Whatever It Takes

Chapter 11

Josh was running down the street, with Jeremy trailing behind.
"Dude, slow down. I can't keep up", Jeremy complained, but Josh wasn't listening to him. He was caught up with his thoughts and theories.
"She should have been around here somewhere. She would have been walking for 5, 10 minutes. Keep an eye out for anything", Josh told him.
"Like what?", Jeremy asked.
"I heard a car. So skid marks, or somthing that would connect it with Hayley or the guy", Josh told him impatiently.
"Look, we're not detectives or anything. We are not quilified enough to figure this out on our own. We need to call the police", he told him gently.
"I CAN'T JUST STOP LOOKING", Josh shouted. "I need to help her. I can help her. Without any police sticking their nose in", Josh told him a little more quietly.
Jeremy stayed quiet, realising that he wouldn't get him to make sense. They continued looking carefully along the sides of roads and in ditches. Suddenly Josh gasped, and Jeremy ran over to him quickly.
"What is it?", he called.
Josh bent down on the side of the road, and picked up a silver necklace. Jeremy looked at him and then back at the chain, confused. Josh noticed his confusion, so he turned the chain around. Jeremy immediatly notice the writing engraved on it. 'Hayley and Josh forever' .

Frankie was waiting anxiously beside the phone, waiting for news about Hayley. She had all her nails bit extremly small, and was running out of things to do to keep her mind occupied. How could she keep things normal when her best friend was in serious danger? She had to help in some way, but she wasn't sure how.
The phone rang and she immediately answered it.
"Hello?", she asked hopefully.
No one spoke on the other end. But she could hear muffles. Suddenly it clicked with her.
"Hayley? Is that you?", Frankie asked, almost crying.
"Yes, that was your little friend. But the question is, will she be for much longer?", the man chuckled at his sick joke. This was when Frankie started to cry.
"Why are you doing this?", she cried.
"Oh, many reasons. Too many to name to such a fragile girl. You'd want to be careful do, Frankie. Watch your back", she could hear the smile in his voice. How did she
"Now, listen very carefully", the man continued. "If you want to see your friend again, I advise you to do exactly what I say. Gather up $30,000. And I know you can do that. Your father is very rich so I believe, and add that to your mum's, and hey. You saved a life", Frankie gulped at the sound of her parents names. "I want you to go to the back door of the library at exactly 9 o'clock tonight. Knock on the black van twice and wait. If you bring one person with you, Hayley won't be the only person in danger. You understand?".
"Yeah", Frankie choked.
The phone suddenly hung up. She slowly dropped the phone on the ground, not caring wether t broke or not. What the hell just happened? It was up to her wether Hayley lived or died? Oh, no. That was just too much too take in for one night. So there really was only one thing to do. She had to somehow get $30,000 by 9 that night. How, was the million dollar question.

Jeremy stayed quiet as Josh held onto Hayley's chain tightly. They hadn't moved from that one spot for 10 minutes, just standing in slience. But Jeremy couldn't keep it any longer.
"Hey, maybe we should tell someone. We know where it happened. That's the main thing. Lets go to the police", Jeremy insisted again.
"No. I already told you. If we can figure that much out, then what's stopping us from finding her. Please. I need your help", Josh pleaded.
All Jeremy could do was nod. He wasn't too happy about investicating something so dangerous, but he couldn't let his friend down. He would do anything to make sure Hayley was safe.

Frankie somehow managed to gather the $30,000 from different banks. She had to use her mum and dad's account. She knew that she'd be killed when they found out, but that was nothing compared to what Hayley was going through. The worst that could happen to Frankie was maybe be grounded for a few months. She didn't even want to think of the worst that could happen to Hayley. She was walking along the street, on her way back to the house to sort the money out. She was walking quickly. She didn't like the idea of carrying all that money in a big bag. She wanted to get home as soon as possible. Suddenly, she heard foot-steps behind her. They were very close together. The person was running. A hand grabbed onto her shoulder and she screamed.
"Fran. It's just me. Calm down", Jeremy held onto her tightly.
"Sorry. I-I'm just really jumpy since this morning", she stammered.
"I know. You shouldn't be out at all today thought. I mean, what if-", he cut himself off because he didn't want to say it.
"I know. I-I just had to get.....eh....something", she definiatly looked guilty now.
"What did you have to get? Hey, what's in the bag?", Jeremy eyed the bag on her shoulder. She held onto it more tightly.
"Oh, nothing. Just something I had to get", she didn't know what to say so she started to walk away. But Jeremy was faster then her. He grabbed the bag from her and looked in it.
"What the-?", Jeremy was lost for words.
"That's mine", Frankie grabbed the bag back off him.
"Oh.my.god. He called you. Didn't he? The guy who has Hayley", Jeremy guessed. But she stayed quiet.
"Why didn't you tell me?", he said more softly. You can't do this on your own".
"I have no choice. Or I'll be next", she choked out.
Jeremy was silent for a moment before he grabbed her hand and started walking with her.
"Where are we going?", she asked.
"To Josh. He needs to know what the guy said. This is not the way to get Hayley back", Jeremy answered as they made their way to his house.

"Why are you not going? He'll kill Hayley if you don't give him the money", Josh gave out to them.
"No. He won't. She's worth too much to him. I may not be some genious, but I watch tv. He will keep asking for money. There will be no end", Jeremy informed him.
"What happened to you going to the police?", Josh asked.
"Well, odviously you don't want to do that. So we just have to think of another way to get Hayley", Jeremy said.
"But how?", Frankie asked. She felt so stupid for trying to save Hayley on her own. But how was she to know any better?
"I have an idea", Josh said after a few minutes. Both Frankie and Jeremy stared at him with wide eyes, as he told them his plan.
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Hope you like it. Sorry if some of the chapters are extremly short! =)! <3