Whatever It Takes

Chapter 13

The next few days were surprisingly easy. No one mentioned the whole 'kidnapping' or anything. Hayley and her friends went about like nothing had even happened. Everyone, except Josh. He didn't see how someone could just forget something so big. He knew she was trying to hide her grief, but surely she could understand that that was what he was there for.
They were walking back to his place after school. She was still living with him until her and her mum made up. Which was basically never. They walked into the sitting room, sat down on the couch together and turned on the tv.
"Do you want to watch a dvd? I don't think there is anything on tv", Hayley said as she was about to get up, but Josh held onto her hand.
"Lets just talk", he said as she sat back down.
"Okay. What do you wanna talk about?", she asked enthusiastically.
"Well, is there anything you want to get off your chest?", he asked.
"No", she said sternly.
"Your gonna make it just like before, in the ally way", Josh said, regretfully. Hayley winced as she got flashbacks of the night in the ally way.
"No, your making it just like before", she said with her head down. "Why can't you just let things go".
"Maybe you can forget being kidnapped but I can't?", Josh said, starting to get angry.
"And you think I have forgotten it?", she asked, her voice cracking but still managing to show her anger. "That's all I ever think about. I can't get those stupid images out of my head", she hit her head with her hand". "How do you think I'm supposed to forget being dumped into the back of some van, being tied up and constantly getting hit. It's not something I wished would happen. If I could change anything that would have prevented this, I would have. So don't think I have forgotten, because I haven't", she stormed off the couch and into the kitchen, as Josh followed.
"Look, that's not what I meant", he rushed to try to keep up with her.
"That's funny, because they were your exact words", she said, trying hard not to cry.
"Okay, maybe it came out wrong so. All I was trying to say was you need to talk about it. It's not right to keep it all inside. You need to let it go, and then maybe you can start to live your life again", Josh held onto her hand.
"I'm sorry", Hayley cried. "But I don't think I can talk about it just yet. I need to remember it. And I know you probably think that I'm such a drama queen or something. But what happened that night has made me feel stronger. And it has made my feelings for you stronger. You saved me. I know I should have known you always would, but it wasn't the same until I saw you walk into that van dodging punches just to save me. I knew then that we weren't just some stupid teenage fling. You care for me. And if I forget that night, then I might for forget about all those important things. And I don't want to forget that".
"Aww, babes. You'll never forget how much I care for you. Because I won't stop showing you", he kissed her on the lips.
"Thank you for everything", she broke the kissed and looked into his eyes.
Josh just smiled as he cupped her face and kissed her again gently.

"Ugh, I can't believe the amount of history we got today. I mean, it's like we don't have a life or something", Chloe complained.
"Oh yeah, because sitting in Starbucks for 3 hours is, like, our whole life", Frankie said sarcastically.
Frankie, Jeremy, Chloe and Taylor were sitting in their usual spot in Starbucks. They were laughing at Chloe's complaints with Taylor holding onto her tightly to let her know that he didn't care, when Zac came in with Diana, a girl in their class, and walked straight to them.
"Hey guys. This is Diana", Zac said as he sat beside Frankie.
"Hey. Yeah, we know who she is Zac. Ye are both in our classes, you twit", Taylor laughed.
"Don't mind him. It's nice to finally to get to talk to ye", Frankie smiled as Diana smiled back.
"I have a feeling that their are new members in our group", Chloe giggled. Jeremy stared at her, puzzled.
"You do know that Zac was already in 'our group'. He's Josh's brother", he said.
"Why do you always have to be so technical?", she said as Frankie laughed.
"So, guys. Josh was telling us about Hayley. That must have been awful", Zac commented.
"Yeah. It really was. But we are trying not to mention it to her, so would you mind not talking to her about it?", Frankie asked politely.
"Of course we won't", Diana smiled encouragingly at them.
"So, anyways. Did any of you see the new kid?", Taylor changed the subject.
"No", they all said.
"His name is Andy I think. He came into my last class today which, if you ask me, was a bit pointless. But he seems pretty nice", he recalled.
"Is he hot?", Diana asked. Zac stared at her. "What? I just asked a question".
"I wouldn't know", Taylor laughed.
"Wait. What's his last name?", Zac asked.
"Andy Kennith or something I think", Taylor said.
"I know him. Well, Josh does more then me. They used to be like best mates when they were 11. But then Andy moved to Brooklin and we never heard from him since. Josh was pretty pissed", Zac told them.
"That's the same Andy that Josh always told me about? He doesn't like him very much if it is", Jeremy said.
"Yeah. But that was like, years ago. I say they won't even bother each other", Taylor suggested.
"I dunno. I hope not", Zac said, very worried.

Hayley and Josh had retreated back to the sitting room and were cuddled up on the couch watching a dvd Josh had picked out. Hayley looked up at Josh and smiled as she kissed him. He smiled back. But their second kiss lasted alot longer then a couple of seconds. Josh's tongue gently caressed her teeth, and Hayley's did the same. The kiss deepened and became a lot hotter. She leaned back a little against the couch as she held tightly onto the back of his neck. He rubbed his hand back and forth against her back.
"What about he dvd?", Josh smiled as he gently broke the kiss.
"It was shit anyways", she smiled back as she kissed him again.
She moved her hands onto his chest and opened the buttons of his shirt. He slid his hands up her top and started to mess with her bra strap. This was their first time to actually get this hot. They were both shocked but excited too. Hayley pulled the shirt off his shoulders and slid it down his arms. She left her hands onto his chest. He has a bit of a 6 pack developing. But it was just perfect. Everything about him was perfect. Josh was just about to take off her t-shirt when there was a knock on the door. At first, they both ignored it, but it knocked again and then again. Josh looked up at the door.
"Ignore it", Hayley smiled as leaned in for another kiss.
The door knocked again and Josh still didn't move.
"Ugh", Hayley said as she fixed herself up on the couch and straighten her clothes out.
"I'm sorry", Josh kissed the top of her head, as he put his shirt back on and went to the door to open it.
"Hey Joshers. Remember me?", said a guy. He was tall, with black wavy hair. His teeth glistened as he smiled a huge grin.
"Andy Kennith?", Josh asked confused.
"Well aren't you gonna let your best friend in?", he smiled.
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Hope you like it. Sorry about spelling mistakes. =)! <3