Whatever It Takes

Chapter 16

"Are you okay? Your very quiet", Josh commented as him and Hayley walked to Starbucks.
"Yeah. I'm fine", she said, getting angry with Josh. He just rolled his eyes and kept walking.
They opened the door to Starbucks and was greeted by their friends. And Andy. He had a huge smirk acroos his face.
"Hey", Josh said as he high-5 Jeremy. Hayley just sat beside Frankie and stayed quiet.
"What's up with her?", Diana asked Chloe. She just shrugged and started talking to Taylor. Frankie glanced at her friend from time to time to see if she was okay. But she knew that Hayley wouldn't tell her. Not just yet anyways. Whatever the reason.
"So, I was thinking of going to a movie tonight if you want?", Taylor asked Chloe.
"Sure. Whatever", Chloe said.
"Your never happy with anything, are you?", Frankie laughed.
"Whatever", she smiled back.
"Yo, Hails. Cheer up. Is Josh not treating you well?", Zac laughed, and everyone joined in, except Josh and Frankie. Hayley raised her eyebrows at them all, odviously not impressed.
"I have to go to the bathroom", she informed them as she left the booth.
Frankie followed but Josh jumped up and held her back.
"I'll go", he said as he ran after her. He opened the door of the girls bathroom. Two girls stared at him and left. He saw Hayley about to go into a cubicle before she called her name.
"Hails. Wait", he held onto the door so she couldn't open it.
"What are you doing in the girls bathroom?", she raised an eyebrow at him.
"What's up with you? Your so moody. You were like that last night too, but I just thought you were tired", he told her.
"Moody? And how is that?", she asked, folding her arms across her chest.
"Your acting moody now. What's wrong?", he asked again.
"Nothing. You wouldn't understand", she held her helds in place, trying to look stronge.
"There's too much distance between us. No one is as lucky as us. We're not at the end, but we have already won", he told her.
"Won what? Our relationship is not just some sort of a game, Josh", she raised her voice.
"Everything that has tried to come between us, we have beaten them off. Stalkers. Kidnappings. We have won. Whatever is wrong with you, I can help. It might be something that I'm not used to, or whatever, but I can learn. But you have to tell me", he pleaded.
"It's nothing. Just me being stupid. You don't need to worry", she let her hands drop to her sides.
"Are you sure?", he asked one more time.
"Yes. Now leave so I can pee. And go quickly before anyone else sees you", they both smiled as he quickly left. But her smile soon faded. She leaned back against the wall and began to sob.

"So how is your lady friend?", Andy joked with Josh as they walked down the street on their own.
"She's fine", Josh smiled.
"So what is up with her lately? I mean, if it's not too personnal", he asked.
"No. She's okay now", she replied.
"So she told you what was wrong?", Andy asked, a confused look on his face.
"Not exactly. But she told me she was okay. And I trust her", he answered.
"You know, I'm happy I came here. And I'm glad that we're friends again. We are friends now, aren't we?", he asked.
"Of course. I know I was a little off when you first came here, but I've thought about it alot, and I have realised that we were kids. And you seem to have changed. Maybe you still have that same weird looking nose, but you seem pretty different", Josh laughed.
"Well I'm glad you see me that way", Andy pretended to be off offended. They both laughed.

"So, what do you think of Andy?", Diana asked Chloe.
"He's hot, isn't he?", Chloe smiled to herself.
"Hot? What about Taylor?", she gasped.
"So? Ever hear of the saying, look but don't touch? Well that's what I am doing. Your sorta slow. You know that right?", Chloe told her.
"I'm not slow!", Diana exclaimed.
"Whatever", Chloe rolled her eyes and kept walking down the road.

"So, is everything okay with you and Andy now?", Jeremy asked Josh as Taylor and Zac listened intently to the answer.
"Yeah. Why does everyone keep talking about it. We weren't talking, and now we are. No biggy", Josh explained.
"But, dude, what about the 'old' Andy?", Zac asked his brother.
"What about it? Look, okay. I know that maybe he was an idiot when he was 11, but he was 11. Some people are slow for maturing. He was stupid, but I honestly believe that he has changed. He's just....I don't know. Different. Like, he's nothing like what he used to be. He's like, a new person", Josh told them.
"God, just go marry him if you like him so much", Taylor rolled his eyes.
"You know, your like a male version of Chloe", Zac laughed and everyone joined in.
"Ha ha. Very funny Zac", Taylor said sarcasticly, a smiled playing in his lips.
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Sorry it's extremely short. Don't forget to guess the song! Lol! =)!