Whatever It Takes

Chapter 6

"Ye are going on a date?", Frankie gasped.
"Keep it down", Hayley whispered. "And it's not really a date. We are just going to hang out sometime".
"Hang out? Sounds like a date to me", Frankie smiled.
Hayley smiled back. Josh walked into the cafiteria. He saw Hayley and smiled. He made his way over to her.
"Hey Hails", he smiled as he sat in the seat beside her.
Frankie smiled and mouthed the words "Hails", in a way that only Hayley saw.
Hayley noticed her, and gave her "the look" before she turned to Josh.
"Hey", she smiled.
"So, I was thinking. Do you want to go somewhere after school?", he asked.
"Sure", Hayley smiled. "Where do you want to go?".
Jeremy entered the cafiteria and walked over to the table they all were sitting in.
"Hey guys. What's up?", he asked as he got himself settled into his chair. They ignored him and continued with there conversation.
"You can decide", Josh smiled.
"Well, I don't know yet. But I can tell you after school?", she asked.
"Oh, cool. Just leave alone. I don't care", Frankie pretended to be annoyed.
"Well that can be sorted out, pretty", Jeremy grinned and Frankie smiled back.

After school, Hayley was waiting beside the wall of the school. As Josh walked out, he instantly saw her and they both smiled. She ran over to him.
"Hey. Have you picked somewhere yet?", Joshed asked as they made there way out of the school grounds.
"Yes. And it's a secret. So come on", she called as she ran ahead. Josh laughed and ran after her as she giggled.

They ran and ran. They laughed and smiled. And soon Josh realised where they were going. Hayley saw the look of recognition in his eyes. She nodded.
"Race you", she said as she sprinted ahead of him. He smiled at her and did the same. It wasn't long before they entered the "secret garden".
"I'm sorry if you don't want me to be here. But it's just so beautiful", Hayley smiled as she stood in the middle of two trees, the sun slightly shining through them, and twirled around and around.
Josh smiled. He loved how beautiful she looked, even when she was acting so silly. But that was another thing he loved about her. She wasn't worried about the way she acted. Wait! Did he just say he loved her? No, he said he loved the things she did. That wasn't the same thing, was it?
"Hey, isn't this place, like, private?", Hayley asked as she stopped twirling.
"Yeah, not many people come here, so it's okay", Josh informed her.
"Oh, cool", she smiled.
She sat down on the grass, and patted the ground beside her for him to join her. The same way he did the day before. He joined her.
"Thanks", Hayley smiled at him.
"What for?", he asked, confused.
"For not talking about what happened", she looked down at the ground, and pulled the grass out of the ground.
"I figured you'd probably wouldn't want to keep hearing about it", he copyed her movements.
"Well, you figured right", she smiled up at him, and he did the same.
They stared at each other for a few minutes, before he leaned into her. He stopped and looked at her eyes. She leaned in the rest of the way, before there faces were inches apart. They leaned in the rest of the way, and as there lips touched for the very first time, they both smiled. They each opened their mouths, so their tongues could pass through each other's mouth. Josh caressed her lips with his tongue. They stopped kissing, and stared into each other's eyes. Hayley smiled. Josh held his hand out on the ground. Hayley took hold of it, and he caressed each of her fingers. She lyed against his chest and looked out at the beautiful scenary in front of them.

Frankie and Jeremy were walking along the path in town.
"Thanks for agreeing to come with me today", Jeremy smiled honestly.
"No problem. I would have been such an idiot to miss all the signs. Mainly you just asking me out THE WHOLE TIME!", Frankie laughed.
"Well, I really like you", Jeremy smiled nervously. Frankie smiled back encouragely.
"I really like you too", she told him.
He held his hand out for her. She placed her fingers between his, and they both smiled.
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Sorry for the grammer mistakes! Hope you like it! =)!