Whatever It Takes

Chapter 23

Hayley screamed so much, her ears popped. Josh stood frozen, holding tightly onto Hayley. Andy lied flat out on the ground, a pool of blood forming, seeping around his body.
Josh walked slowly over to Andy, not sure what to do. He gently pressed his fingers against his fist, checking for a pulse.
"Is he...?", Hayley asked slowly.
"I don't know. I think he's just barely", Josh replied.
"I'll call an ambulance", Hayley said nervously. She took out her phone and dialed 911. Her hands were shaking.
"I'll talk to the people in the car", he said as he stood up and began running towards the car.

Chloe opened the door to the car and was about to exit when Taylor grabbed her shoulder.
"What are you doing?", he asked.
"I'm going to make sure Andy is ok", she said.
"But you can't. Hayley and Josh will know that you were the one who ran him over", he said, getting more nervous.
She shut the door and faced herself towards him.
"And...? They're our friends", she replied.
"You don't understand. They might understand, but Andy won't. If he's seriously injured, we could go to jail. No one can know that it was us", he said anxiously.
"Jail?", her eyes widened at the thought of being locked up.
"We have to get out of here, fast", Taylor said.
Chloe froze in her place. All she could do was think about how she would manage in jail. And how she would tell her mum that she won't see her very often.
Taylor looked back, and saw Josh running towards the car.
"Now, Chloe", he said.
Chloe shook her head and came back to reality. She put her foot down on the accelerator and sped off.

Josh watched as the car raced off. He could hear Hayley rambling on the phone about a car. He walked slowly back to Hayley and put his arm around her when she hung up. She rested her head against his shoulder.
Suddenly the door banged behind them and an old woman came out, pointing her walking stick in the couples direction.
"What have you two done? That poor boy", she yelled..
"What do you mean?", Josh said, confused by the expression on her face.
"I saw you pushing him into that speeding car. How dare you. I've seen alot in my time, but never something like that. And with my two eyes", she stated.
"Look lady. You've got this wrong. We didn't do anything", Josh said, his hands in the air, walking slowly towards her.
"KEEP BACK", she yelled, pointing her stick towards them again. "I'm calling the police".
"We didn't do anything", Hayley tried to reassure the old, frail woman, following Josh.
"Are you going to try and kill me to? Because I'm able to defend myself", she said, walking backwards, still pointing her walking stick.
"Just calm down", Josh said to her.
The old woman let out a little 'yelp' before running back into her home, odviously planning to call the police.
"We have to get out of here", Josh said anxiously.
"Why? We've done nothing wrong", Hayley said, folding her arms across her chest.
"But that's not what it will look like. That woman thought we pushed him. Anyone else could think the same", he said.
"But....", she said, letting her hands drop to her sides.
"Just come with me", she said, holding her hand and running towards their home.
A young woman came out of her house and saw the two running past her. She was about to curse at them when she say the body lying on the ground in a small pool of blood. She screamed and call the police.

"What have we done?", Chloe cried as she collasped onto the couch in Taylor's sitting room.
"We had no choice but to leave", Taylor sat down beside her.
"So what? Now we're like...on the run?", she asked.
"No. They'll soon forget about this whole thing", he reassured her.
"Forget about it? Taylor, Andy could be dead for all we know. Hayley and Josh saw him get hit by a car. That's not something you just...forget", she almost shouted as she sat up.
"Sssh", Taylor pleaded.
"I can't do this. We need to something about it", she told him.
"Do you want to go to jail? 'Coz that's exactly where we will go", he explained.
"But we will get into alot more trouble if we ignore it", she said.
"Or we might not get into any trouble at all", he said.
Chloe sighed and lied back onto the couch.

"I can't believe we ran", Hayley panted as she went to the kitchen.
"I know", Josh said, staring at the ground.
"Did you hear that woman scream? I bet she thinks it was us too", she panted again.
"I know", Josh sighed.
"You know? I don't think you do know. We ran. People saw us running. Do who realise how suspious we looked?", Hayley stated.
"I do know. I just...can't think of what to say", he looked down at the ground.
"Andy", Hayley sighed to herself, realising what Josh was upset about. "I'm sure he'll be fine. We won't get rid of him that easily", she tried to smile, but realised how upset she was too. Why was she worried about Andy?
"Don't cry", Josh said as he held tightly onto her hands.
Hayley hadn't realised she was crying. She wiped her eyes with her sleeve. Then she remembered that she had been crying ever since the accident.
"All that blood. I mean, I know how much you hate it", Josh consoled her.
"What happens now?", she asked.
"I honestly don't know", he sighed.
Hayley rested her head against his shoulder and cried some more.
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Sort of short...I know! No song in this one, but there will be in the next one! Hope you like it! Please comment and subscribe! =)! <3