
I Can Be Your Hero

Conrad - December

"And you know what the sad part is?" I tape another box closed with enough force to crease the box. "I believed all her shit about fate. That we were meant to be together, that everything that happened between us happened for a reason."

I toss the box aside and Tom sighs, "Well, we're up to mid-June of your summer with her. I don't know the rest of the story."

"I guess that's all it was, right? A story. Well, Sara," I hold my bottle of liquor at the ceiling, as if I were toasting it, "I hope you got your goddamn happy ending."

"Con, you don't know how she's reacted to all this," Tom says, taking the bottle of Jack Daniels from my hand and placing it on my bare kitchen counter. "Maybe she's upset, too."

"She was the one who broke up with me. She's probably partying it up at college not even being able to remember who I was." I wince at the chance of that being true. Does she remember me? Does she remember the amazing summer we had together? "I miss her."

Tom rests a hand on my shoulder. "Put off moving for a couple days. She'll be coming home from college in a couple days and you could see --."

"And that's why I'm moving now. I don't need to refresh my memory, Tom. If I see her, even for a split second..." I'll fall right back head over heels. I won't be able to shake her image from my mind until I could wake up every morning for the rest of my life and know she would be there next to me.

"You can't throw away the relationship you had with her, Conrad. Love like that comes around once in a lifetime." Tom stares at me and I know he's right. Maybe if I just put off moving for a couple days...just to tie up some loose ends with her. Could I do that...and only that?

"You don't even know the whole story, Tom." I snap, irritated that his logical thinking always proves me wrong.

He rolls his eyes, "Then enlighten me."