Whatever It Takes

Chapter 20

Hayley had her packed bag on her bed, ready for her journey. She checked her phone for messages. All from Frankie wishing her luck. But none from him. She picked up her bag and made her way down the stairs and into her the kitchen to join her mum. She was washing the dishes. She placed her bag on the ground and took a deep breath.
"Hey mom, I think I'm going to go now", Hayley stated.
Her mom turned around to face her.
"Are you sure this is what you want. I mean, I know I haven't a clue what's going on with your love life, but is running away the right answer?", her mum asked gently.
"I'm not running away. I just need some time to myself to think. I'll be fine mum. Don't worry", she reassured her mum.
"I'll call you when I get there. I'll see you soon", Hayley walked over to her mum, kissed her on the check and walked out of the house, waving shyly to her.
She never really went that many places far away from her mom before. Even though they sometimes didn't get on, especially with Eoin around, but she still loved her. And that was one of the hardest thing about this whole trip. Leaving people she loved behind. Including Josh. Because no matter how much she tried to deny it, she was still madly in love with him. He was her true love. But not anymore........
She was about to get a taxi, when she realised she still had loads of time to spare. So she decided to go to that one place where she knew she wouldn't be disturbed by anyone, where she could think about all the memories that she shared with the place. She wanted to spend her last few hours in a place she would always like to relate to as ......home.

Josh sat in starbucks as usual with the lads and Frankie, Chloe and Diane. They were all chatting about school and what Chloe got up to on the internet that night.
"I'm telling you. It's soo creepy. A random guy was talking to me", she laughed.
"What have we told you about talking to strangers?", Frankie told her sarcastically.
"But at least I didn't use a webcam. One of the girls in my French class used it. And a guy on it showed her his-", she started.
"STOP", Frankie, Taylor, Jeremy and Diane cried in laughter. Chloe joined in.
Josh remained silent. Frankie looked at Jeremy with engouraging eyes. He took a deep breath.
"Hey, Josh. You alright there?", he asked, trying to sound casual.
"Yeah. Just peachy", Josh said sarcastically.
"You know, you have to get over her sometime", he said as gently as he good.
"Yeah, as if I didn't think of that", he said sourly.
Everyone stayed silent as the atmosphere became tense and uneasy.
"If I didn't give out to her, she could have stayed", Josh broke the silence.
"You don't know that", Zac tried to reassure him.
"Now you know that if you get a chance to talk to her again, think before you talk", Taylor tried to help, but got a nudge in his rib and a dirty look from Chloe.
"Yeah, just like you did with Andy", Josh replied.
"What do you mean? Andy?", Taylor asked, completely confused.
"Don't act stupid. Andy told me that you told him about what me and Hails were fighting about in the first place", Josh answered with a 'duh' in his voice.
"What are you talking about?", Taylor asked, as everyone around the table looked from one to the other.
"You told Andy that Hayley made stuff up about him. He told me you said it, so even try to deny it", he stated again.
"Eh.....I never said anything to Andy about any fight. To be honest, I find him creepy. I don't really talk to him", Taylor laughed but then realised his surroundings and quickly quieted down.
"So wait. If you didn't tell Andy, then why would he-?", Josh asked but realised the answer before he finished. Hayley really was telling the truth. And he believed Andy over her. Everyone stared at one another.
"She-", he started again, but couldn't find the words.
The bell above the door tingled and Andy strolled in with a big smile on his face.
"Hey guys. What's new?", he asked casually.
Josh's face went from confused to pure anger within a few seconds. His face went red and his hands curled up into tight fists down by his side. Before Andy could even start to make his way to the table, Josh jumped up from his seat and tackled Andy to the ground.
"What the-", Andy started before he was knocked on the ground.
They all jumped up and tried to pull Josh off him, but he was too strong. A person behind the counter ran towards them.
"Stop this instance. Do that outside. But not in here. Leave, before I call the police", she insisted urgently.
"We're trying. I'm so sorry about this", Taylor apoligised to her.
Jeremy eventually pulled Josh off Andy and got a tight grip on him. Andy jumped up and went straight for the door, stumbling on his way. Once he was outside, Jeremy lost his grip, and Josh rushed out after him like a wild tiger running after his prey. They rest of them followed.
Josh tackled Andy to the ground again, only this time it was on the grass.
"What's the hell is with you?", Andy cried in anger again.
"You ruined everything I had with her. You lied to me. You made me hate her. Your dead", Josh spitted his words in anger as he punched Andy in his face, causing blood to come rushing from his nose.
"GET OFF ME", Andy tried to push him off, but he could. Josh was punching him continuisly.
"Aren't ye going to do anything?", Diana cried in horror. Jeremy, Taylor and Zac all rushed towards them. Jeremy and Zac grabbed hold of Josh and pulled him off Andy. Taylor helped Andy up and held onto him, incase he decided to attack Josh.
"Your crazy", Andy stated and began to wipe the blood off his face with his sleeve.
"Look. This won't help anybody", Frankie stated.
"Whatver. He deserves it", Josh spat.
"I know he does. But how is this going to help you with Hayley", she asked.
"What do you mean? She's gone. I've lost her. Because of him", he struggled in Jeremy's arms but he had a tight grip on him this time.
"You don't know that. Maybe she hasn't left yet", she suggested.
Josh stopped struggling and stood still. He thought about what he would do to get her back. But he was so certain that she had gone. But then he thought that maybe it wouldn't hurt to check. He knew he would regret it if he didn't.
"She still loves you", Frankie said gently to him.
Josh didn't wait to see what else she had to say. He just ran. And kept running in the direction of her house.
"Woah. He has issues", Andy laughed.
"Shut up", Taylor said in a 'whatever' voice and threw him to the ground. He landed face down. They all went back inside Starbucks, all hoping the same thing.
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Sorry it's short. And sorry about grammer mistakes in this and all the other chapters! Hope you like it! =)! <3