Whatever It Takes

Chapter 15

"That film was so funny", Chloe laughed. She was linking hands with Taylor, as was the rest of the couples. They were walking down the street, away from the cinema, and into the shopping centre.
"Lets all go see another film", chirped Jeremy.
"Naa. It's late. I think we might go home. What do you think, babes?", Josh asked Hayley.
"Yeah. I'm pretty wrecked myself", she answered, holding in a yawn.
"Wait? Do ye live together?", Andy asked, smirking at Josh.
"Yes. Why?", Hayley asked.
"No reason", Andy smirked to himself one last time before Josh and Hayley took off.
"Why was he laughing at us?", Hayley asked Josh as they left them.
"He wasn't. He just finds it strange that we live together, I think", Josh told her.
"But why? He seems sort of immature to me", Hayley thought out loud.
"Everyone is immature compared to you", Josh laughed, but Hayley still continued to question Andy in her head.

"So why do they live together", Andy asked Zac when everyone were in the other part of the shop messing.
"Hayley got into a fight with her mum and moved in with Josh. That's all they told us anyways. Why?", Zac replied, not really listening very much.
"Oh, just wondering. So, who's your chick?", Andy asked.
"Diana. She's really cool. I like her alot", Zac smiled.
"Whatever", Andy said under his breath.
"So, is there any girl you've got your eyes on?", Zac asked him.
"Yeah. I have my eye on this girl. But she doesn't seem to like me that much", Andy said, pretending to look sad.
"Don't worry, man. Give her time. What's her name?", he asked.
"I'd prefer not to say. Not just yet", he replied, smiling.
"Well, just make her jealous. Make her want you. Then go for it. It always works", Zac laughed.
"I think I'll just do that", Andy smirked.

"Hey, we have no milk", Josh searched the fridge so he could make Hayley a hot drink before they went to bed.
"It doesn't matter. I told you I didn't want anything. It's fate telling you to listen to me", Hayley laughed.
"I'll just go to the shop. I won't be long", he kissed the top of her head and made his way to the shop.
Hayley opened a magazine she found lying around the sitting room. The place had really gotten messy lately. She'd have to clean it up soon enough.
"Why not now?", she aloud to herself.
"She got up and started to put Josh's clothes in the washing machine, and cleaned the cups off the coffee table.
There was a knock on the door. Hayley ran to the door quickly.
"You should start bringing your keys with you", she smiled as she opened the door.
But it wasn't Josh.
It was Andy.
"Oh. Em, hi. Eh..Josh isn't here at the moment but I'll tell him you called", Hayley said awkwardly.
"I'm not actually here to see Josh. Can I come in?", Andy smiled a smile that, only now, started to melt Hayley's heart.
She nodded and opened the door more so that Andy could come in.
He walked in and looked around the place.
"This place looks.....cleaner", Andy smirked.
"Em...was there a reason that you came here?", she asked.
"What? I can't come to see my friend?", he asked, pretending to be offended.
"Friend? Not trying to sound rude, but I don't even know you", she told him.
"Well, that's one of the reasons why I'm here. To be friends. I may not have made the best first impression that I could have made, so I thought maybe we should start over", Andy smiled.
"Well, usually you only get one first impression", Hayley smiled back, only to regret it afterwards.
"You really seem like an amazing person. Your funny and smart", Andy said, with a serious face for the first time. Hayley just stood there, not knowing what exactly to say.
"I know. That probably sounds so forward. What I mean is, Josh is a great person. But I know what he really is like. And I know that someone like you shouldn't be with a guy like him. He doesn't care about what you've been through", Andy said, serious again.
"You have no idea what I've been through. That's a life you will never know. I am careful when it comes to guys. That's why I'm with Josh", Hayley got defensive.
"You can't be too careful anymore. Especially with Josh. You can ignore it, but only for so long. I know stuff about Josh that no one else knows", he siad again, taking a step forward, towards her.
"What kind of stuff?", Hayley asked hesitantly. She knew it was probably a load of crap, but she couldn't help herself in asking.
"Well, where to start. Josh can get very agressive. I supposed he told you about the accident. And working on his dad's car", Andy said, and she nodded. "Well, that day when we were working on it, and i hit him, it was because he was messing with the brakes on the car. His dad was supposed to be going out for a drive with it later that day, and he wasn't allowed to go with him, so he tried to mess with the car. That's why I couldn't stop it".
"And you honestly expect me to believe that? If Josh said it was you, then yeah, maybe I might believe him. But Josh would never do anything like that. I know him. You can't expect me to believe that", she said stubbornly, folding her arms across her chest.
"Open your eyes, like I've opened mine. It's only the real world. He has you wrapped around his finger. Anything he says, you believe. You have to just sit down and think really hard, is anything he told you actually true. He doesn't deserve you", Andy tried to convince her.
"And I suppose you do?", she asked, a tear escaping her eye. Andy stepped closer and wiped the tear away.
"I think I do. You can't feel something for someone so evil. I know you want to have feelings for me. So it's okay if you feel that way", he smiled.
"You can't tell me to feel for something I don't", she took a step away from him.
"I think I better go. But I won't give up", he said before he opened the door and walked out.
Hayley ran to the window to watch him leave. But he wasn't leaving. Instead, he was talking to Josh. And they were laughing? Andy had to have been lying. He had to have been. She began hating herself for even considering the idea that it was the truth. But why would he lie to her? He didn't even know her. Why would he want her not to be with Josh?
Of course she knew the answer. But why?
Josh opened the door, and she quickly wiped away her tears.
"Hey. I got the milk. And I saw Andy", he smiled.
"So are ye two okay then?", she smiled back, trying to act normal.
"I don't know, to be honest. There's something about him that just makes not want to hate him. It's weird. I suppose I should just keep the past in the past", he said as he walked into the kitchen.
Hayley didn't know what to say, so she decided to avoid the topic of Andy for the rest of the night. But she knew she couldn't avoid it for ever. But that would be something that she'd have to deal with later.
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Guess the song! Sorry if I'm sort of ruining the story by doing this...but it's just something I came up with that I thought would get people more involved! =)!