Whatever It Takes

Chapter 12

"I can't believe you talked me into this", Jeremy complained.
"You don't have to do this. I told you what I was going to do. But you decided to tag along, so help or not. I don't really care", Josh whispered.
"No. I'll help", Jeremy told him.
They were walking slowly along the side of the road, staying in the shade of the trees. They were about 2 miles away from where Frankie was supposed to meet them. They didn't know wether Hayley was going to be there or not. That particular time was mainly just an investivation. They were going to do the real thing at 8 o'clock.
"Okay. So it's 5 o'clock now. We have to be in and out of here in a half an hour if we want time to prepare for tonight. We have to be there before 8. When Fran doesn't turn up, they will be really mad", Josh paused as he thought about the last thing he said. Jeremy squeezed one of his shoudlers tightly.
"Don't worry man. We'll get her back", he consoled him.
They came up about 10 yards away from the black van. They weren't sure exactly what they were going to find at this time. Josh just wanted to see the layout of the place. Different ways to enter.
"Okay, I think we've got all we need here. Lets go back and make a plan", Josh looked at the van for a second extra before he tore his head away and made his way back home.

"I'm going with ye", Frankie stood her ground. She had to help some way.
"It's not safe for you", Josh told her sternly.
"Oh, and it is for us? Look, I'm not exactly happy about all of this. But we need all the help we can get if we are going to go ahead with your maddness of an idea. So that's why I told Taylor and Chloe", Jeremy admitted.
"WHAT?!? WHY?!? Didn't you listen to anything I said. No one is to know", Josh got very pissed.
"Look. We need help. If we can't call the police, then we need anyone that has a chance of helping. And Taylor does. And Chloe and Fran are quiet small, no offence, so they can get into anything that's small. All of us has a talent that will be useful. And when you put them all together, you get the next A-Team", Jeremy tried to persuade Josh.
"I dunno", Josh sighed. "I'm pretending I know what to do, but I honestly haven't a clue. What if we seriously fuck this up, and put Hail's life in even more danger. But I can't just not do anything", he broke down.
"Dude, that's why we need their help. Okay?", Jeremy said gently. Josh nodded.
"I'll go ring them", Frankie stood up and left Josh and Jeremy to talk amongst themselves.

"Oh my god. I can't believe it. And you want me to be like some spy. It would be so cool if it was for a different reason though", Chloe said softly.
"Well, it's not. So we better start getting organised. Beacause she are leaving in less then an hour. So you and Taylor better talk to Josh about what ye are gonna do", Frankie told them.
"But, is this such a good idea? I mean, shouldn't the police be doing this?", Chloe asked, uncertain.
"No. Just try to remember all the self defense we learnt in P.E the other day, okay?", she advised her.
"I don't listen in school. So I'm just gonna have to make them up", Chloe was about to laugh but then remembered where she was.
"Just do something. For Hayley", Frankie said, as they all nodded in agreement and got ready for their invasion.

They were dressed all in black, like mini ninjas, running quietly to where the van was postioned. They then all got into their postioned. Frankie was crouched on her hunkers at the east of the van. Chloe was on the opposite side. Taylor was at the south, while Jeremy was at the north. Josh was at the very front. He ran over to the van and postioned himself under one if the windows. Jeremy gave him the thumbs up, and Josh peered into the van.
It was like a big office of some sort inside. The walls and floors were white and the back was lined with one big desk. A laptop was on top of it. But the one thing that caught his eye was a big chair in one corner.
Hayley's hands and feet were tied together and tape was over her mouth. Her face was badly cut and her eyes were all puffly as if she had been crying for a week. There was one big bruise under her left eye. She noticed Josh at the window, but quickly turned her head away so he wouldn't get caught.
Josh ducked under the window again to get time to breath. That whole day just felt like a dream. His face felt very stiff, but he hadn't really noticed all day. He had other thing on his mind. Like saving Hayley's life.
He glance at each of his friends. He was so glad that he agreed for them to come along. He knew he could have never been able to get there without them. They each nodded at him, letting him know that they were ready to attack. Josh tried to steady himself before he nodded at all of them fiercely and bashed the door open.

Hayley watched in horror as the 3 men holding her hostage ran towards Josh. One of them tried to punch him, but he ducked just in time. He hit his hand against the wall. Then there was loud noises outside. And her friends ran into the van and started to swing hits at the men. Some were way off, but others actually made contact. Frankie was the one that was kicking and hitting and using all the self-defense moves that they had learned in school. She noticed Hayley staring at her with wide eyes. She gave a quick smile before she dogded a hit in the face. Josh ran over to Hayley and intied her quickly. He slowly pulled the tape off her mouth so he wouldn't hurt her and gave her a kiss.
"You truly are crazy", was all Hayley could think of saying. Josh laughed.
"Maybe I am", he smiled. He grabbed onto her arm and helped her off the chair. Her leg was sore from where she was pushed into the van. Tears of joy streamed down her face. She was finally saved.
They rushed out of the van and ran to safety. Frankie ran after them and hugged Hayley.
"Oh.my.god. I'm so happy your okay", she cried.
"Me too", Hayley smiled.
Josh was about to run back when Hayley shouted at him.
"Where are you going?", she asked.
"I'm gonna kill the people who did this", he said through his teeth.
"WHAT?!? You can't. Just leave them. The others can handle it. Stay", Hayley pleaded.
"I'm sorry. I can't", he said softly before he ran back.

The rest of his friends had done a pretty good job by the time he got there. They were coming out of the van very proud of themselves as Josh was running in. They stared at him in confusion as he closed the door behind him.
"Well, look who it is", a man in the corner spoke. He held onto his stomach tightly, and had a few cuts on his face, but he had a smile for Josh.
"At least I'm in one piece", Josh smiled back.
"Only because you decided to act like a wimp and not join the fun. And here you are. Come to finish me off. When I'm already so weak and not able to fend for myself", the man tried to act very dramatic.
"Why did you do this? And I want a real answer", Josh asked.
"Because she was such an easy target. So I did my research and found out that she has a step-dad. Who doesn't seem to like her very much. Which is a mystery. Hayley is such a lovely girl. So then I decided to see if no one would miss her. But odviously someone does. But does he really care for her. Or is he just another stupid teenager looking for a barbie doll to play with?", he laughed at his pathetic joke.
"So all this was just a test? So see if anyone cared for her? That was just stupid. I mean, money I can understand, a little anyways. But a test. I thought you could come up with something better then that", Josh laughed darkly.
"Oh, well there was other reasons. Mainly just for the fun of it. And, don't tell me Frankie didn't tell you of our little arrangement. Because I know ye don't keep secrets from each other. No, of course she told you", it was odvious he was in pain, but he didn't seem to care that much. "But tell me. What is it like dating a girl like her? I mean, a poor, defenseless, fragile girl. You should keep her on a leash. We wouldn't anything like this to happen again", he laughed.
Josh closed the gap between them and lifted him off the ground. The man gasped but then smiled. The police sirens were heard in the backround and faint lights were flashing. Josh looked one last time into his eyes, before he let him drop, hard, onto the ground. He walked out of the van and pointed the police into it.
He walked slowly over to Hayley, who was surrounded with her friends. She smiled as he bent down and hugged her tightly.
"I have something for you", Josh said as he took the necklace out of his back pocket. Hayley started to cry as she hugged him more and held onto the chain for all it was worth. The others smiled at the couple.
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Hope you like it!! Mini ninjas! =)! <3