Whatever It Takes

Chapter 17

Hayley and Frankie were sitting under a tree in the middle of a field down the road from Frankie's house.
"Look, you may not want to talk bout it, but I'm gonna ask anyways. What's the deal with you and Andy? And don't say that nothing is wrong, because I'm not stupid. What's up?", Frankie asked her.
Hayley sighed. She knew she couldn't keep it a secret any longer.
"Andy visited me yesterday, and he just said some stuff to me", she told her.
"What kind of stuff?", Frankie asked.
"Stuff about Josh. But it was complete bull. I don't believe a word of", she said.
"What did he say about him? Did he say anything else?", Frankie asked again, curiously.
"Nothing important. He just said other stuff, that doesn't matter now", she said again, trying to avoid answering the question. But Frankie caught on.
"Hails, what else did he say?", she asked.
"It's not that big of a deal. He just said that Josh didn't deserve me and that he did. But I don't care about him. I love Josh. He's just trying to play games. Mess with my head. That's all", Hayley scrunched her knees closer to her chest and placed her head on her knees.
"Well he seems do be doing a very good job of messing with you. So what's going on now? He's just acting normal?", she asked.
"Looks like it. But I don't know why he hates me so much", Hayley wondered aloud.
"How do you know he hates you?", Frankie asked, confused.
"Isn't it odvious? I don't know why he wants me and Josh to break up, but I know for sure it's not because he likes me. I mean, like, like me. But he's just going to have to get used to the fact that me and Josh are stronge. We won't ever break up. Especially not because he told us too", she stated, matter-of-factly.
Frankie put her arm around her friend to confort her.
"Maybe you shoud talk to Josh", she suggested.
"Are you mad? He'll go bilistic. No. I'm just going to have to deal with this on my own. I don't how. But I'm going to have to find a way", she answered.
"Your not on your own. You've got me", Frankie and Hayley smiled at each other.

Josh was in the kitchen, getting drinks for him and Andy. Andy was sitting on the couch, flicking through the channels, looking for something to watch.
"There's nothing on. And I'm not watching any more of your crappy films. They're either too girly or way too boring", Andy laughed.
"Well we could just watch football or something. I'm not bothered really", Josh smiled as he walked into the room, handing him a can of coke.
The door opened and Hayley walked in. She stood, frozen, at the door, staring at Andy.
"Hey love. Come sit down. We're gonna watch something if you'd like to join us", Josh smiled at her.
"I-I am okay. I think I'll just go upstairs. I'm pretty wrecked", Hayley struggled to find words. She saw Andy at the corner of her eys smirking. Josh looked at her, puzzled.
"Can I talk to you for a minute? In the kitchen?", he asked, walking towards the kitchen without waiting for a response. She followed.
"What's up with you today, Hails? Your like all, weird. And I know you said that you were fine, but I know your not. Now I'm fed up of having to push you into telling me about your feelings. So, for once, please help me understand you", Josh pleaded.
"Understand me? You want help to understand me? What am I? Some sort of a book? Or an object? I'm your girlfriend. You shouldn't have to get help to 'understand me'. You should already know me. I thought by now you would have figured me out. And know that when I say I'm fine, I'm fine. Or at least know that I don't want to talk about it", she shouted at Josh.
"I think I'll go. Call me, Josh", Andy said while heading for the door. Hayley could almost sense the smirk in his face.
"Thanks for that", Josh said sarcastically.
"Your such an idiot. Can't you see what he's doing?", Hayley asked.]
"What who's doing? You know, lately you've been different. Your changing. And it's not you just simply aging", Josh looked confused, worried and angry all at the same time.
"Yeah, how can that be logical? You just keep cramming ideas down my throat", she raised her eyebrows at him.
"What the hell is your problem?", he asked, raising his voice.
"What's my problem? This is all your problem. Your friends with a guy who tried to kill you. And you say I'm different? That I'm the one that can't be understood?", she shouted.
"Andy? Andy never tried to kill me. Okay? I know I may have put the idea in your head, but listen to me now when I tell you that he didn't", he said, a little softer, but he still sounded pissed.
"So it's true then?", Hayley whispered, looking horrified.
"What's true?", Josh asked, looking completely confused.
"Andy. What he said. It's true. Isn't it?", she said again, taking a step back. She didn't know why, but suddenly, she was scared of Josh. Actually scared of him. Josh continued to stare at her, confused.
"What did Andy say?", Josh knew that whatever it was, it wasn't good.
"You-you", she stuttered.
"What did he tell you? Don't be afraid. I promise you, there is nothing to be scared of", he said, walking closer to her.
"He was telling the truth. I-I can't believe it", she said again.
"Tell me what he said", Josh said again.
"He-he said that you-", she couldn't get the words out. "That you-".
"That I what?", he asked again, walking closer. Hayley kept taking steps back.
"That you messed with the brakes of the car because you were angry with your dad and that was why Andy couldn't stop the car", she said in a rush.
Josh froze on the spot. Hayley looked at him with wide eyes. Finally Josh spoke. But his reaction was far beyond what Hayley imagined it would be.
"Why are you making stuff up? I mean, okay, you don't like Andy. That's odvious. But making stuff up is ridicualous. And stuff like that is just.....sick", Josh stared at her in disguest.
"Wh-why would I make something up like that?", she stammered in disbelief.
"I don't know. Maybe because your jealous", he suggested.
"I know you won't believe me, but the way I see it is that Andy either likes me alot, or doesn't want us together. But you have to believe me. I'm not lieing", she pleaded.
"STOP! Stop with all this shit. You have to stop", he shouted while pointed his finger at her.
"Next time you point a finger I might have to bend it back. This is not shit. It's the truth", she shouted.
"STOP MAKING UP LIES!", Josh shouted at her.
"It's just my humble opinion but it's one that I believe in. You don't deserve a point of view, if the only thing you see is you", she said, as tears streamed down her face.
"You should really consider which is more important. Me or your stupid lies", Josh told her, ignoring the tears.
"If you don't want to believe me, then that's fine. But I'm going to walk out of this house and never come back", she stated. Josh never answered. He just stared at her, not knowing what exactly to say.
"This is your last second chance. I'm half as good as it gets", she said.
After what seemed like forever, Josh finally spoke.
"I won't ever speak to you again if you walk out of here", he said.
"Without a hint of regret, I'll hold you to it", she said before finally leaving the kitchen and walking out of the house as Josh just stared at her, wide eyed, but motionless. It was like his legs were numb. A voice in his head screamed at him to run after her, but his legs just wouldn't move. He wanted to run after her, but he phsyically couldn't.

As soon as Hayley closed the door, she burst into tears. She took out her phone and dialed the number that she hadn't dialed in a very long time. She didn't know if her mum would care or not, but she was only human. All she wanted to do in a situation like this was to run home to her mum.
Where was her home? Did she still have one? The phone rang 3 times before her mum picked up the phone.
"Hey, mum. It's me. Can I come...home so we can talk?", she asked, not exactly knowing what to say. Her mum seemed extremely please and immediately said yes. That was a good sign, wasn't it? Lets hope so, she thought.
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Guess the song! Hope you like it! =)! <3