAN. What the hell happened to you?", Jeremy asked, genuinely concerned.
Frankie gasped as she walked into the hall and saw Josh. His face was covered in blood and he was gasping for air.
"Hayley", Josh choked. "She's in trouble. She needs me. But I don't know where she is. I'm scared for her". He broke down in tears.
Frankie and Jeremy stared in horror at the sight of their friend, and thought about the danger their other friend was in.
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Creeeepy!!! =)! <3